First grow (bagseed)

I have a lot of seeds I got a hold of, and want to try to grow some strictly for educational purposes on the basics of growing. I tried germinating a seed but nothing even happened. And now I'm wondering if any of them will. Advice?:shock:


Active Member
Bagseed works fine, usually I use the darker and more striped seeds, but it can take a couple of days for germination sometimes. What method are you using?


Active Member
With bagseed they can be hit or miss for germination. I don't use them anymore because of bad results but when I did I would germinate twice as many than I actually wanted to use. Sometimes they won't work at all.. I tried germinating like 30 seeds at once one time and only 1 popped!

The way I germinate is to soak them in water for 2-3days until they sink and crack open. Once they crack open and you can see the white taproot move them into a moist paper towel in a baggie. Keep the towel warm NOT COOL and they will grow right in there just check daily and plant in soil when ready.
The first try was just straight paper towel, didn't even think to make it cold. Now I'm trying the shot glass pre-soak method. Is warmth the key?


Active Member
All stages of germination should be WARM. I always pre soak the seeds until they crack open, if you don't it will take much longer for the seeds to pop. I'm not sure how warm they should be but in my house a wet paper towel gets very cold sitting out. I usually place the towel into a zip lock bag seal it and place it on something warm. I actually sit them on top of my cable box because it throws off some heat. :mrgreen:

Just remember when growing with bag seeds... At least half maybe more will be male so veg twice as many plants than you actually want to flower.


Well-Known Member
I have a lot of seeds I got a hold of, and want to try to grow some strictly for educational purposes on the basics of growing. I tried germinating a seed but nothing even happened. And now I'm wondering if any of them will. Advice?:shock:
Strictly educational on the basics, huh?:wink: LOL
Good luck. I am on my first real grow, what I had done in years past I don't count, throwing seeds out in the yard and squirting with the hose- I didn't even know that there was male/female, but a few months ago, I planted some bagseed then started to read when I found forums (backwards I know).
But I got lucky, and I had 3 out of 5 seeds sprout, and they were all females:clap::clap:
I germ'ed mine in cotton balls, but most of what I've read here is the paper towel method, some people float their seeds first, some don't.
You're not trying to plant these, are you?
Sorry. LOL
SRSLY tho, don't get discouraged!


All five of mine (have a shit ton more) germinated out of the cotton ball with a pre soak. Just waiting for them to pop out of the soil now.