First Grow After an experiment almost 4 to 5 years ago...check it out!!!


Active Member
*scratches head*

Originally Posted by karma696969
na bro im 20, and the 2 lights I was only using while germinating, and i have 5 lights now and 2 big boxes connected together, with a washroom fan sucking the air out of both. Their full of live healthy plants.. hopefully i could get some pics, its just my setup, its so amazing and well thought out that it will work perfectly, until my friend and me can throw everything out. My friend has nearly double what i have and he is maintaining it the same way, and we still plan on popping about 100 more maybe 150 lol.. so yea probably sounds like a shitty setup that doesn't work but once i get some pics up on this you'll be really impressed.
:?:?:?:?:? I never even mentioned how i started my plants on this site yet.. wtf?
And my friend does not have double what I have, he has just as much.. Why is there another problem everytime I come on this site lol :?.. Really confused, can someone please show me the thread where this was written please?


Well-Known Member
"how do people maintain all this without being booked"" can the electricity company detect 2 27 watt bulbs over 15 days" check both threads.


Active Member
"how do people maintain all this without being booked"" can the electricity company detect 2 27 watt bulbs over 15 days" check both threads.

WOW, that is messed half that crap is not true I have no snitch friends :?, I do have tons of nutes but I would estimate the price being at about 450 to $500. :?
Also have never gotten a phone call from no electric company. This guy is such a retard, he just kept making up lies and lies with some shit that was true, but very little. :?
You know what I don't even care, I don't sell dope or anything, so please do not think that person was me, sorry for anything he may have said too people but that was NOT me.


Active Member
Hey guys, would I be able to start keeping these baby's outside everyday for like 6 to 7 hours? Or are they too small too be getting direct sunlight so early?


Too many brownies
Dude...its definitely you im 99.9% sure...give it up and just admit you were being a weenie but your here to start fresh. We will all be cool with it and definitely be willing to help.


Active Member
Dude...its definitely you im 99.9% sure...give it up and just admit you were being a weenie but your here to start fresh. We will all be cool with it and definitely be willing to help.
:? Honestly your .1% wrong then, because this really isn't the same person, you could believe me or not I really don't care, but if I am here for no reason and not going to get help. I could take my self else were this isn't the only forum, I am sorry if you do think I am that person but i am not I can't prove it also so can you please just tell me if you are going to help? because i really do need it, and I would have to go back too the old site too get that help then.


Too many brownies
:? Honestly your .1% wrong then, because this really isn't the same person, you could believe me or not I really don't care, but if I am here for no reason and not going to get help. I could take my self else were this isn't the only forum, I am sorry if you do think I am that person but i am not I can't prove it also so can you please just tell me if you are going to help? because i really do need it, and I would have to go back too the old site too get that help then.

dude nobody else is growing in 2 carboard boxes taped together with cfls and a bathroom exhaust described your entire setup 100% when you were still Karma6969. You even said that your friend has the other half of the plants....I mean...what the fuck are the chances that karma leaves and then the next day someone with the exact same situation and the exact same setup comes on here.

Just admit it and I will be glad to help.

Of course he is going to say karma was a retard because he wants to cover his ass.


Active Member
dude nobody else is growing in 2 carboard boxes taped together with cfls and a bathroom exhaust described your entire setup 100% when you were still Karma6969. You even said that your friend has the other half of the plants....I mean...what the fuck are the chances that karma leaves and then the next day someone with the exact same situation and the exact same setup comes on here.

Just admit it and I will be glad to help.

Of course he is going to say karma was a retard because he wants to cover his ass.
dude, Honestly that is what I showed people and told people on the other forum, so why can't someone take my lil Op. and make it there own on this website? and then direct me here after he's already started a quarrel with you guys and make me come here n look like a jackass. Also second of all if that was me I would not be stupid enough too put the same picture I had just shown you guys the day before up on the forums. :?


Active Member
I don't care who you are, if you act civilly i will help. What are your questions?
Thank you 40acres, my questions were if I could start putting them out maybe 5 to 7 hours a day in direct sunlight, and if 20/4 lighting is okay under the cfls?


Well-Known Member
Thank you 40acres, my questions were if I could start putting them out maybe 5 to 7 hours a day in direct sunlight, and if 20/4 lighting is okay under the cfls?
If daytime temps are above say 45f your OK to start hardening them outdoors. 20/4 should be fine.


New Member
On the other hand, you were stupid enough to put up your old screen name that you were trying to say wasnt you. If you want to stay on this sight, I would start apoligizing and put this issue to bed. Everyone acts like an ass sometimes, it is how you deal with it that makes you who you are.


New Member
20/4 is allright. 24/0 is better. use 24/0 for three weeks, and then switch to 12/12. I don't take my plants outdoors for fear of pests. And the sun is really powerful, so your plants may go into shock if they are not used to it. My advice, keep them inside.

And bro, no more BS. This is a chill sight with chill people.If someone critisizes your setup or grow, take it as that, criticism. It will only make you a better gardener.If someone is really giving you shit for no reason, let a mod know. I stay on this site because the crowd is hospitable, and i expect alot of other people do to. Take that for what it is.


Too many brownies
dude, Honestly that is what I showed people and told people on the other forum, so why can't someone take my lil Op. and make it there own on this website? and then direct me here after he's already started a quarrel with you guys and make me come here n look like a jackass. Also second of all if that was me I would not be stupid enough too put the same picture I had just shown you guys the day before up on the forums. :?
Dude....obviously its you because just accidentally posted this with your old name....HAHAHAHAHAHA

nice one.

Like I said just admit its you (not that you even need to now) ...say your sorry...and we can all start fresh. ( I love to help people)

By the way having multiple accounts will get you banned.


Well-Known Member
Yeah Karmas a bitch eh?? I spotted that old screen name a while back in this thread but didn't think it worthy of comment until I realized the irony of "karma"as a screen name...