First Grow - Big Bang and Some Northern Lights


After the last few days I thought these were toast, but I am noticing changes in them and after all the brutality they have suffered they may be coming back to life. I was almost ready to give up on these guys but thought, hey I will let em go for another few days. I am still crossing my fingers as they still look a bit dried out but I am thinking the fixes I did may have sprung them back on track.

I can tell they are severely behind as they are now day 12 and still look like they did back on day 6. Anyhow, thanks for stopping in jtdubz and Flagg420. I have subbed up to your threads and watching!

Day 12 Images below of the girls.



Well-Known Member
I didn't read your whole thread but just by reading the first couple posts these are my suggestions, germ your seeds in a paper towel wait to see a tap root of a inch on one or two of your seeds plant them all at that point, start your seeds in solo cups or small pots, light use cfls the first 2 weeks and flip your lights to 18/6 after a day of them coming above ground 18/6 has been proven to be the best and after 2 weeks start your mh bulb high and lower it slowly like a inch or two a day , water when you feel the pot light so feel how heavy it is when you first watered go off of, I mist 2-3 times a day works great for me, room temp your fine 10 deg drop isn't bad humidity I like to run it a little bit lower like 30% prevents a good habitat for bugs and mold you do have to water a little more often but that's a lot easier than fighting mold or mites.

Nutes you don't need to worry about for a couple weeks but in the mean time get some superthrive you can add it to your water I mist with it works great. Hope this helps


So, I am still not sure how much longer I should be trying to get these things back on track. The pictures/plants are looking very similar each day and I am not sure if they can bounce back or not. I am going to continue posting updates so I can look back on this and my notes and see where I went wrong and how I can change it for the next grow I do. Since starting this I have purchased my materials and began construction of my new grow room. The small tent idea I was working with was ok but I feel I am going to benefit more from this new setup.

For the time being, here are the plants on Day 13. Should I just throw em out and start fresh or keep trying to bring them back?



Active Member
Based on how much mine are changing, I would say start germinating a few new seeds. I posted new pics today and my plants (day 8 ) have signs of the first internode (if this terminology is correct) and 2 new leaves showing. I would still let these go for a day or two more, but based on how much mine grew in the first few days they may kinda be crippled.


I am going to wait 2 more days (from this day) to see if things will get back on track. I have plans on dismantling this grow tent I am using and making it into a better regulated room. I have dehumidifiers, humidifiers, proper timers, fans, squirrel cages, new temp/humidity devices and some pandafilm for this one. I can't wait to get it rollin.

I checked out your grow again, its looking great. Keep up the good work YouCantSeeMe5253


Well-Known Member
Feel free to check out my grow. its not the one in my link though lol thats the really old one.

I have a few tips. With MG dirt, alot of MG required the farmer to be.. more cautious, i realize MG is seen as bad, however if its all u got, given that walmart, home depo, etc ALL have this shit in BULK AND CHEAP, if you go that route, mix in ones that have NO wetting agents, low food, and always remember to buy 2 bags of perlite to one HUGE bag of dirt. Always always always add in more perlite if you notice the MG dirt seems rather wet.

Dont worry so much about the baby leafs, they eventually fall off anywho on bag seeds lol (blue mystic seems to be retaining the currently) Do not water alot.

These plants DONT LIKE MOIST DIRT. The dirt needs to be a >>TOUCH<< dry but not super dry. I water every 2-3 days and i water the blue mystic once a week as necessary (its in a huge floor model pot and i check its water levels with a meter AND by hand)

Party cups will only last you about 2.5 weeks.

If you are CERTAIN of the sex of the female, put it in a bigger pot to start UNLESS youre doing the party cup challenge. If you're in the US find your local "deal$" store as they have cheapass pots, most my pots were under 6 bux per. (6 bux being the big pot on my floor)

Also, Homedepot caries (superthrive) if you get this and B-52 from advanced you can revive these plants and u wont have to start fresh seeds.

My plants have been thru some MG soil hell and i am attempting to stabalize the 2 that didnt do so well being in that dirt and let me tell you, when they perk up, you will be glad u listened.


