First grow, bagseed, 400hps, growbox - PICS!!

Looking good how many weeks was this at? they look similar to mine at 4 weeks flowering.I'm going to watch your grow from now on.:)


ya mate, 4 or 5 weeks on 12/12 now...4 weeks of bloom nutes. They are all very green so i guess im doing ok lol...except for the yellowing ones leeching nitrogen.



Well-Known Member
loooooking good. thanks for the advice... looks like you did well in trimming. SOG'ing the plant sort of, should make for dense top colas...

now you have me thinking, the weight bulked into a dense top cola.. would it equal the sum total weight, of several smaller buds?? just lack the appeal of a fat nug??


Hey shack!

I think logically if the lower budsites are getting light, you would get a greater harvest of smaller sized buds by not pruning. (more weight, but smaller nuggets)
By trimming the lower growth the plant sends all nutes and energy to the fewer top ones, making impressive nugs, but less weight (due to less leaf surface area getting light)

I just got completely caught off guard with how big they get how fast lol..i was like 3 times their size...right thats ok...well with a single 400w its a bi hard to fit everything in the light lol... so my rooms a plant trimmed, one completely natural but intentionally left in a smaller pot (and watered a lot more) one completely natural in a proper sized pot and one lst. Just to satisfy my own curiosity about each method and what they look like and do and in a weird zen sort of tetris they all just happened to fit together, at the correct height to sort of sog.



Well-Known Member
hmmpf!! now that i'm flowering my first crop, i'm constantly comparing my grow to others around the same time in flower (i.e. YOURS, haha) i guess the mess people talk about CFL is partially true. i may have over veg'd my closet grow to flower with CFL.. so massive, it might need the penetrating power of a HPS.

long story short, i envy your buds filling out, mine are still pretty airy... congrats protastic.


When I went to purchas the HPS bulb i couldnt because the bases are fat and don't fit in a regular light socket and the only thing that would fit is a big street light so how did you do it without a street light?

This is my grow journal. I also have another thread called prot3us1's grow box where i discuss choices ive made, reasons behind the choices and plans and ideas for future grows.

Details on my grow:
Box dimensions: 1m x 1m x 1.5m
Lighting: 400w Sunmaster Super HPS Deluxe
Nutrients: Dutch Master "Grow Croissance" 2 part
Ventilation: 1 x Ceiling Exhaust fan + 1 x Floor fan
Seed: Bagseed
Medium: Soil (+Jiffy Peat Plugs)

I'm now counting the days from the day the leaves opened.

Day 1:

Today the seed came out if its shell...the shell was stuck to the leaf, I gently blew on it and it came off after fluttering for a few seconds.

Day 2:

A little growth today, nothing massive above ground, but I'm sure the root system is developing.

Day 3:

More growth of the first true leaves, Almost doubled in size since day 2.

Day 4:

Plant is progressing great, seeds will go into their peat plugs today or tomorrow.

Day 5:

I decided to give the seed another day to get a bit more taproot out...

Transplanted the seedling today into its first pot. Starting to look good, the milk leaves are yellowing and drooping...they will fall off soon.

Feel free to comment and post pics of your setup...Ask anything you want...cheers



Well-Known Member
When I went to purchas the HPS bulb i couldnt because the bases are fat and don't fit in a regular light socket and the only thing that would fit is a big street light so how did you do it without a street light?
YOu go to a hydro shop, or get on the internet, try they have great prices. You will be able to find all kinds of grow lights in either place. I just went through this with a friend of mine cus he was trying to use a security light from lowes. Just get the right thing first. Peace


Lol its funny you say that shack, cuz im impressed with your bush my friend jealous of the sheer size of that thing.

The difference is, all i did to get my dense bud was use a hps light, It took skills and patience for you to get that monster lol.

I also enjoy comparing mine to others, i seem to be pretty on par now :)


When you buy the globe you also buy a ballast and hood. The ballast will have the correct wall socket for you to plug into mains, and the correct glove socket to screw the globe in.

I paid $199 for my globe, ballast and reflector. IT was only about $20 more for a 600 watt...I should have got that, but i don't regret not getting it either, it was outside the scope of my grow and i followed the plan, and things are working out great....


TC man, thanks for the help man, I dont buy m stuff online and i know a lot of people do so thanks for hooking up the links and all. Had some shrooms the other night man, jesus lol....had a friggen full on car accident right outside my house (i wasnt in it, just some radoms that were being goofs and hit the stobie pole) but there were live power lines on the road and shit..god it was insane...cops everywhere :P

ahhh crazy. Now to wait an hour before the lights go on, then time to water :D


Yep, ive got northern lights ready to plant. from now on one plant at a time under the 400w lol. But not doing another grow for a bit after this one lol. While im not growing ill take people out to the shed cuz theres been a few times people have been around and ive made awkward excuses for not letting them in...ill make sure everyone sees theres nothing going on in there, then later on ill start up again.


