First grow - bag seed x8 - CFL - 4x4x4 cab or 3x3x3

so i plan to put the clones directly in this a bad idea? and also right into the veg cab. it is pretty warm, and with them well watered the humidity is +-60%...
I have pretty good success with my cloning technique. I took clones a little over a week ago. Out of 50 clones 48 have shown roots. The last two are still looking great and in the humidity dome waiting to show roots. The two that haven't rooted yet were the two most saturated cubes. I always have a 99-100% success rate with my method. My routine as follows. Fill a 5 gallon bucket with 5 gallons of barely warm water. Add a total of 15ml rhizotonic, 15ml hygrozyme, 12ml thrive alive b-1, and two scoops of great white. Mix everything up and pH to 5.0. Add rockwool cubes to the bucket, stir around, and let soak about an hour or up to 3 hours. Any longer and the cubes sometimes start falling apart. Pull the cubes out and squeeze them until they are moist but not dripping wet when you give them a gentle squeeze. Equally space 25 cubes in each 10"x20" tray. Cut your clones off the mother plant. Make a 45 degree angle cut about 1/4" below the node you select on the opposite side of where the node shoots out. Leave 1 or 2 sets of leaves at the top of the cutting and cut off the rest below. On the node just above your 45 degree angle cut take your razor and strip off the top layer of the stems skin making sure not to cut too deep into the white meaty part of the stem. Dip your cutting in cloning gel. I use clonex. Olivia's cloning gel is good too. Swirl your cutting around to make sure you have a good coat on the stem. Place your cutting into the rockwool cube. One big tip is don't use the pre-made holes in the cubes. I have gotten much better results when placing it directly into the cube off to the side of the hole because it fits more snug. A general rule of thumb is that if your cutting isn't strong enough to pierce the cube then it's not a cutting worth taking, toss it. Cover with the humidity dome with the vents closed and place florescents as close to the humidity dome as possible. Lift the humidity dome every few days for just a few seconds to replenish the air. After 10 days start looking for roots. I find that most strains roots in 10-14 days with some taking up to 3 weeks. During the time that they are in the humidity dome, as long as the vents are closed you shouldn't have to add any water for the first 10 days. I don't use heating pads and I don't ever mist my plants. The method I just described has worked for me every time. You can do up to 50 clones per tray but I recommend only doing 25. The reason is because when they are too crowded the clones leaves rest on other clones leaves and with all the condensation trapped between different clones leaves you are likely to run into mold. If you see mold on any clones try to remove them asap as they will spread quickly to your other cuttings.
I have pretty good success with my cloning technique. I took clones a little over a week ago. Out of 50 clones 48 have shown roots. The last two are still looking great and in the humidity dome waiting to show roots. The two that haven't rooted yet were the two most saturated cubes. I always have a 99-100% success rate with my method. My routine as follows. Fill a 5 gallon bucket with 5 gallons of barely warm water. Add a total of 15ml rhizotonic, 15ml hygrozyme, 12ml thrive alive b-1, and two scoops of great white. Mix everything up and pH to 5.0. Add rockwool cubes to the bucket, stir around, and let soak about an hour or up to 3 hours. Any longer and the cubes sometimes start falling apart. Pull the cubes out and squeeze them until they are moist but not dripping wet when you give them a gentle squeeze. Equally space 25 cubes in each 10"x20" tray. Cut your clones off the mother plant. Make a 45 degree angle cut about 1/4" below the node you select on the opposite side of where the node shoots out. Leave 1 or 2 sets of leaves at the top of the cutting and cut off the rest below. On the node just above your 45 degree angle cut take your razor and strip off the top layer of the stems skin making sure not to cut too deep into the white meaty part of the stem. Dip your cutting in cloning gel. I use clonex. Olivia's cloning gel is good too. Swirl your cutting around to make sure you have a good coat on the stem. Place your cutting into the rockwool cube. One big tip is don't use the pre-made holes in the cubes. I have gotten much better results when placing it directly into the cube off to the side of the hole because it fits more snug. A general rule of thumb is that if your cutting isn't strong enough to pierce the cube then it's not a cutting worth taking, toss it. Cover with the humidity dome with the vents closed and place florescents as close to the humidity dome as possible. Lift the humidity dome every few days for just a few seconds to replenish the air. After 10 days start looking for roots. I find that most strains roots in 10-14 days with some taking up to 3 weeks. During the time that they are in the humidity dome, as long as the vents are closed you shouldn't have to add any water for the first 10 days. I don't use heating pads and I don't ever mist my plants. The method I just described has worked for me every time. You can do up to 50 clones per tray but I recommend only doing 25. The reason is because when they are too crowded the clones leaves rest on other clones leaves and with all the condensation trapped between different clones leaves you are likely to run into mold. If you see mold on any clones try to remove them asap as they will spread quickly to your other cuttings.

