First Grow After an experiment almost 4 to 5 years ago...check it out!!!


Active Member
Also the first 4 plants I ever grew were when i was 15 or 16 and those turned out perfect. Bag seeds, one 6'2 bushy sativa and three indica's and one male that was discarded to make brownies and some milk drink that me and my friend were fucking around with, that actually turned out to be really good. Also got more than a half pound each off the three indica's and and a half ounce short of a pound off the sativa, we think we would have gotten more if we didn't top the plant nearly 6 times. We also gave all the plants nearly 7 8 months to grow. Put them out in early april and were indoors for about a month and a half to two months.
Growing is not as hard as you make it to be i could seriously create the exact setups you guys have aswell if I wanted to invest but am not looking to get that serious right now bu when I do this site will know.

So yea I don't think age matters, I believe I am at the right age to be learning and experimenting...


Too many brownies
Now your starting to piss me off once again...STOP THE LIES!
Ive never dealt with a pathological liar before and its really a pain in the ass.

Post up a link to the other forums where you had all your info on....liar. Why the hell would anyone steal your duct taped cardboard box growroom idea hahaha.

Every single thing you have said or done matches what Karma said.

You even posted while logged into your other account "karma6969" I cant believe your actually trying to deny that shit.

I know its you...your always using too in the wrong spots. Too is only used in a situation like this (its used like the world ALSO) "I too am really excited about growing under my bed in a shoe box".
To is used like this "I wanted to grow but daddy said the power company called and scared me".

Judging by your grammar, growing with all your little "friends", growing in a cardboard box, worrying about 2 27w cfl's, lying and exaggerating continuously, and not manning up to your lies I have to assume your under 18. Besides most colleges dont have school from 9-4...those are high school hours.

Your just a lying exaggerating little boy who cant admit anything.

Be a fucking man and admit your karma. Like I said everyone will still be willing to help.


Too many brownies
I will probably not be growing when I am older, I am just trying a nice big grow this year too see what I could do.. and I am only 20 but age has nothing too do with growing.
I do not do it for medicinal reasons I just like to experiment so I am not asking anyone to take me as a serious grower like yourselves because I really am not, but I just got a bunch of seeds from my friend, threw them into pots created a shitty setup that is working very well and yea, so goes my experiment..
Maybe if things go very well, next year I will make a better setup and buy some real strains, but for now this is all I am doing and do not care if a lot of you have a lot of crap too say about it.
Its my own grow and I bet more than half the people that grow professionally here, started out experimenting just like me.

I will probably not be growing when I am older, I am just trying a nice big grow this year TO see what I could do.. and I am only 20 but age has nothing too do with growing.
I do not do it for medicinal reasons I just like to experiment so I am not asking anyone to take me as a serious grower like yourselves because I really am not, but I just got a bunch of seeds from my friend, threw them into pots created a shitty setup that is working very well and yea, so goes my experiment..
Maybe if things go very well, next year I will make a better setup and buy some real strains, but for now this is all I am doing and do not care if a lot of you have a lot of crap TO say about it.
Its my own grow and I bet more than half the people that grow professionally here, started out experimenting just like me.


Too many brownies
Just about every single time you have used the word TOO you should have used the word TO instead. Learn some the hell do you write papers in college...I dont believe it at all.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
This jackass is making me look like the biggest prick in the world right now.. He used pretty much everything I had up in the other website forum, even the nutrient list I had, and basically made me look like a jackass when i came to this site its such bullshit.
Can I please just get a str8 answer if I am going to keep getting bull like this, I will leave peacefully, I am not here to fight with people or argue, I am just looking for a good forum to get some answers from...

Well... the "other" poster ALSO mentioned living in Canada... and ALSO mentioned being a "Guerrilla Grower" ... and ALSO mentioned being in "university" (nice play changing that to "school").... and ALSO posted the same pics you did... so is it any wonder there is question?

Honestly... if FDD ever comes up for air from his laughter.... and actually thinks you are telling the truth... he may pull both accounts. I doubt this will happen as it really is quite amusing to us all.

Of course if you are SERIOUS ... then I say... send a PM to Karma696969 ... offer to meet up with him and then kick his ass for being such a dick to ruin you ... a new poster here


Too many brownies
Well... the "other" poster ALSO mentioned living in Canada... and ALSO mentioned being a "Guerrilla Grower" ... and ALSO mentioned being in "university" (nice play changing that to "school").... and ALSO posted the same pics you did... so is it any wonder there is question?

Honestly... if FDD ever comes up for air from his laughter.... and actually thinks you are telling the truth... he may pull both accounts. I doubt this will happen as it really is quite amusing to us all.

Of course if you are SERIOUS ... then I say... send a PM to Karma696969 ... offer to meet up with him and then kick his ass for being such a dick to ruin you ... a new poster here

hahahahaha :peace::joint::blsmoke:


Too many brownies
I really dont get why you cant admit it when everyone said they would be glad to help as long as you manned up to all the bullshit.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Just about every single time you have used the word TOO you should have used the word TO instead. Learn some the hell do you write papers in college...I dont believe it at all.


