First Grow always looking for constructive criticism 5x9 Tent CO2


Well-Known Member
big buds ate ur trellis :weed::leaf:
& it sure looks like more then 7 plants in there.
Well done chron, it has completely filled ur tent.

Thanks man! Ive been having to chop everything off the side because buds are growing flat against the tent and I dont want them to mold. Maybe 6 in there next round! Pretty tight in there for only being week 5 of flower today. Should be one solid bud pie when done.:hug:


Well-Known Member
That's what I like to hear! Running into some yellowing and brown spots don't know if it salt buildup or calmag. Tried a flush no luck. Tried calmag no luck. 2.5 weeks left I'll let em ride out and hopefully my next run is better.
g'day Chron,
Whats ur guess on yeild?


Well-Known Member
they look solid, get rdy for sticky scissors & fingers :weed::leaf:

Oh I'm ready with 4 new fiskars and some gloves. :p People say to lower humidity or they'll become rock hard. What's wrong with that!? I don't have any worries about mould with the air movement I have. What should my humidity be set to now along with my temps? All are controlled by my mini split and de humidifier connected to a condensate pump so it's adjustable with a remote and hands free. I could lower my room to 40 in a few minutes if I wanted. Cold temps to bring out color? Temps are at 75 right now. Also co2 is now down to 1200. Should I drop that more? Any input from anyone would be awesome! Can't wait to see how much frostier theses babies get over their last two weeks.