Active Member
hey wats up i just wanted to know what the best grow light for vegging is it a son agro, or an agro sun red sodium or a hortilux or a flourescent or what and whats the best one for flowering.


High pressure sodium for flowering - metal halide or "whiter" light (rather than warmer) fluorescents for vegging. Warmer fluoros for flowering.

If you want one light for the whole grow get a hps. I used my high pressure sodium from sprout till bud, and if you read my journal you know i made a lot of mistakes. My plants are severely stunted, and due to the weather in australia had fluctuating temps up till i put it in the cellar.

Ive still got NICE buds. You will make do with what you make do with...but if you want my advice grab yourself a 250 watt or 400 watt high pressure sodium. Get unfertilised soil. Get some fertiliser from your hydro store. Dont have to get the best nutes, just do one or 2 plants though, with the 400w any more and its just hard to get light on everything...

im stoned forget what im typing haha...anyways...i recommend the 400w hps as a full light on a budget, power bills barely gone up...


Well in the garden today i have some leaves with necrosis and curling, nothing major a few tips are a bit brown and not all leaves are curling. Having researched and looked at my own situation (plants have been on same concentration of nutes for weeks now with no previous damage) I am thinking nute lockout by salt buildup. I flushed them today nothing but fresh water. I will do 50% nutes next feed, then 75% then back to 100%.

Im nuting all the way to harvest...Im not a full believer that flushing at the end does anything good...logically as far as im concerned there are nutrients in the plant no matter what i do...The roots take up nutrients sure, and it SOUNDS good flushing them out seems to make sense...but the curing process is there to remove unwanted chemicals...This is my first grow, i know for a fact the stuff i smoke when i buy it isnt flushed nor cured...I look forward to curing my stuff properly...i may do a plant next grow that i will flush, compare the difference...

anyways, more pics when you ask, or i feel its time :P.
my estimate for harvest of missy is within weeks now, we have milky trichs as you can see in the pics..but im in absolutely no rush at plenty to smoke for weeks yet, I am determined not to cut early.

When i see the first sign of amber trichs im going to keep very close eye on things, 10 - 25% amber and shes coming down.

I have a theory regarding trichs and color change. Look at the pistils..start out clear go milky then go brown. If you foliar feed your plants with the lights on they go brown faster (burning).

Trichs start out clear and fat..they have high water content.
The water evaporates making them cloudy or milky.
They begin to oxidise, causing them to brown ( i dont know if its an actual color change, or just a change in the color we see...but i do believe this is the BEST way to judge harvest.)

By waiting for 25% to be amber we are allowing a quarter of the trichs to over ripen. This gives immature trichs time to mature, and the plant has a last chance to swell...If we cut when all were milky we would theoretically have "firmer" fruit, possibly better..but with the chance of immature fruit getting through too...

(immature trichs dont do much, over ripe ones make you feel couch rather MORE properly mature trichs plus some couch lock ones than a whole heap of do nothing trichs and the rest are normal...get a higher thc - plant matter percentage from allowing some to over ripen)

ITs like when you buy a bunch of banannas... so you get the whole bunch yellow to eat now, or a few yellow then some greens that will ripen over time to be eaten? (in australia banannas are cheap and common, substitute for any fruit that can be ripened off the plant and you will see what i mean.

I know some of you reading this are clenching your fists saying "dude, stick with th plan..people have been doing this for longer than you have been alive - dont change anything) - well im not am harvesting at 25% amber like just airing my theory and giving my peronal reasons for the no flush and the 25% amber harvest.

The fact of the matter is, when we invent something we hate for it to be changed...we hate on people trying new things and we ridicule them for not conforming...until they ake a discovery of a new better way to do things...then we love them and worship them..

End of the day i LOVE hearing peoples ideas and opinions, and im not talking about drowing a seed in nutes to help it grow, thats ridiculous...but what i mean is, its not a potion we are brewing here ,theres no magic involved...we are growing a fruit beaing plant...other people have studied and come up with perfect balances of nutrients for our fruits, yet other people again have come up with sucessful harvest methods, others still grow methods (sog, scrog lst, aero, hydro, organic, synthetic....if theres a variant its probably been done) you think the first guy that cut the top off his plant was applauded? or do you think people told hm he was a dickhead and cutting the plant wont do anything but stunt it? look at us now, everyones topping...MJ Culivation is an ever changing process right now, and WE are still pioneers. Theres no industry for mj like there is automobiles, the people growing it dont have combine harvesters and stuff, we still grow on plantations basically, like the settlers.