Mostly because you know when TO post a response TO a bullshitter... usually when you've had TOO much bullshit thrown at you by said poster ;)

Keep up the good work!


Well-Known Member
JUST MAN UP, take it from your big bro.

The advice you can get from these guys ,shit, all your little friends will think, YOUR THE MAN.


Active Member
Just about every single time you have used the word TOO you should have used the word TO instead. Learn some the hell do you write papers in college...I dont believe it at all.
Bro you are honestly being more pathetic than the karma69 guy.. seriously if you have nothing better to say and don't believe my grow story's but everyone else's just musttttttt be true than keep it too your self. If you are not going to be of any help too me can you guys please stop msgin me. Maybe if you weren't so obsessed with me and reading my thread you wouldn't get so mad..
So again please don't msg if you have nothing proper to say. If overgrow was still around I had all my pictures through out my first grow on that but lost it all when it was closed down and obviously it's most likely not going to be around 5 years later..
Please keep your comments to yourself and let me just get the help I need instead of the criticism I do not need. So if you are finally over me please stop msging with your b.s and just don't look at my thread if your just going to hate cause oooo your a professional and I am not, honestly I am not even going to answer stupid comments any more so you guys can type what you want and whoever is here to help please help me while I progress with my grow.:mrgreen:
I bet your still going to obsess over my thread and grow, just cause I am fucking around rather than being professional and careful I do care a little about it but I am not here too be criticised over what a crappy setup I have going and what not, what does it matter to you. Take care of you own shit and please stop with your msging here because I will not be msging you people back theres alot of other people here that will help.


Active Member
JUST MAN UP, take it from your big bro.

The advice you can get from these guys ,shit, all your little friends will think, YOUR THE MAN.
Yes I would man up to get the advice if I was lying but I am not so the only thing left to do is ignore everything written here except things concerning my grow, Sorry guys this is the last response you will get from me if you are not helping me with the grow.. Good Bye:joint:


Too many brownies
Bro you are honestly being more pathetic than the karma69 guy.. seriously if you have nothing better to say and don't believe my grow story's but everyone else's just musttttttt be true than keep it too your self. If you are not going to be of any help too me can you guys please stop msgin me. Maybe if you weren't so obsessed with me and reading my thread you wouldn't get so mad..
So again please don't msg if you have nothing proper to say. If overgrow was still around I had all my pictures through out my first grow on that but lost it all when it was closed down and obviously it's most likely not going to be around 5 years later..
Please keep your comments to yourself and let me just get the help I need instead of the criticism I do not need. So if you are finally over me please stop msging with your b.s and just don't look at my thread if your just going to hate cause oooo your a professional and I am not, honestly I am not even going to answer stupid comments any more so you guys can type what you want and whoever is here to help please help me while I progress with my grow.:mrgreen:
I bet your still going to obsess over my thread and grow, just cause I am fucking around rather than being professional and careful I do care a little about it but I am not here too be criticised over what a crappy setup I have going and what not, what does it matter to you. Take care of you own shit and please stop with your msging here because I will not be msging you people back theres alot of other people here that will help.
Whhhhaaat are YOU talking about....I NEVER said anything about anyone being professional or unprofessional.

Hahahahaha you actually used to properly....good boy.

Im not going to leave you alone until you man up to it. I will follow you into every thread you ever make on this site and keep on letting everyone know how big of a liar you are, UNTIL YOU ADMIT YOUR KARMA.

You have nothing to lose by admitting you really are karma, but you will gain the respect of me and many others by admitting to your lies.


Active Member
And I will keep updating with pics as everything progresses. So you will see what we are capable of with starting out with just shitty cardboard boxes and a couple of cfls. :mrgreen: Stay Tuned through out the summer :joint:


Active Member
Whhhhaaat are YOU talking about....I NEVER said anything about anyone being professional or unprofessional.

Hahahahaha you actually used to properly....good boy.

Im not going to leave you alone until you man up to it. I will follow you into every thread you ever make on this site and keep on letting everyone know how big of a liar you are, UNTIL YOU ADMIT YOUR KARMA.

You have nothing to lose by admitting you really are karma, but you will gain the respect of me and many others by admitting to your lies.
Sorry bro I will not be making anymore threads because I am not that person. I will only keep this thread updated and you may speak what you want on it cause it will be ignored from now on.:mrgreen:

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
I bet your still going to obsess over my thread and grow, just cause I am fucking around rather than being professional and careful I do care a little about it but I am not here too be criticised over what a crappy setup I have going and what not, what does it matter to you. Take care of you own shit and please stop with your msging here because I will not be msging you people back theres alot of other people here that will help.

^^^^ Spoken EXACTLY like I imagine one of Karma's true "rocket scientist" grow partners (you remember... the ones who are super fucking smart... but leaked the last grow to people?) would say.

..... you'll soon be in China....