no pun intended but i had 100% sucess with this simple method.

grab a cup of water. get rooting gel and juffy pucks and humidity dome in a convienent spot.

1) cut clone 45 degree angel, toss in water.....repeat untill you have all of the clones you need cut in your cup of water.
2) take a clone out of water, scrape a bit off the stem where you cut and put a 1/2 inch slit up the stem, dip in rooting powder/gel then put in moistened jiffy puck (or whatever medium your using rockewool cubes...ect ect)

3) put them in humidity dome and mist when you remember to.....

no offense but people make things way more complicated then they need to be
male #1





all 5 pretty :-(

HOPEFULLY, this is a lil lady right here...2 pics


thats 5 out of 6 that were in the flower cab definite males. now i gotta figure out how to get rid of them...

moved the 3 from the veg cab into the flower cab. looks like the middle one is already starting to show balls...


middle (male)


im bummed lol. thats a pretty shitty ratio. oh well...learning experience and whatnot lol. anyway hoping that one i think is a female doesnt grow balls. we shall see about the 3 i flipped today to flower. the middle one almost definitely is a male, the other two have potential to be females...

thoughts? gotta figure out what to do with the males....
That's nuts. They all look like males to me but if you have the room you might keep them under just a bit of light to just make sure. I've definitely miss-sexed quite a few plants.
no pun intended but i had 100% sucess with this simple method.

grab a cup of water. get rooting gel and juffy pucks and humidity dome in a convienent spot.

1) cut clone 45 degree angel, toss in water.....repeat untill you have all of the clones you need cut in your cup of water.
2) take a clone out of water, scrape a bit off the stem where you cut and put a 1/2 inch slit up the stem, dip in rooting powder/gel then put in moistened jiffy puck (or whatever medium your using rockewool cubes...ect ect)

3) put them in humidity dome and mist when you remember to.....

no offense but people make things way more complicated then they need to be

no harm taken. i have had successful clones taken from only water, cloning gel, razor blade, and trays. the method i described has given me better results though than using plain water and cloning gel. i get no yellowing of leaves, lots more white hairs on the roots, and between a few days to a week off the rooting time. it's not so much "more complicated" doing my method. it only takes a minute or two more to mix the solution over using straight water but the results are better in my experience. i'm not in cloning mode right now but next round i can do a trial run using my method and a single tray of plain water. the cuttings with plain water will be just fine but you'll see that they won't root as fast and they won't be as healthy as the clones that are place in presoaked cubes with my selected ingredients.
gas even the one i thought might be female looks male? was i right to get all the males out of the cab as soon as i noticed lil balls? is there a chance that they could be females still? i am really hoping i have at least ONE female i can clone from...if not its time to start over...which SUCKS. lol. at least i dont have to build the cab this time...LAME

someone tell me what to do!
no harm taken. i have had successful clones taken from only water, cloning gel, razor blade, and trays. the method i described has given me better results though than using plain water and cloning gel. i get no yellowing of leaves, lots more white hairs on the roots, and between a few days to a week off the rooting time. it's not so much "more complicated" doing my method. it only takes a minute or two more to mix the solution over using straight water but the results are better in my experience. i'm not in cloning mode right now but next round i can do a trial run using my method and a single tray of plain water. the cuttings with plain water will be just fine but you'll see that they won't root as fast and they won't be as healthy as the clones that are place in presoaked cubes with my selected ingredients.