Active Member
Honestly from what I've read, newborns are very resilient to disease and pests. They def got hurt but I do believe they can bounce back. Growth is def stunted but they are still green and trying. Starting a new seed may be best but who knows, by the time they germinate these two may catch up and be good. S
So yea I guess keep a close eye and good luck m8


After doing some really close looking today I noticed that they were VERY stiff and the lack of change got to me. I touched one of the plants and it completely fell apart. Once I knew all was lost, I opened up to see how the roots looked. I was very surprised to see a sever lack of growth PASSED the original Jiffy pellet I put it in, almost as if they were getting stopped by it.

Not sure if that had any play in the downfall of my plants or not but I think I will be steering away from that on the next grow. My new grow room is on its way to being finished and the film is on its way.

It is a bit embarrassing keeping this plant log and having it fail BUT with all the things I did wrong documented hopefully it will not only help myself but others that may make the same mistakes. I will be back in a few weeks with a more documented and better prepared grow. I am going to be figuring out temps and humidity before going forward in my new room as well.


Well-Known Member
After doing some really close looking today I noticed that they were VERY stiff and the lack of change got to me. I touched one of the plants and it completely fell apart. Once I knew all was lost, I opened up to see how the roots looked. I was very surprised to see a sever lack of growth PASSED the original Jiffy pellet I put it in, almost as if they were getting stopped by it.

Not sure if that had any play in the downfall of my plants or not but I think I will be steering away from that on the next grow. My new grow room is on its way to being finished and the film is on its way.

It is a bit embarrassing keeping this plant log and having it fail BUT with all the things I did wrong documented hopefully it will not only help myself but others that may make the same mistakes. I will be back in a few weeks with a more documented and better prepared grow. I am going to be figuring out temps and humidity before going forward in my new room as well.
Did you make sure to NOT pack in dirty too much of the solo cup?

Always remember to burn holes in the bottom of the cup otherwise the plants will fail. They need an air supply to the roots.

You will notice that around 2.5 weeks in if your plants are doing "ok" you will probably start to notice a tiny white root poking out of your drainage hole, this is the plant telling you to move it to a bigger pot.

All 6 of my plants did this. The big plant didnt because well its in a huge pot and im not trying to pick it up LOL

If you look at my grow, one of my plants is still suffering from its MG soil (oddly i tried to use their african violet mix NOW) and it has some crispy dead leafs on the bottom but once they are damaged they usually die off and replace themselves.)

Dont let a plant dying embarass you. My first lot died, we learn from experience and opt to not make those same bad decisions again. take what you've learned and try it out on bag seeds if necessary. 2 decent lights and in about 3 weeks you'll have plants at least a foot long if not longer. Started my current lot around the third of march and if you can check out my pics you'll see that 95% of them are doing quite nicely however I have too many plants for my small space lol.


Thanks for the tips. Yea, I have been watching your grow and they are doing well. I am hoping once the new set begins things will go a lot better from what I have learned so far. I still feel there may be mistakes but I will keep trying and get this right eventually.

Bilbo Baggins

Well-Known Member
If as you have posted your seedlings are only 2 inches from the light--and that light is a 400W Metal Halide then that's not right--for a light of that strength you should be around 18 inches below the light. Also ( and I'm no expert ) there dosnt seem to be as much perlite in that soil as there should be. This might result in poor drainage and a general poor growth. Ive grown Nirvana NL 4 times now and its a good tough strain. But at 8 days your plants should measure maybe maybe an inch across.


If as you have posted your seedlings are only 2 inches from the light--and that light is a 400W Metal Halide then that's not right--for a light of that strength you should be around 18 inches below the light. Also ( and I'm no expert ) there dosnt seem to be as much perlite in that soil as there should be. This might result in poor drainage and a general poor growth. Ive grown Nirvana NL 4 times now and its a good tough strain. But at 8 days your plants should measure maybe maybe an inch across.

Yea, as mentioned I think the soil and being too close to light is what REALLY did these plants in. I will certainly be using better soil with perlite and keeping the light farther away the next time.


Well-Known Member
Update on that bigbang... She formed a lil knob in the stem where it fell over as a very young seedling, it seems to be causing a problem for nutrients to reach the leaves... she's dwarfing out very short and bushy, im hoping to get enough size for cuttings, see if her clones can scrog me something useful...

Foliar feeding with a very diluted nute solution did absolutely amazing things for it tho! Within 18hrs of first application, the yellowing went back green, leaf death stopped progressing inward and seems to have halted... so far so good.