First Grow - 2 x 1000w


Well-Known Member
Yea so today I started packing... ugh what a pain in the arse!! To top it off I'll going to be doing it all over again in just over a month lol I really don't mind. Each time I step foot outside my front door I realize what a good thing this is. My neighborhood went to shit over the last two years so it's definitely time to go.

Thanks everyone. If the girls enjoy their new home as much as I do then they're going to explode. Everyone needs a setup like this lol Hopefully the tent is complete this week!!! I'll find out how far along it is tomorrow and post another update.

Lights: ON
Temp: 83F
rH: 37%
c02: 1900ppm

Tonight I came home and again, my skunk girls were begging for water. They have been drinking every other day just like the kush and cheese girls. Tonight I fed them water, 5ml/g cal/mag, 1tsp/g molasses and 1/4tsp/g superthrive. The cheese and kush girls are getting nutes tonight. I plan to give them their first dose of Kool Bloom powder which should be interesting. I'm really curious to see how well this stuff works. Until next time.

Thanks for checking out my grow :)

Oh look, it's 4:20 bongsmilie


Well-Known Member

I'm not sure how I feel about this yet... it's so different I might like it.


Well-Known Member
Yea so today I started packing... ugh what a pain in the arse!! To top it off I'll going to be doing it all over again in just over a month lol I really don't mind. Each time I step foot outside my front door I realize what a good thing this is. My neighborhood went to shit over the last two years so it's definitely time to go.

Thanks everyone. If the girls enjoy their new home as much as I do then they're going to explode. Everyone needs a setup like this lol Hopefully the tent is complete this week!!! I'll find out how far along it is tomorrow and post another update.

Lights: ON
Temp: 83F
rH: 37%
c02: 1900ppm

Tonight I came home and again, my skunk girls were begging for water. They have been drinking every other day just like the kush and cheese girls. Tonight I fed them water, 5ml/g cal/mag, 1tsp/g molasses and 1/4tsp/g superthrive. The cheese and kush girls are getting nutes tonight. I plan to give them their first dose of Kool Bloom powder which should be interesting. I'm really curious to see how well this stuff works. Until next time.

Thanks for checking out my grow :)

Oh look, it's 4:20 bongsmilie
i hate packing to man, been moving around a lot my whole life this is the first time i have been some where 2 years in a row, and there prolly so thirsty cuz the roots are all filled out in the pot, everything is optimized :hump: GL Dubbz


Well-Known Member
Good luck on the move Dubbz.. be careful with too much superthrive in flower.. Its been RUMORED to cause airy nugs.. I dont know what the truth is about this .. but lol


Well-Known Member
Been gone for a week, what did I miss?
It's all in the last pages man lol...

i hate packing to man, been moving around a lot my whole life this is the first time i have been some where 2 years in a row, and there prolly so thirsty cuz the roots are all filled out in the pot, everything is optimized :hump: GL Dubbz
Yea man I've moved quite a few times myself. It doesn't get anymore fun each time you do it either lol

You're right, the roots have filled out the entire pot. Last night when I watered my skunk girls I dug my finger about 2-3 inches into the top of the soil in 6 or 7 places. That itself was a task, but I was gentle about it so they should be ok.

Good luck on the move Dubbz.. be careful with too much superthrive in flower.. Its been RUMORED to cause airy nugs.. I dont know what the truth is about this .. but lol
Thanks man. Congrats on your new baby girl!! New life coming into your family is an awesome feeling. I'm happy for you :)

Dude my nugs are so tight, I'm not all that concerned about anything being airy. The bottle of superthrive I had was the smallest bottle you can buy. I just finished it off going into week 6 of flower.

My kush girls are so thick and dense... it's about the only thing I do like about these girls lol The smell coming from them isn't very good. It's not a strong smell but when you rub the leaves with trichomes it gives off a pretty bad smell IMO. My cheese and lemon girls smell amazing...

I've been packing all morning and it doesn't feel like I got shit done...


Well-Known Member
Thanks dubbz.... I have just had long time growers I know say to use it sparingly in flower.. but I have no evidence if it actually hurts anything .... I bet your LOVING the density those 1000 watters give ya... :)

Are you gonna have internet at the new pad.. so you can update us on the girls.? Make sure to keep a close eye on em after the move for a week or so.. they might spit a couple banana's from the stress.. but if you watch em you should be able to pluck em and get them through harvest with no prob.. This first batch is gonna have a story to it lol :) LOOKS like its all working out awesome for the situation your in !