well the complicated part is rounding up all them ingredients, i dont doubt that it yeilds better results just saying that its not necessary for the average grower to go out and spend all that money when they can get perfectly viable clones for way less. :)

glad no offense was taken as im not trying to be rude or say your methods dont work and dont give good results, and i would totally agree in a larger scale grow it would be worht every cent. but for just a few clones a year i dont think in my opinion it is worth the money.
gas even the one i thought might be female looks male? was i right to get all the males out of the cab as soon as i noticed lil balls? is there a chance that they could be females still? i am really hoping i have at least ONE female i can clone from...if not its time to start over...which SUCKS. lol. at least i dont have to build the cab this time...LAME

someone tell me what to do!

you can leave them in the cab for a few more days probally even a week, the pollen wont release untill the flowers (pollen sacs) open, like gas said give them a little more time to ensure they are males.

to get rid of them. i would put them in a brown paper bag and dry em out and save them to make hash with once you harvest your females. your going to have a bunch of trim and you can use the males in with all your trim to make some hash!! you really dont want to throw them in the trash just in case. if you had a composter you could compost them :)
i left them out overnight already. next to the garage door. i mean theyre probably fine but their light cycle is fucked now. should i still put them back in?
dosent matter, 1 day wont mess with em too much anyways. its really up to you if your 100% SURE THEN GET RID OF EM just make sure your 100%. they probally are since males generally show first :)
I think they might be right about the lighting although I'm not an experienced indoor grower. I have 8 plants growing from bag seed right now. I origiinally had 10 but I pulled out 2 weak ones. They've been under 8 26W CFL's and 4 40W 4' flourescent lights for most of their life. Approximately 22000 lumens of light altogether. They're all very healthy but they are growing really Sloooooooooow! Much like your grow, mine's from bag seed and just a test before I actually try this with real seeds. They shot up real stemmy at first too because I didn't have my light close enough. They say you have to have it within inches of your plants. The CFL's get really hot still so I have 3 fans. The 4' flourescent tube lights don't really generate much heat at all from the bulbs. In fact, 2 of my plants are touching the light and they have no leaf burn at all. Anyway, I thought it might help for you to see some pictures of perhaps what NOT to do. LOL! I might buy some more lights pay day. I found these .97cent plug adapters that allow you to screw a bulb into them. I was thinking about taking those and 2 power strips and just lining them with lights and then securing them with electrical tape and hanging them on the wall. CFL's apparently give out more light from their sides than the tops though so I don't know if this will be a good set up or not. I'll take pics when I do it. Here's pic from week 7, prior to adding another bucket and spreading them out:
week 7.JPG

and here's a pic from week 8 after trimming some of the sucker leaves, adding a 3rd bucket (I'm doing DWC with bubbles) and killing two weaklings:
week 8.JPG
Just a quick P.S. You may not be able to tell from the pics above but I have approximately 5x5 grow space in my walk in closet. Prior to last week (>week 7) I had little to no reflectivity in there. I can't paint the walls because it's a rental so I went out and bought some of those mylar emergency blankets and lined the two opposing walls with it. I already had put a mylar reflector from an old projection TV behind the plants (except the 3rd bucket because it wouldn't fit). They really have perked up after this and seem to be growing much faster. I guess my point is that reflectivity seems to matter as much as the number of lights. The more reflectors you have the less of that 19000 lumens you'll waste I guess. That must be why people choose to grow in a closet or a small tent or something. Less light lost. I also heard that making reflectors out of aluminum foil or alumninum cookware is OK but I also have heard lots of people say aluminum reflects more heat than light and so I guess we have to be careful about what we use to reflect our light. The mylar didn't really raise the temperature too much in my closet but I did add another fan just in case.
gas even the one i thought might be female looks male? was i right to get all the males out of the cab as soon as i noticed lil balls? is there a chance that they could be females still? i am really hoping i have at least ONE female i can clone from...if not its time to start over...which SUCKS. lol. at least i dont have to build the cab this time...LAME

someone tell me what to do!

Really hard to tell someone when to throw away very healthy looking plants ;) I just know I have misdiagnoses several times. My first group of plants I thought half of them were males and transplanted them outdoors as I couldn't stomach killing them. Went back to check up on them months later and it turns out that all but one were females with no balls in site... Not sure if they started out with a couple nuts and grew out of it (intersex plant) or if I just fucked up - but it can definitely happen. Another possibility is that your bagseed is the product of a legit genetic hermie - in which case all plants will show both.
dizzygirlio - glad to have you along! it seems like u didnt read all the way thru the building part of the worries tho your learning the same things i learned lol. i LOVE that ur doing a DWC tho...thats my next move i think. soil is hard enough for the moment lol. anyway more light isnt necessarily the key...reflecting/light trapping definitely is though. i have a 3 by 3 foot cabinet with all the walls insulated with what is essentially styrofoam with mylar glued to it. all the walls. then a floor made from bricks to add mass so heating and cooling happens slower. there are 16 bulbs in the 3by cab with a total of 368 watts...anyway ill be following u along if u post me a link to ur grow!

lime, lol no not late jus...a lil behind. yeah may have gotten into some males. idk. read up and then check the latest pics. totally appreciate it!

gas, dude, u think thats what it is? i was wondering that...especially cause of the burn in the beginning even if the plant they came from was indeed hermied...idk man. is there any point to growing a hermie? im almost positive the 5 i pulled are males. my camera doesnt do it justice, but there are definitely balls on all of them. now im second guessing myself have to go check on em again. they have been chillin in cold weather basement now for like 2 is there any point in keeping males/hermies?
i wouldnt stress the cold basement, as long as it doesnt get belpow freezing (and would probally be alright if it did once or twice) they should be fine. wort case man just clone off a known female to put that veg cab to use and flower out the rest :)

you could do a nice little SoG with known clones.
lol yeah thats the plan matt! hoping for a female. just leaving the males out for now...guna keep an eye on the ones in flower cab now. hopefully the one i kept in there is a girl...and a couple of the lil ones...

guna just leave the males out for now. not killing them. but they are definitely guna stop growing...
they wont stop growing if there is a little light they will just slow down, put a CFL or 2 on em to let thier sex parts develope so you can be more posotive
yeah i think all 6 are male. not positive yet. but pretty sure. some of the other smaller ones look ok, will have to see after being in flower cab for a lil longer. all i need is ONE female lol. cant believe all my big ones are males! pretty sure i called that earlier in the thread...just my luck. oh well still have 3 chances, and a whole bag of seeds.

all the males are so pretty tho! lol. if they have balls at all, that makes them male right? just making sure...

ALSO my understanding of flowering was that the plants in flower are to recieve ABSOLUTELY NO LIGHT during their night cycle. is this true? i have been waiting until 6 when their dawn is to check them out. is it ok to expose them to some light to check on them during MY day and THEIR night?
its not recomended but you can get one of them green party CFL's and use that for light to check on them.

they just have to recieve 12 hours of total darkness each day in order to push them into flower. if you can flop the schedule around so they are on while you are around to check on them thats probally best, i know you have had osme heat issues and your keeping lights on overnight to counteract them. maybe a heating pad under your bricks at night so you can have the lights on while you home and awake?