First grow - bag seed x8 - CFL - 4x4x4 cab or 3x3x3

Invest in some HID lighting. Instead of wasting money on those and maybe more CFL's you can just throw $160 at a hood, ballast, and a 250 watt HPS. I wouldn't grow with anything less than a 600HPS but if your budget isn't allowing it at least a 250watt HID light would be a great deal better than a bunch of low wattage CFL's
i may go that route. but not on my first grow. i spent like 50 bucks on 368 watts with supposedly 28000 accumulative lumens...i know they aren't as efficient and don't necessarily put out the useful PAR and blah blah blah but they work...for 50 bucks. the idea is to maximize the minimal.

anyway...all my lil babies are pretty much dead. its 84 degrees and 28 percent humidity. guess i definitely need non passive airflow. there is a big fan with two cups of water behind it. not doing anything really i guess. I'm not guna even post pics. its embarrassing...pretty sure like 50 degrees is too cold for the night cycle anyway. i wish someone would say one way or another if this is true...guna start a new grow. abandon this cab til summer. or just get an inline fan or whatever. would like to know about that. either way. left the box unsealed. hopefully bleed off some more heat and maybe not entirely fry the lil ones. they are pretty yellow...bad...
bro just go out to an ace hardware you can find 26-27w cfls for cheap i got mine for 2 bucks a pop as you can see that my plant is loving the cfls you just have to ake a way for the light to really hit the plant lsting is 1 and topping trimming but lsting is less stressful
nitti i got 16 of the 23 watt bulbs...are 26 watt bulbs guna make a diff?

its too hot...they got burned. they aren't over watered or nute they have only been watered once and never with nutes...they are almost crispy now. venting. how can i pull air thru it now...
ugh. ok im done for tonight. here are the current pics. i have clustered them together far away from lights, and left the doors not sealed to let air in.

heres the fan/humidifyer


heres the intake on the right...another on the left you will see in a few pics down...


heres the outputs in the ceiling


heres the left intake and the way i have them grouped in the box now...


heres the last reading after i moved them around and had the doors open for a short while...and the closest up i got on my poor babies.

alright, i want to know two things:

1. can these plants recover and if so is it worth it to continue...or should i start over?

2. does a 4 inch 165 cfm inline fan hooked to the outputs have enough pull to keep the temps down enough...or was temperature even the problem?
dude when the last time you watered them
alright, i want to know two things:

1. can these plants recover and if so is it worth it to continue...or should i start over?

2. does a 4 inch 165 cfm inline fan hooked to the outputs have enough pull to keep the temps down enough...or was temperature even the problem?
how far are your lights from your plant it needs to be close to them an inch away they will die from lack of light for real
yo they ended up like that after their first day in that cab. it was 88 degrees, 28 percent humidity. they WERE like inches from the bulbs. i think thats what fried them. i had JUST watered them for the first time yesterday...the soil remained damp throughout sprouting. they were looking so healthy and vigorous. then i put them in the cab. too early i think. no proper ventilation anyway...fix that soon with an inline fan.
so is it safe to say they got burned by the bulbs? i mean 88 isn't necessarily TOO too hot, but with the low humidity, and also I'm sure with the stretching they didn't develop proper root systems either...really wana figure out what went wrong...LOVE SOME HELP ON THIS

germinated some new beans this morning. will be doing 2 weeks under 15 watt t8. MUCH closer than last time. trying to figure out what to use to keep moisture in...maybe just cellophane. only need that the first few days after sprouting right? anyway guna try again, and hopefully by that time i will have the ventilation system worked out for my cab.
Just read your entire journal and am sorry your first grow isn't working out well. You deff have the skills and general concept down pat though. I live in north east and don't think a garage grow will work for you this time of year. I really like your cabinet, and think it would work indoors very well with the ideas you have. Emergency blanket at dicks made me LOL as I did that at one point during my first grow.

The aquarium was pretty ingenious...I was into tropical fish in my youth....though the babies shoulda been raised from the very begining.

Good Luck...I'm intersted !!!!!
thanks bro! lol...i love that someone appreciates the humor i slyly drop. anyway i wish i had thought about the garage in the winter thing before building that box! its funny cause its not even where i was originally guna put it in the garage cause it won't fit anywhere but out the garage door! i have a few more options to make it work, it IS only like 3 ft away from the furnace. its lowest so far is 50 in the night cycle...and it is reversed from the actual day night cycle so midnight to the plants is midday in reality. i could insulate the outside with that board insulation stuff, and even do the inside with this reflective insulation stuff i found at the depot. could help with the lows "overnight." might do the inside first, but its a lil weird. its very...rippley. lol. it is the opposite of smooth, but uniform so i feel like it won't create the dreaded hotspots everyone talks about. thats one idea....

