First grow advice


Active Member
I forgot to mention it 2 weeks and 1 day old, I water it multible times a day, it has a fan, and 4 bulbs w/ 2 mirrors.


Well-Known Member
When you transplant it tomorrow, bury it right up to the first set of leaves. To minimize your stem stretch. get a fan on them asap, it also strengthens stems. Plant them into 1 gallon containers (milk jugs work ok, don't forget drainage holes) it's too large for the cup what with the stretching it did.


Well-Known Member
water ONLY every 3-4 days, you are killing it. don't use mirrors, try white paper for better reflection, Mirrors creates hot spots just like foil


Well-Known Member
keep your lights on 24/0 or 18 on/ 6 off. NO nutes or ferts for the first 3 weeks then start at 1/4 strength


Well-Known Member
deep preferred. you want a good amount of dirt for root travel try for about 8-10" in depth coruse before you start vegging, you will be transplanting one last time into 3-5 gallon pots.


Well-Known Member
no, it must be deeper. like a plastic milk jugs work great or a kids sand pail or a plastic paint bucket but it must be at least 8" deep for the roots to be healthy. otherwise they will entangle and cause a root ball and eventually strangle each other.


Well-Known Member
Ok, that got your attention! see where they are cut? I used an exacto knife but a standard kitchen shears (scissors) will do just fine. drill (punch) six, 1'4" holes in bottom for drainage
about halfway down the handle is where I cut. this also makes for a small hole where the top of the handle used to be, good for a popsicle stick labeled with your plant type or a date fill it with soil water it to make it damp with your closed fist make a hole for your root ball to sit into then transplant thenm into these. before you start flowering stage you should transplant yet agaion. usually during flowering your plants should grow 2-3x larger. this gives them room for those roots to grow without strangling them. Once into flowering you can't transplant without risking stressing or even killing them..



Well-Known Member
to transplant water first to moisten the dirt, turn your plant upside down holding it between your fingers, gently squeeze the containers sides (if soft-sided) otherwise gently shake it while rotating the container. your entire plant (roots and all) should fall out into your hand. place this entire growth right into your new container, burying it all the way up to the first set of leaves (again) fill the dirt up the sides sloping away from the stem, water it again, till it runs out bottom


New Member
faralos is giving solid advice. listen to what he says. im growing a mecc plant 1st as my initial attempt to grow some pot. the most important thing he said is to keep burying the plant up to the v. 1st stem nodes. also, a fan is critical bc it helps the stem get beefy, this will be important when ur plant get top heavy or w. crappy lights, the plant will become elongated and height will cause it to fall over. i buried my plant past the initial dual round shaped leaves as well. id bury up to the point of the first traditional looking leaves.


Active Member
lol, the advice is quite solid, but when i put my hand inside its still hot even with a fan. but heres what i got so far...(picture), and the pot has a one in drainage that has room to drain b/c i put 2 pencils under it to allow some room, and i put paper over the mirrors.



Well-Known Member

Put the plants into the milk jugs. Put a fan on them (lightly) this will minimize stretching but most importantly it makes the stem stronger and thicker which = more yeild. Also the main reason they are stretching is because A) you dont have enough light (and it is more than likley the wrong spectrum, should be daylight cfls = 6500k) and B) they are too far, you want the cfls to be about 4 inches away max. Also that aluminum foil has got to go, as the other guy said it will create hot spots, just use white posterboard.

As for the heat issue, go to a pet store and buy the two pack thermometer and hydrometer (reptile isle) make sure the temp stays between 74-82 (both numbers I wouldn't go past). If your area is hot, you need a strong fan to push air out and a fan to push fresh air in. Then have the far fan blowing on the plants for stregnth.

Good Luck :peace: