*First Grow* 14 clones 16 seeds INDOOR


Well-Known Member
didn't this take longer to be sarcastic than to not answer. some people heave more money than knowledge, but atleast he is trying to get the help he needs. its a future investment he wont need to update for a while.
No, this dude needs alot more research time and alot more time reading everything he can. So me typing a helpful response would take alotlonger than a arcastic one.

And to the OP..

Here, read this and cool those lights.

Pertinent facts:
SubCool said:
Moving Air is a lot cheaper than chilling it so if your hoods are hot then your venting system sucks. You should be able to hold your hands on your hoods and glass and not have to move them. If they are generating heat then your now paying to Chill the room and that cost a lot more.


Active Member
i was not trying to imply you were not knowledgeable, i just hate it when people post a coment just to post one, with no purpose to the tread. obviouly you know how to set-up a grow room and you seem to have a handle on you plants. its a good idea to talk to them they will give you alot of advice. do you have ph and tds/ppm meters to test your reseviors? if not i would sugest picking one up at the hydro shop also. good luck with your business. you should keep a few of those plants as mothers so you can keep a perpetual crop on hand.
Yes i do have a ph ppm meter. Thanks for the help ill be posting updates.


Active Member
finally got the ducting on the lighting going to outside. got some nutrients for the plants as well right now they are using sensigrow A+B i will upload pics shortly


Active Member
Dont worry about the plants on the left those are my dads experiment. Im trying to convince him to take them out and put them in the backyard to but cause i dont want them messing up my plants at all by switching the lighting and such. The plants on the right are still getting 24 hours of light and getting watered every 2 hours except from 8p.m. to 6a.m. I recently got a DUI so that is why i have been so behind in getting all this figured out. Please help me get back on track with less criticism.

The close ups are the 2 that look like there struggling the most. I bought sensigrow A+B and added it to the reservoir on the right and they are starting to look better than they used to. Thanks for the help


Active Member
The room is at 90 degrees with 80 percent humidity... Im going to try and redo the ducting soon and just go from the carbon filter to the left light and then out to the other two litghts then out the room threw the fan. should that help?


yes,suck that air out,my room is somthing like yours and my temps were always 85 in the day ,as soon as i put an outake fan in, the highest my room gets is about 76-78 ...and as soon as you get those temps down your ladies will grow fast.


jorge cervantes has written many books on mj horticulture. Since you have as much vested as you do you should stop by a barnes and noble and spend a day or two reading it. Lots of fun pictures to keep ya moving and groving. If i were to recommend one single book it would be one of his. Alot of the things that make a really good botonist, good..............are in there. Many consider growing plants an art form. Im not trin to pick on you so dont take it that way. Tryin to help. But knowledge is the key to success. And hydo can be tricky if not experienced.


its all trial an air,im on my 3rd grow ,my first one i had 2 1000 watt hps and was hopeing for a good yeild(2 Pounds)but only got a little over 1 pound.as soon as i got the air sucking out of the room on the next grow i got about 2.5 pounds 1.25 pounds per light ,now this current grow im not changing a thing but it goes to show you if you can get those temps down before they really start to flower you will get lots of bud.and with my wifes condition she needs a certin amount of meds so i had to cut a 8'' hole in my wall for the outake to get twice the bud lol,worth it


Active Member
Yeah I dont plan on flowering until i get it at least 85 in there. Should be able to get it lower though. Once I vent those lights out better will that help the humidity allot too?


not bad ,you should be better now,humidity is the key thing when there flowering.crappy old molds and mildooooooooo


Active Member
got the temperature down to about 77 degrees. the humidity is at 60% though will that be an issue when flowering? Also should i start changing my lighting to something like 20/4?


im running mine for 18/6 and sometimes to keep the heat down 16/8 .i have buddies that even use 14/10 but i like 18/6 myself ,gives them a little sleep time and from experience in the past i find they grow faster on 18/6.helotr3vor looks like you got it under control.i learned alot by downloading the high times 2 part video called ready,set,grow ...you can get the torrent for it.like i said this is only my 3rd grow but they keep getting better, so if theres anything i can help you with just msg me .


o and yeah.during veg i try not to worry to much about humidity (my opinion)but try to keep it between 55-65 and flowering is where i always watch ALL THE TIME and i try to keep it around 45 ,some people keep it right at 40.


i have no time for mold ,i grow just enough for my wifes meds and have a little for myself to taste =)