BUT. 50 degrees is, albeit not ideal but POSSIBLE, at least from what I've gleaned from my research so far. my idea is this; cannabis grows the resinous thc crystals we covet as a response to environmental harshness...right? or kinda? i.e. the more the extreme temp change, the more crystals. now i realize that that may not matter much if i can't grow any colas cause its TOO harsh, but I'm wondering...its an interesting theory. probably NOT the best thing to start my first grow experimenting with, but hey. circumstances, ya dig? lol...

anyway MUCH more optimistic today. i was like violently ill i didn't even go check on em. saw today they are NOT dead. there is NEW growth!!! i think i have finally figured out how to run my cab...all 6 babies are showing new growth. I'm amazed. all the first fan leaves were burnt yellow. like bad. you saw the pics...or if you haven't...go back a page or two. anyway most of them are almost all green again!!! one still looks pretty bad, but theres new growth on that one too!!! kinda glad only 1 of those new beans i germinated has sprouted. picked the worst of the lot just for this happenstance. anyway will post pics soon...need to transplant so gotta head to agway to get more pro-max and 3 gallon pots...

the ventilation system i made is, at this point, ENTIRELY passive, so i have to actually keep the doors cracked in the day cycle cause its TOO good a seal...gets up to 88-90 degrees. i leave em cracked open, the cab stays at a beautiful 77-78 with the humidity at about 40 percent. not too shabby eh? the next idea is an inline fan for the outputs...suck the hot air right out. 165 cfm inline fan...expensive, but fuck it I'm in this deep lol. can't get that for a LIL while tho, stick with the cracked doors method until then...

anyway. thanks again thegersman for the response, +rep! hope you (and others) take the time to read this massively long response lol...

oh and real quick, yeah they def should have been like an inch from the aquarium light the whole time. i have enough plywood left from the cab to build a wooden version of the aquarium, with adjustable light height...might could do that real quick.
Happy they are growing !!!!!! Can't type much, wife ordered Chinese !!!

Did I miss it ? How will you keep temp higher than 50 ? Eventually you'll be flippin' to 12/12 lights.

Gotta eat
good point...hadnt thought that far ahead yet. no worries, go eat lol n then give above a quick once over again. was thinking a couple types of insulation/letting it just be at 50 above n let me know what you think!






i think the reflective stuff i was talking about is called solarflex...that on the inside or board insulation on the outside. or i wait til warmer weather to use this particular box. or i see how it does with really cold nights and pretty perfect days.

whats the ideal humidity/temp for each stage? anyone? what are the extremes people have done before? i know HIGH temps are usually the problem...
ok so it got down to 48 today in the night cycle. adjusted cycle duration to 20/4. hopefully this will help. I'm buggin about the humidity though. its down to 16 percent. not really raising at all. theres a high velocity fan with two solo cups with sponges in them behind it that i moved a lil closer to the babies hoping this would help it raise up. is it the low temp that makes the humidity so low? how can i fix this??? HELP!!!
You won't be able to flower if it is 50 deg. The insulation idea sounds like it might work. I'm not up on the latest insulation. I went to Lowe's and bought some 1" styrofoam panels and it is sufficient for blocking out cold from a casement window I vent out of.

My opinion is to bring it inside if that is possible, Too many problems to face and headaches doing it in cold garage by furnace. My mantra is KISS ....
You have a great stealth cab, that's what's killin' me.
hey man just read through and heres my 2¢ take it how you want.

first off if you plan on keeping these plants going YOU need to fill them cups the rest of the way with dirt, top the right off.

give a 1/8th dose of nutes if they medium you have is completely without nutrients, they need something to eat.

your cab looks great and you have the idea down pat, just need to get rid of the stretching and maybe find some decent compost to mix in your mix for a little bit of nutrients during first 2 weeks.

i really hate to say this and i mean no disrespect but at this point if them seeds are just bagseeds it may be in your best intrest to just start over, having issues like this so early is just going to cost you a good deal of time vegging longer to get them to where you need them. ill post a pic to show you what i mean.


ok all these plants are the same age, the one in the bottom left corner had some issues when it was really small and is falling behind the rest in a majotr way, these pics were taken at about 4 weeks.
by restarting now yuou may have lost a week but if you get it right this next go around they will outgrow the ones you have now in a matter of weeks, like i said i hate telling people they should start over but this early in the game i feel its your best bet, i mean no disrespect and im not trying to be rude just trying to be honest and help out.

next go around get some nutrients in that soil, go get a low low NPK rated fertilizer and mix 1/8 strength in the soil before you even plant 3-1-1 or something along them lines should do you well for seedlings.

dont hate on bagseed, i grew 4 bagseed beans this past summer and all 4 turned out to be female and the smoke was pretty decent, much better than the smoke i got them out of. its all in the dry cure process and you will be shocked how good regular bagseed beans can be :)

best of luck on your grow, ill sub up to this and follow along, any questions just ask. also you have plenty of lights for now

:peace: matt

+rep for starting down the path of marijuanna cultivation :)