First grow. 2 x 400w, mystery bagseed. YAY!


Well-Known Member
hmm is it normal that they get super droopy after flushing? one of the ladies have most her foliage hanging straight down almost..


yea id hold off on the watering for a hot second, when that soil gets saturated it runs outta oxygen real quick, leading to alot of fucked up shit, pretty sure the droop comes from the excess of water, weighing down the foliage, i agree that you need a more aerated soil blend, or just throw some mawfuckin perlite in there, keep it green


Well-Known Member
ok well i took a picture yesterday before i went to sleep, was really droopy.
took a new picture when i woke up now and they all look alot better than before the flush.
the super droopy one also seems to be perking up again

also im recieveing my new order from the local growshop today.

brand new carbonfilter and more nutrients\clonex

will be interesting to see if my ventilation will be able to hold the temps down with that filter connected as im allready balancing on the edge when it comes to heat.


Well-Known Member
Desided to start a cool project today, mounted a digital camera on a tripod inside the growroom directed at the plants in a fixed position. I will take 1 photo every day throughout the flowering and make a timelapse video when they are harvested.

Will be really cool too see how they grow in high speed and not to mention all photos will be from the exact same position and angle :)


Well-Known Member
Desided to start a cool project today, mounted a digital camera on a tripod inside the growroom directed at the plants in a fixed position. I will take 1 photo every day throughout the flowering and make a timelapse video when they are harvested.

Will be really cool too see how they grow in high speed and not to mention all photos will be from the exact same position and angle :)
Dude this is gonna be so cool! if it comes out how i think it will, i might try something like this on my next grow : D .



Well-Known Member
man seriously.. something crazy happened after the flushing. first day they drooped like crazy.. now growth has exploded through the roof so its pretty obious something in the soil was making them slow.

ive taken 3 pictures from the tripod during this time and just watching the slideshow allready is fucking crazy... im starting to think i will have a problem during flowering haha.

going to mount the new carbonfilter today and switch over to 12\12.
also going to select a mother.. that one is tougher than a thought..

also.. where i live getting hold of seeds is close to impossible. took me many months getting theese. was planning on breeding my own but seeing that i have 8 females and 2 hermies its pretty obious that i were given feminized seeds of an unknown strain..

can i use the pollen from one of the hermies to pollinate a branch or 2? will theese seeds be alot of hermies or just prone to it?

was thinking.. even if i do have seeds prone to hermie im still gonna select a good mother and clone from her so should be able too stay clear of too many hermies..

say if i have a longer power outage or even a pest problem my crop could go down the drain. and them im screwed with no plants and no seeds.
its not so easy ordering seeds into this country either..

i dont know.. what you think?


Well-Known Member
well the hermies have been taken out of the grow area and put in another room.
a mother has been selected among the girls and the winner is!!

installed the carbonscrubber also today.
a 10 kilo 450 m3\h

and finally here are the girls today, 1 less offcourse but growing pretty big

They have now been set to 12\12
let the fun begin :)


Active Member
nice nice looking good. so before flower you want to flush? if i have a 1 gallon pot i have to get 3 gallons of PH water and pour at once or a gallon a day for 3 days


Active Member
By the way i got 12 more bag seeds that are in rabbit pellets and on their way. when sprouts happen will start another grow log. and i got 5 more on the way need to go get more supplies

goodro wilson

Well-Known Member
im subbed u for your grow wish i had lots of light like you!!!
experimenting with your grow is the only way to learn!! nothing wrong with learning from experience right?
ive been reading so much stuff i know i learned alot but now i just need to go through everything
so can you just try to pinch off all the balls from the herm and maybe it wont pollenate anything? or find a place outside and see what it does..
oh im oving that naturally bushy plant! good luck with ur ladies


Well-Known Member
nice nice looking good. so before flower you want to flush? if i have a 1 gallon pot i have to get 3 gallons of PH water and pour at once or a gallon a day for 3 days
Everything at once, if you spread it out like you say your soil will get waterlogged


Well-Known Member
im subbed u for your grow wish i had lots of light like you!!!
experimenting with your grow is the only way to learn!! nothing wrong with learning from experience right?
ive been reading so much stuff i know i learned alot but now i just need to go through everything
so can you just try to pinch off all the balls from the herm and maybe it wont pollenate anything? or find a place outside and see what it does..
oh im oving that naturally bushy plant! good luck with ur ladies
hi man, thank you for joining in :)

yea the hermies has been moved to another location. i cant control enviroment there but ill just let them do whatever they want and will inspect them for pollen sacks regularly. im actually gonna collect pollen from them so i can get some seeds.. just incase i loose my current crop or something.

as stated earlier its near impossible to get seeds here so hermie seeds better than no seeds right? hehe

yea the bushy plant is awesome. cant wait to see what she does during flower :)


go to wallmart and pick up some epsom salt for like 99 cents, it'll take the edge off, as long as ur sure its mg deff.


Well-Known Member
dont live in the states buddy, dont have wallmart here and i dont even know what epsom salt is lol

edit: nevermind i found out, can get it at the pharmacy here :) looks like its used for some skin problems or something lol


Well-Known Member
ive come to belive the rust spots actually came from transplant stress on the mother.. will wait a few days and see if it develops more.
probably wasnt the best idea to LST her right after transplant hehe.

will post a few pics when lights come on in a couple hours.


Active Member
good deal bro. Good to learn an practice on bagseed. That way you don't loose money if you mess up. Pics will tell the full story but I have one plant that got some rust spots on a few leaves and it's still doing fine. If only a portion of the leaf is damaged it will till function and deliver energy to the plant. When the leaf becomes completely useless the plant will discard it.


Well-Known Member
it did drop 3 leafs and i removed all that was dmg at all. now its thriving :) got a good mix of nutes yesterday thats really kicking in. also LST'ed her so shes spreading ...well everything hehe.

really happy with the mother cabinet now. can fit quite alot of clones in there with the mother :)
