first grow 4 diffrent strains


Active Member
a couple of pics of my first grow so far got a hawayein mawi 30 day old red dwarf atomic 28 dy old a snow white 8 days old and a northen lights 8 day old at the min im growing these under just 2 cfls but waiting for my ballast and bulb for my air cooled unit 600w.hawaaiian day 30 red dwarf 28.jpgnorthen lights  day 8 snow white day 8.jpg


Well-Known Member
The bigger ones look fine and the two smaller need to be closer to the light. I only say this because they are very over stretched right now. I have never grown in that stuff you are using but it it is easy to transplant at around day 14 or so I would transplant those and bury much of those stems. This will give you a larger root system as your entire portion of the stem which is buried will start to produce roots. You will also have a short stem now and can control the amount of stretch with your new light system.
Hope this helps, good luck with your grow and welcome to RIU


Looking good... just dont keep girls too far from light/too close too light... an like canefan said bury the stretched part of stem(dont wait too long tho)... also raise fan so it's even with canopy/top of plants(too keep heat down/keep plant structure strong) happy growing an never stress as it's all just experience gained fellow grower:hump: time for a :joint: peace