First Grow - Autoflowering

there are also other breeders that have a lr#1 like lowlife and another one or two. i asked because i grew the strain and it looked nothing like this plant. these leaves are more fingery than mine were. almost more sativa looking. kinda neat to see diff traits and what not

I've been away for the weekend, sorry people!

I've been having some serious trouble with temps at the moment,
Think I figured it all out, you know that fan that I had fixed?
Went and put that damn thing back in the wrong way round!

Water's been drying up like a puddle in the heart of the desert,
been soaring over 100 and my girls definitely been feeling the pressure!
(You'll see in the pic)

Not to mention I've been away and haven't been able to water her,
I'm pretty happy to say though that she's still very much alive.
Got a bit more height on recently, about another inch.
Leaves are burnt again, but not a very noticeable amount.

I promise to take better care of her from now on...

DAY 17

As you can see she's reaching up high, believe this to be lack of water,
grass tends to do the same as with most plants.

As it says in the first post, this is an Afghan Kush Ryder - World Of Seeds.
hopefully it will be showing the sex shortly,
then I'll know whether to buy from them again!

be careful with the water drops on the leaves. they can act as magnifiers and burn your leaves

I've taken note of this and now brush the droplets off as best I can.
On top of this I've been gently spraying her every now and again...

Had to use a bit of tap water today as she's drunk the rain water,
It's been quite hot at the moment.
I'll go collect some from the barrel tomorrow morning probably.

Looking awsome man, i'm also a new grower and im starting out with some auto's, been trawling around these forums for weeks and weeks then like you decided to just do it.
suppose the best way to learn is by getting stuck into it! anyway, i'll be taking notes, hope it goes well. :D in a bizzle.

Hope my grow helps you out man,
spur of the moment decisions are certainly the best!
I've been dwelling on this far too long.
This has definitely been a huge learning curve for me,
I'll certainly have a better knowledge of things if there's a next time around.

awesome dude! if your doing 24/0 change it to 20/4 ive increased lots more bushiness and steadier growth

The reason for 24/0 is that i don't have a segment timer.
Thanks to your comment I leapt on Ebay and grabbed myself a cheap deal,
hopefully this will let my girl rest and then have a chance at catching up with yours!

Even after all this neglect she's responding well,
I'll give an update tomorrow, with pictures of course.
Hopefully there will be a large difference between now and then.
Nothing else seems to spring to mind...

Thanks for being onboard and helping out.

I've been away for the weekend, sorry people!

I've been having some serious trouble with temps at the moment,
Think I figured it all out, you know that fan that I had fixed?
Went and put that damn thing back in the wrong way round!

Water's been drying up like a puddle in the heart of the desert,
been soaring over 100 and my girls definitely been feeling the pressure!
(You'll see in the pic)

Not to mention I've been away and haven't been able to water her,
I'm pretty happy to say though that she's still very much alive.
Got a bit more height on recently, about another inch.
Leaves are burnt again, but not a very noticeable amount.

I promise to take better care of her from now on...

DAY 17

As you can see she's reaching up high, believe this to be lack of water,
grass tends to do the same as with most plants.

As it says in the first post, this is an Afghan Kush Ryder - World Of Seeds.
hopefully it will be showing the sex shortly,
then I'll know whether to buy from them again!

I've taken note of this and now brush the droplets off as best I can.
On top of this I've been gently spraying her every now and again...

Had to use a bit of tap water today as she's drunk the rain water,
It's been quite hot at the moment.
I'll go collect some from the barrel tomorrow morning probably.

Hope my grow helps you out man,
spur of the moment decisions are certainly the best!
I've been dwelling on this far too long.
This has definitely been a huge learning curve for me,
I'll certainly have a better knowledge of things if there's a next time around.

The reason for 24/0 is that i don't have a segment timer.
Thanks to your comment I leapt on Ebay and grabbed myself a cheap deal,
hopefully this will let my girl rest and then have a chance at catching up with yours!

Even after all this neglect she's responding well,
I'll give an update tomorrow, with pictures of course.
Hopefully there will be a large difference between now and then.
Nothing else seems to spring to mind...

Thanks for being onboard and helping out.


Yeah sure thing man mind sharing the link for the cheap deal :D by the way the water magnifying thing is just a old wives tale. it's b.s ive tested it it may seem true and the logic behind it seems right but it isnt. but even if you dont trust me just mist it and theres no way there could be a large enough droplet to cause magnification. I mist my baby girl 3-4x a day
i speak from experience and have 5 grows under my belt. water will act as a magnifier if lights are close enough. sorry extremist but it is true. i look forward tos eeing how this baby starts to flower out. i have a delicious la diva about to pop out of the soil in my pc case.

Yeah sure thing man mind sharing the link for the cheap deal :D

Just grabbed a quick bargain off Ebay.
just type in segment timer and there's plently of stuff on there!

I've begun misting my girl as often as I can,
she seems to really like it now.

Also, I know of forest fires that have started from a single water droplet...
It seems highly unlikely but it can happen,
I think it's best to be careful.

