Damn it seems like a while since I've been on here... been pretty busy smoking my harvest lol That and my arm being fuct up doesn't make typing all that easy. Glad to see everyone doing well!
lol thanks Amber

My harvest was exceptional, minus the master kush which is like low grade reggos (ugh!)... The hash is so awesome though lol I can't smoke too much of it. It blows the fuck out of my lungs... and my head.
A friend of mine just came back from Amsterdam two days ago. I had no idea he was going. He said it's mind blowing over there. When you're walking down the street all you can smell is weed! When you look into a coffee house you can barely see in due to so much smoke! Oh man... I have to go! I know you had a blast and I'm happy for you. It's on my list of "shit to do" lol For now I'll take checking out some of your pics
did you apply heat when pressing that keif?
I did the first couple but it got to be a pain after about the 6th nugget. The first 6 were the lightest in color so I didn't worry about it too much after that. I ended up with a nice blister on my hand when I got done.
hey dubb when you going to have a new grow going
Hard to tell bro. Still working on the fund situation right now. It could be a few weeks or a couple months... the sooner the better
Hey Dubbz, hope your prognosis is good bro. Lets see some of that cured cheese when you have a chance!
Thanks Shwag. I never went to the doctor (when I still should) I'm a stubborn bastard lol It seems to be getting a little better each day but then again I have meds and vicoddinnn. If it's not a lot better by Monday I may force myself to hit up the docs and get an x-ray at least.
I'll post a couple pics after this post yo
Rzza you dont have to grind it too much .. just remove the stems and sticks so there is nothing to mess up your bag... The Dry Ice will mulch it up fairly well why you shake it ... I would grind if its buds.. but the trim leaves mulch up well ... imo
Dubbz... I got a half OZ of hash/ pressed kief the day after you pm'd me from a test run .. Smooth smoke and way to easy to make.. Im gonna use the other 3lbs of trim this week if I can find a fucking glass table big enough .. because I did the first batch on my kitchen counter.. and holy shit there was kief EVERYWHERE LOL!
Nice!!! Yea man the table we used was round so it was kinda fucked up. My buddy suggested going and buying one of those cheap mirrors you can hang on the back of your closet to use. The dual purpose mirror... for flexing into after a hot shower and now new and improved for making dry ice hash runs!! ahahah fuck I'm high...
You're gonna need an olympic sized swimming pool sized piece of glass for all that trim bro. 3 lbs... holy shit lol Can't wait to see those pics
Fuckin right. Damn good lookin stuff right there. So what do you think... did you have fun doing it? lol For some reason I smiled a lot when I was doing it... just knowing I'm going to be getting so high off of it when it's done ahaha
20 grams. big pile is half ounce exactly and the white pile is 2.5 and the small white pile is a gram plus the greenish stuff.
I'll smoke any of it!