First Grow - Barney's Farm LSD (Scrog)


Active Member
Hey man, good luck with your grow. It will sure be interesting to see how they flower.
I also got on the Barney's Farm bandwagon and am growing a single Pineapple Chunk, I'm at day 78 (flowering 37), check out my journal in the sig.

I got 5 LSDs from the attitude and got the Pineapple chunk as a freebie, I dunno why but I decided to hold on the LSD and gain some growing experience with the PC first :)

Subbed for the ride!!!


Cool pics and thread!! I am also growing Barney's LSD and am more than ecstatic with the results thus far. I am growing in a greenhouse and my babies are huge. One is about five feet tall in a 10 gallon pot and the other is about 3.5 in a five gallon. Two more months till i can taste these beauties.

Pineapple chunk and Big Bomb coming in the mail as we speak.



Active Member
glad to see some recent updates. everything looks good. keep dem pics coming and let us know once you have smoked it. i will probably veg. my lsd for another month or so before putting it in the tent. :)



glad to see some recent updates. everything looks good. keep dem pics coming and let us know once you have smoked it. i will probably veg. my lsd for another month or so before putting it in the tent. :)

you honestly don't have to veg them indoors. i only get about 12-13 hours of sun a day and mine have no size deficiencies. keep the veg going if you want 8 foot amazon ladies!!