*First Grow* 14 clones 16 seeds INDOOR


Active Member
Hello everyone this is my first grow and I'm absolutely new to this so I'm open to all suggestions. I need to go pick up nutrients so i was also wondering witch ones to get other than the ones i already have (BigBud, SensiBloomA&B, pH-up&down). The 16 on the left are Hog seeds and the 14 clones on the right are OG. I put the clones in on thursday and the seeds have been growing for about 3 weeks. The lighting for the Hog seeds is 100% power at 24/0 and the lights above the OG clones are 50% at 24/0. Let me know if u have questions cause i probably didnt cover everything. Thank you for your help!



Active Member
Carbon filter, duct, hood, duct, hood, duct, inline fan, duct out of area where intake is happening. Tu sabe?

You need to cool those hoods. Your temps have got to be high with no venting through the lights.

Just make sure the exhaust isn't recirculating into your intake.


Active Member
Carbon filter, duct, hood, duct, hood, duct, inline fan, duct out of area where intake is happening. Tu sabe?

You need to cool those hoods. Your temps have got to be high with no venting through the lights.

Just make sure the exhaust isn't recirculating into your intake.
The carbon filter goes to out of the room and I have an intake coming from outside the house. Your suggesting I take off the foil from the lights?


Active Member
yes, you should a tleat run your hoods with your exhaust, if not vent it seperatley, you would run a duct from the carbon filter to the hood to the other hood with the inline fan sucking at the end of that so any heat from the lamps goes out your grow room. why are you intaking from outside the house? i'd think you would want to vent outside.


Active Member
Yep. Hook up ducting like wanderinggrow said. I think intake from outside is good, as long as it's filtered.


Active Member
Perfect. Pull that into the bottom of your area and hook the carbon to your lights and out.

This way you can constantly exchange air. If you're in a cold area, you could get a speed control for your fan to adjust temps.

Except this looks like it's inside the tent? The filter should be outside for safety, but it'll probably be ok.


Active Member
Perfect. Pull that into the bottom of your area and hook the carbon to your lights and out.

This way you can constantly exchange air. If you're in a cold area, you could get a speed control for your fan to adjust temps.

Except this looks like it's inside the tent? The filter should be outside for safety, but it'll probably be ok.
what do you mean by pull that into the bottom? im going to try and seprately duct the lights to the fan


Active Member
You could do that, I like to use the intake passively to pull air into the room.

Do you have another way for air to get in?


Active Member
What nutrients should i get?
here is a debate that you dont want to get into. OK first step, are you in a medical area, don't answer? if so just go talk to the local hydro guys, no one knows the local water like them. What kind of water filtration are you usng? R.O. or dechlorinator, or none. I strongly recomend the r.o. but if your broke like me at least get the dechlorinator. I use the technaflora recipe for sucess, but i think your resevior is to big to be able to utilize this kit. for me its perfect becuz im in soil.

good lord.... bought the sports car with out a clue how to drive
didn't this take longer to be sarcastic than to not answer. some people heave more money than knowledge, but atleast he is trying to get the help he needs. its a future investment he wont need to update for a while.

trevor, you ever grow in soil or anything before? do you have books on cannabis plants? what made you go straight to an ebb and flow, or flood and drain whatever you want to call it?


Active Member
here is a debate that you dont want to get into. OK first step, are you in a medical area, don't answer? if so just go talk to the local hydro guys, no one knows the local water like them. What kind of water filtration are you usng? R.O. or dechlorinator, or none. I strongly recomend the r.o. but if your broke like me at least get the dechlorinator. I use the technaflora recipe for sucess, but i think your resevior is to big to be able to utilize this kit. for me its perfect becuz im in soil.

didn't this take longer to be sarcastic than to not answer. some people heave more money than knowledge, but atleast he is trying to get the help he needs. its a future investment he wont need to update for a while.

trevor, you ever grow in soil or anything before? do you have books on cannabis plants? what made you go straight to an ebb and flow, or flood and drain whatever you want to call it?
This is a business me and my dad are trying to start up and he has been in charge of all the decisions so far with the help of his knowledgeable friends. Im looking to make more of the decisions with this grow because the last one didnt go too great. There is a local hydro store and im going in on Monday to get the scoop on what I need.


Active Member
i was not trying to imply you were not knowledgeable, i just hate it when people post a coment just to post one, with no purpose to the tread. obviouly you know how to set-up a grow room and you seem to have a handle on you plants. its a good idea to talk to them they will give you alot of advice. do you have ph and tds/ppm meters to test your reseviors? if not i would sugest picking one up at the hydro shop also. good luck with your business. you should keep a few of those plants as mothers so you can keep a perpetual crop on hand.