Ideas YOU come up with might be read by people in 100 years and those people will go shit we still do that, or haha they stopped feeding their plants weeks before harvest!!! they were so dumb... (hey remember, we used to drill holes in peoples heads with NO anaesthesia wigth sharp rocks to let the evil spirits out and we thought that was real medicine!)

I guess i been realising lately how "young" humans are...we think we are on the cutting edge of science...we are still in diapers...we think we have all the best grow methods and all the best techniques already, i guarantee we dont...LED is only the beginning...its like NASA get humans on mars for nasa to do...20 - 30 years? If the pubic were allowed to do it, probably do it in 5, and do it better. Just because we dont all have JOBS in agriculture, doesnt mean you are wrong when you think "hey this mght work".

We give people recipes when we dont trust tem to make smart decisions...

If left to our own devices i KNOW i would have killed my plants. Im still not experienced enough yet to come up with any huge breakthroughs...i would have overwtered overnuted and killed my plants without the help of good old faq (the recipe in this case). That being said though, what the point in delicious food if everyone makes it the same...The top chefs are the chefs who put chocolate with chicken, they arent scared to try new things...we need to do the same...K1ng for instance, always changing things up in his grow...I love it. I love reading his grow (i read like 120 pages before i could join it as it was already that long!) I know it doesnt always work the best, but he has knowledge of each individual grow his hed he has all the data and hes coming to conclusions himself on how to combine lighting nutes, nute delivery methods and grow mediums, along with his spce and equipment and he is coming up with great results...thres some drama...but of course there is...but at the end of the day, hes a happy guy when harvest time comes around.

I get a bit pissed when i see people in others threads getting angry a them for doing something..its their money right..

That person is just trying to help...they dont want to see money and tim asted on bad ideas...and having thought of that im less angry and more thankful we have people who care enough to look out for us...

anyways im gonna stop here, im not stoned haha, but i am anxious as to go to court im trying to kill time before it. dont stress its nothing drug related lol, and im not going to jail or anything like that..just a small claim..



Hey guys, Trippy is cut down and trimmed. I remembered too late that you guys like to know wet weight and dry...half dry i got 54.2 grams off her, so im hoping around an oz. Thats with meticulous trimming i only kept the densest and nicest buds, the rest will be made into iso oil...I have a mate who can get 99% isopropyl unscented alcohol...Id say i got 3 oz all together off the plant, keeping only the best oz for smoking, the rest will make great alternative products.

So down to 3 girls in my cellar now. All 3 have majority brown pistils now, just waitng on trich browning to begin, they are all milky- with a few amber. Tried some macro shots but failed.

Im not rapid drying ANY of my harvest, i will smoke a little once its naturally dried before the cure, but rapid drying is really destructive to thc...i have plenty of smokable to last me till this is ready :).

Smoke report WILL follow, and to remind you all the strain is double gum white label seeds. The smell is extremely fruity..there is the weed undertone there too but everone agrees its a very fruity pleasant smell.

I have a lemon smelling bag seed, another double gum, and a silver haze continuing down there, the silver haze has all brown pistils pretty much but no amber trichs still...not sure about it..once ALL pistils are bow ill harvst either way...the water is obviously evaporating from them which means the thc is also progressing through its life..perhaps sativa and indica are different with the amber? I dunno..



Well-Known Member
Prot3us1 said:
Ideas YOU come up with might be read by people in 100 years and those people will go shit we still do that, or haha they stopped feeding their plants weeks before harvest!!! they were so dumb... (hey remember, we used to drill holes in peoples heads with NO anaesthesia wigth sharp rocks to let the evil spirits out and we thought that was real medicine!)

I guess i been realising lately how "young" humans are...we think we are on the cutting edge of science...we are still in diapers...we think we have all the best grow methods and all the best techniques already, i guarantee we dont...LED is only the beginning...its like NASA get humans on mars for nasa to do...20 - 30 years? If the pubic were allowed to do it, probably do it in 5, and do it better. Just because we dont all have JOBS in agriculture, doesnt mean you are wrong when you think "hey this mght work".

We give people recipes when we dont trust tem to make smart decisions...
:clap: kudos! :clap:

that is what i like to hear!! THIS THREAD DESERVES A STICKY!! for that statement alone.

well stated and well put..

care to share a link to K1ng's journal?? haven't seen it yet!

+rep good friend
