First Grow!! -Beginner- Feedback Apprec.


Well-Known Member
sweet :] I'm ready to buy this right now! But its not for a couple more weeks till I need a bigger light and more space, actually the space is fine right now. Argh! I'm anxious to buy!


Well-Known Member
How about this puppy for the light? I'm only growing 3 plants. I also have yet to see if any are males :X *Crosses fingers* , but if that happens I'm just buying some clones from the clinic. I wouldnt think I would need more than 400w for 3 plants? Just for personal and a friend or two.


Well-Known Member
how hot are does that light get? you should get it as close as possibly to avoid stretching.


Well-Known Member
So I'm not sure if these are at the appropriate level. I was told I could bring this light close to them, as the light does not get hot at all. You can see how close they are in the pics.

Here are some pics. I added the tape measure to show depth / how big they are so there is no confusion.

Here's a little better view of the tops

Btw this is Day 12.

Haven't been monitoring pH of any sort (should I get on this?), the temp in the house never falls below 70 and never over 80 so it stays pretty much room temperature.

Also how much longer till I transplant or move them? They are in about 1/2 cup solo cups or whatever u call them, beer pong cups. I have I believe either 3 or 5 gallon black bags. But I feel these girls are too tiny for transplant.

I'll be ordering my tent and then once I know how much room I have I'll order my 400w HPS w/ digital ballast. :"D

time for a good afternoon bowl :weed:bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
So I just received my tent, this thing is pretty cool, got it in 2 days, and it was only $80 w/ shipping. I'm a little worried about offgassing, but the material seems very sturdy to me. I think in about 2-3 weeks from now I'll put them under the 400w HPS(next paycheck :p). I'll post some pics of how big they are now.

DAY 15- These babies are getting some :leaf:leaves, and sprouting new ones, I feel like these are my children haha. I'll get some pics of the tent too, but its empty for now, not gonna put them in till they're stronger.



Well-Known Member
Hey guys! So I just transplanted two of the 3 into my new growtent. I'm not sure if

1. Jobes fertilizer spikes? Anyone ever use those.
(check pics) says something with nitrogen phosphate is added about .0something.

and I'm curious if my lights are good enough, color temp is 5500 k, and the wattage you can see on the package.

and three. My soil pH meter is reading about 4... Is that normal or a mis read? Anything I can do to bump it up to a 7 ish.

Also, I'm stumped on the timer thing, haha not sure how to set it at 18/6. It has little notches I can pull up but I dont know if I did that right.

Here's some pics to assist. And any help/feedback is greatly appreciated, kind of time sensitive too.



Well-Known Member
So alot has changed over the past day or so, I was really into this project and did my best to keep the temps controlled and everything in control. Take a peak

: for now

4x23w DayLight Bulbs (5500K) w/ built reflector (from the dryer thing that curves)(3.19each)

x2 pully system, each like ($12) I believe.

Exhaust/Intake/outtake fan ($20.00)

little oscilating fan ($14)


I'm thinking of adding either another 2, or 4 bulbs to position around the middle/base to get some big buds :}
I also have no nutes right now and am using foxfarm, is there any nutes that go good in mixture with foxfarm. ?
SO in the pics, the first two pics are what I started with, and these last ones are what I currently have setup :}

I'm pretty excited about this. I just hope I can keep the temps down, I may have to create a suction to the two fans.

total cost was like $120 or something. minus the tent (50.00 w/out shipping)

