First Grow - Autoflowering

Hey greenlights thought i would stop back by see how things were going looking good bro. As i said on the first page of this thread i was getting afghan kush ryders well got them (3) pack world of seeds and they did not germ pissed me off germed them with 2 double diesels at the same time the DDs germd fine within 12hrs got 4 growing now on day 8.
Hey greenlights thought i would stop back by see how things were going looking good bro. As i said on the first page of this thread i was getting afghan kush ryders well got them (3) pack world of seeds and they did not germ pissed me off germed them with 2 double diesels at the same time the DDs germd fine within 12hrs got 4 growing now on day 8.

Man that sucks about the seeds not germing...
How did you germ them and for how long?

I once had a seed that didn't germ after nearly a week so I gave it away.
The guy I gave it too put it between damp paper it and forgot about it.
2 weeks later he came back to find it had germed for far too long,
Sometimes you just have to wait a much longer time.

Good luck on the diesel though,
The Diesel's have always been a favourite smoke of mine!
You'll have to tell me how they are, don't know much about Sagarmatha seeds.
I germd 2 diesels and 2 afghans and the diesels germd 12hrs later in paper towl method so left the afghans for 7 more days still nothing and they gave off such a horrible smell it i cant explain it, so thinking it was the paper towels i put them in new towels 12hrs later that horrible nasty smell again so guess they were rotted or whatever so after 10days i just threw them away. i have 4 double diesels growing now all 4 germd no probs 12hrs same method. I still have 1 afghan kush ryder seed left ill try after harvest might of just got a bad batch but after i baught them read so many BAD stories about WOS so will not go with them again.. so how are yours doing lets get an update brutha.
Hey GreenLights... very nice progress. I just started a CFL grow in my cab. I'm using 4 26W 5,600K CFLs while I wait for the bag seed to sprout. I ordered some nice AF seeds from Attitude this weekend and I cant wait to begin.

one question for you. Where did you purchase your CFL lamps and specifically, which ones are you using? I think the AF plants grow nicely in a small grow cab under CFLs from all the journals I've notice on RIU.

Hey, I'll update tomorrow hopefully if i get the time,
Just started SCROG and lowered her and already she's reached nearly maximum height,
there's just no stopping her at the moment!
I'm going to have to re-adjust every day at this rate...

The bulb was from Ebay for a pretty good price, dual spectrum 125W Envirolite.
Theres plently of other wattages and the price doesn't change much,
but 125W was enough for one plant I thought.
Thanks for the heads-up. I'll look into that. I was thinking of getting two lamps 1) 150W 5,000K and 2)150W 2,700K. I'll check eBay... gl growing
That would give any plant the time of their lives haha.

To be honest I think she's growing a bit faster than I want, an Inch in half a day!?
Just turned the bulb round so there's more red for flowering,
hopefully that'll slow her height a bit and work on those buds instead.
Yeah just one, they are pretty big, fills both width and depth of the box completely.
heat wise its pretty good, gets hot as would any 125w light,
but move your hands more than 2 inches away and it's cool.
I've only got one fan pulling air in at the bottom,
a couple of small holes at the top for hot air to escape,
and the temps are perfectly comfortable as you'll see a few pages back.

Hope that helps you out.
On top of this scrog just isn't working out for me at all,
she's growing far too quickly and it's causing a strange frame.
(such as leaves upside down)
I'm going to give it one last ditch effort to LST, i know it's a bit late though.
Just can't aford for her to hit that light as I'm running out of room in there.
Yeah just one, they are pretty big, fills both width and depth of the box completely.
heat wise its pretty good, gets hot as would any 125w light,
but move your hands more than 2 inches away and it's cool.
I've only got one fan pulling air in at the bottom,
a couple of small holes at the top for hot air to escape,
and the temps are perfectly comfortable as you'll see a few pages back.

Hope that helps you out.

If you get a chance check out my setup. I've made modifications since the beginning of my journal, but I think I may have a similar situation as you. I'm waiting fro the green to pop out of the soil. Look forward to seeing you next update.
Hey bro...nice first grow!! Im on my first grow too....1 plant n its glad urs showed pistils its exciting ...well im subbed its goin great...GL
Cheers for the subbing guys,
I'll update as soon as I can find the time (with glorious pics)

Just to let you know I have a wire screen in now,
she's growing through that.
However, she's going an inch a day now which I'm finding hard to tackle,
so I've also tied her down with a few shoelaces.
There are about 9-10 buds forming already and she stinks!

Easy, your grow room looks great, I'm really interested to see what happens.
Sucks you took it apart, but i suppose now it's better than ever.
Remember to mix spectrums, it definitely makes a big difference.
Sorry for the lack of updates people, I've had a lot less time recently.
Thought I would give you all a quick look before the weekend starts!

DAY 33

There's plenty of new growth on her now,
She's currently sitting at a comfortable 8-10" which is good,
as I wanted to try and keep things small scale.

I've added a screen for SCROG and it's starting to become useful,
every now and again I'll bend her back under and she'll push back through.
This is only working now that I have LST though.
I know it was a bit late to start as she was flowering,
but it seems to be working.
She's growing sideways now and has a good 3" of growth that way.
If I remove the shoelaces (which i used for string) then she stays that shape.
Good news!

Now for the most important part of the post.
I'm going to need some feedback from experienced growers.

I opened up my grow room today to find little balls absolutely everywhere.
I hadn't noticed anything like this yesterday so they are all brand new growth.
I won't be able to tear them off as they are all over,
near the bottom of the stem they are in thick clusters of 4-5.
Pretty gutting to be honest with you.
They might not be balls, as a few are more developed and have pistils,
but there are one or two that just don't look like they are going that way.
I presume I have a Hermie.
Oh well, I can give seeds out to everyone I suppose.

I hope everyone enjoys growing Hermies.... :wall:

See what you think.

If you look carefully in every picture I have posted you will see these growths.
They are everywhere.
I'm hoping that I'm just wrong and that they are flowers coming through,
and she will explode with bud soon after...
But that seems like a much too positive thought. :sad:

I'll post a couple of Bud shots to make me feel a little better,
and show her in a different light, haha.
I have about 9-10 cola's growing it would seem.
I'll also have to look out for a cheap way to stop smell. It's strong!

Thanks for stopping by, and please leave me a comment.
The more feedback the better.

Sorry for the black bits, need to clean the camera,
then you can have the closest high res bud shots you've ever seen... :leaf:
damn man. that's a heart-wrenching image right there lol she/it looked great up until those balls haha i'm sure you'll still get plenty off it. as for smell, search for "diy zen carbon filter" that's what i went with. i'm only on day 16 though, so haven't turned em on for flowering.
Just cut the male flowers off..You might get a few seeds...few...but it will still be good smoke. Plus you'll have some free seeds out of the deal. No big deal. NICE GROW!
When you are cutting the balls off, spray the plant with water incase any pollen sacks pop open - the water will stop the pollen drifting away and pollinating the female flowers.