Well-Known Member
Yea I only used the superthrive when I first transplanted my clones into their 5gal homes. Other than that I used it here and there, never twice in a row or anything real close together so they should be fine (i hope). DUDE! I was not expecting these kush girls to get so fat and dense... but each time I look at them the buds are getting tighter and tighter. I'll try to get some shots tonight. Yea my folks house has internet so updates won't be an issue.

Ok now you're getting me The ladies will be traveling about 10 miles to their new home. What will the stress come from exactly? Just the change in light intensity?

Something else I've been looking into is this dudes 4 day bud dryer:
It's not the proper way to dry and cure I know, but there are a ton of people who attest to this. From what I've read in this entire thread is that you cannot tell the difference between buds that were cured for 3+ weeks in jars or the ones dried in 4 days... The longer this stuff sits in jars, the longer I'm without my own house and the longer it is until my next grow begins.

Thoughts about the bud dryer? Anyone?


Well-Known Member
I built one of those cheapo bud dryers out of a rubbermaid storage tote with drawers, screens and in inline fan/flange and it works pretty well. Nice to have when I have too much bud drying lol, but I still prefer to hang it up. I've seen some reeeeaaally nice ones on here with thermostats and fans, I think Al B. Fuct had one.

Don't worry about the plant stress, they will take right to their new home BAD! Take your time and don't drop them that's the biggest concern really haha.Can't wait for part two.


Rebel From The North
Yea I only used the superthrive when I first transplanted my clones into their 5gal homes. Other than that I used it here and there, never twice in a row or anything real close together so they should be fine (i hope). DUDE! I was not expecting these kush girls to get so fat and dense... but each time I look at them the buds are getting tighter and tighter. I'll try to get some shots tonight. Yea my folks house has internet so updates won't be an issue.

Ok now you're getting me The ladies will be traveling about 10 miles to their new home. What will the stress come from exactly? Just the change in light intensity?

Something else I've been looking into is this dudes 4 day bud dryer:
It's not the proper way to dry and cure I know, but there are a ton of people who attest to this. From what I've read in this entire thread is that you cannot tell the difference between buds that were cured for 3+ weeks in jars or the ones dried in 4 days... The longer this stuff sits in jars, the longer I'm without my own house and the longer it is until my next grow begins.

Thoughts about the bud dryer? Anyone?
you shouldnt have to much stress issue moving only 10miles


Well-Known Member
Was setting up an old oscillating fan next to one of my kush girls and the fan dropped right on my plant! Bent a few buds/branches and snapped one almost in half, but not completely so I propped it up hoping it will repair itself. They won't have to worry about stress from moving, I'm causing them enough lol That fan falling on my girl probably hurt me more than it hurt her.

Got some pics of them all anyway :eyesmoke:

Day 40 of Flower

These pics are from one of my four Blue Cheese girls -

These pics are from one of my four Master Kush girls -

These pics are from one of my four Lemon Skunk girls-

Tomorrow more packing. Friday the girls get moved. Saturday I move out. Crazy weekend ahead! Smoking my last bowl and going to watch the new planet of the apes movie. I'll check back in tomorrow :sleep:


Well-Known Member
Very Nice plants Dubz....Just be careful moving them ladies. Also make sure you set your timers in the new place at the exact time they are on now. If you might not want to feed any plants today and wait till they get in the new home tomorrow cause if you feed em those bitches will be heavy.




Well-Known Member
Thanks fellas. Seems like they're getting bigger each time I look at them. I'm hoping the new home will induce some trichome production in my kush ladies. They're big but not pumping out many tric's.

Yea BKB I planned on setting the cycle for the same time they're on now. The feeding has me kinda flustered though. I should have fed them two nights ago and I didn't. So last night I poured about 1/2 gal of water into each of the kush and cheese girls just to tide them over til tonight. Well doing that I think I gave them too much and now they're not ready for a feed. I'm afraid that if I wait until after the move they will be drooping real bad. I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't lol We'll see what happens...


Well-Known Member
well if ya got good drainage, i say feed em don't risk the drought :)

EDIT: sorry BKB din't mean to say the opposite i just missed that there moving soon :) then i guess wait cuz the dirty run off could get on your shit as well


Well-Known Member
My room temp has been at 81-82 with lights on so they aren't needing the water as much I guess. I was feeding them everyday when the temps were 89-92. I'll probably wait til after the move but I need to do what they want. If they start drooping tonight then I'll have to feed before the move...


Well-Known Member
It wont be too bad under fed or drooping if your moving them tomorrow. Just feed them when they get in their new home. Good luck tomorrow, I know its going to be a busy one for you! GET REST TONIGHT!!!!

Moving SUCKS!!!!