After all, I've had enough burning for one grow!
right on man don't burn the place down lol jk you can also try leaving a small cup or sponge that is wet in your grow area to add to humidity

right on man don't burn the place down lol jk you can also try leaving a small cup or sponge that is wet in your grow area to add to humidity


Thanks man,
Such a good idea there, can't believe I've never stumbled upon this little gem before!

Looking forward to seeing how your La Diva comes along.
Another quick update for those of you watching:

It's a hot day so I've been playing around with the fan,
for the last time.
After some drilling, cutting and wiring I've got a result!
Temperature's have settled down at 70-80 which is great news.
It's made a massive difference in the grow room,
She should enjoy that! :mrgreen:

Last time I checked she was burning up and raising her leaves,
I've changed the watering cycle and giving more of it,
her leaves are level now and fanned out well...
Overall she just looks a lot more healthy!

DAY 19

I've noticed over the last couple of days some differing growth,
I thought they were just new leaves growing under the branches,
as loads have recently appeared.
However, looking today I can tell they are not at all...
Could my plant be showing her sex?

I thought at first it was a male, but upon closer investigation they are not balls,
Long parts are sticking out of them like pistels...

Some feedback would be great,
here's a picture to help you all make up your mind about this!

Am I Female?

I'm really hoping that she is showing her sex,
I'm at day 19 so it's likely.
Hopefully this will mean she'll put on a growth spurt soon!

In other news I've just bought some pieces for the camera,
so you'll all be able to enjoy some High Res bud porn later on,
with bountiful close ups and wide angle bushy shots.

Timer should be here within the next couple of days,
I'll update again in a few days when there's been some progress.


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the things you are talking about are called stipules. i thought the same thing on my first plant. looking good and super healthy man

Afghan Kush Ryder. Took me 56days from Seed to Harvest and it was an absolutely amazing smoke you will love it. Good Luck!

Cheers John,
I look forward to seeing what it smokes like,
I've heard good things. 56 days is pretty quick, hope mines the same!
What was your dry yield?

Those little pistil looking things are normal growth, you will know sex once WHITE hairs come out. Or balls.

the things you are talking about are called stipules. i thought the same thing on my first plant. looking good and super healthy man


Cheers for the information,
a major disappointment, but she can't be far off from showing her sex now anyway...
I hope I don't get balls.

First time growers eh!?!
Yeah, she seems to be going strong at the moment which is great!
They grow so fast!

These plants grow at such an incredible rate!
She's quite easily twice as big as you last saw her... :mrgreen:

Sorry for the lack of updates, but I've been away for the last few days.
Given her a lot more water than usual, and it hasn't seemed to cause any damage.
The soil hasn't dried up once either, so she's drinking pretty slowly.

Here's a quick view of what she looked like a few days back,
I snapped one or two pictures but didn't have time to upload them.

DAY 23

As you can see, she's put on a lot of growth recently, which is great!
And here she is at a much more recent date...

DAY 25

It's like a Jungle in there now, as you can see.

She's bushed out to three times her previous size and is twice the height.
And just look at all that new growth coming through!
Sooner or later she's going to just explode, which is making me think...
Should I begin to LST her soon?
She is currently just over 6" for a little more than a third of her age.
I still have her sat on a shoe box to reach the light,
but soon she will have to be lowered.
I don't want any more burns in my grow!

If anyone has any good information on this that would be very helpful.

Now, for the most exciting part of this update.
I walked in today, after being away and noticed a strange smell.
Not very strong, just a slightly odd odour.
Opening the grow box I got a much bigger whiff of this.
Seems like it is a Girl after all!
She puts off a very potent earthy kind of smell at the moment.
It's not a problem as of yet, but I'll have to consider ways to hide this soon.


I'm pretty sure these are the little white hairs that you were all going on about,
and would explain why she suddenly has a strong smell.
They are currently about half an inch to an inch long,
6-10 of them at each node.

Sorry about the black bits in the photo's,
I need to clean my lens.

So what do you all think?
I'm excited now.



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congrats man! i havent shown sex yet im on day 30 so you beat me to it haha! maybe i am on sex i see really small white things at the top but no magnification glass to zoom and confirm it
this thing is growin so fast and beautifully. just ordered some blue cheese myself. thinking about tryin a autoflower soon. im excited to sub and keep up wth ur girl. GL
congrats onthe lady. man i would start to lst if you plan to. if you do water it then do it like 20 min later. use string or something soft
Cheers for the compliments guys.
She's growing faster still, and there are more white hairs than before... they are everywhere!

congrats onthe lady. man i would start to lst if you plan to. if you do water it then do it like 20 min later. use string or something soft

Just tie her down with your average string?
I'm a little worried about damaging her,
do you have any good links or info on it that you've used to good effect?

I'm thinking that SCROG may be the more sensible option here, as I can just lower her,
then after she's grown a bit more height fit a screen over her and let her grow a canopy.
I've got some mesh that should do the trick that I've been holding on to for this purpose.
She should fill up the entire space pretty much if that goes well...
Anyone any experience with SCROG and Autoflowering strains?
look in the faq pages for lst. prolly shoulda started a while ago but anything like a shoelace will work. f you click my lowryder grow journal there are pics of how i did my lst.