First Grow - CFL + Bagseed + Cabinet (previously rubbermaid)

Well it's pretty much all dried and trimmed up and the final weights areee:

Nugs: 31.2 (my original goal was 1/2-1 oz... i think i got it :D)
Small Buds: 5ish (i probably smoked half of them already)
Trim from nugs: 4.5
Hash: .2 (still got one more sugar leaf batch drying up, and another fan leaf batch ready to go)

Pics later... too lazy and im ready to smoke haha
Well it's pretty much all dried and trimmed up and the final weights areee:

Nugs: 31.2 (my original goal was 1/2-1 oz... i think i got it :D)
Small Buds: 5ish (i probably smoked half of them already)
Trim from nugs: 4.5
Hash: .2 (still got one more sugar leaf batch drying up, and another fan leaf batch ready to go)

Pics later... too lazy and im ready to smoke haha

And the pictures:

All dried up and ready for a trim...

Trimmed up and jarred up...

And a much needed reward... only trim of course ;)


Peace out guys, it's been real. This officially marks the end of my first grow, thanks for all the help and attention!
-Ginger Buddha
hope my first grow turns out this good :) thanks for sharing with us and good luck on your next grow! i'd be super happy if i had a plant put out 36 and some change grams of good smoke
Thanks guys! Yes, it definitely blew my original estimates/goals out of the water and while its not cured yet, it's been a realll good smoke. Just picked up a dome/nail for the little bit of hash i have :)
bro those sum pretty cool papers never seen or hurd of them b4 mite have at get me sum,congrates on ya grow bro gud luck with the next
looks great fella .... well i hope shes as good as she looks :-) ... nice grow and well done again

thanks troutie! she smokes better with each day, its great! the only reason id ever "buy" again is convenience. god... theres just nothing like knowing you have the best, and knowing EXACTLY where it came from.
im stopping in a week or two. i might be able to finish off this stash before then but it wont be cured sadly :(. I might try and keep one nug curing for when i can smoke again later down the road. I wont be growing for at least a few months.
not a myth, Ginger. the roots start strangling each other. i make a root-pruning pot, and let the air prune my roots. i form a 12 inch tall cylinder, from 1 inch poultry fencing, about 12 inches in diameter. i then form a grow bag from weed-block cloth. as the roots of the plant reach the outer perimeter, the air burns off the tip, and causes branching. they sell root-pruning bags, but i'm cheap, so i make my own.

Thanks for this tip. I was looking to get some Airpots, but they are retarded expensive for just a fancy rolled out peice of black plastic. I happen to have 1" hole chicken wire and weed fabric on hand, duh. I was thinking of some way of taking a pyramid shaped metal, and while grilling some steaks one day, heat it up like a brand and torture the shit out of a plastic planter box and see what happens with it. But I am retarded I think.

Thanks again.

BTW, great grow Buddah, wish I coulda smoked some of those buds with ya :bigjoint:
im stopping in a week or two. i might be able to finish off this stash before then but it wont be cured sadly :(. I might try and keep one nug curing for when i can smoke again later down the road. I wont be growing for at least a few months.

Curing a nice big nug for a few months would definatley make for a good welcome back party =)
Ginger!!! Do not save anything. When your quit day comes make sure you have nothing left at all. Remember that " A stiff organ has no conscious ". I had to take a urine test and i stayed up all night studying and still failed. Actually I passed it. B12 and carrots for color and gallons of water. I'm actually not against drug testing but they should eliminare THC testing and ask if your a drunk.Give a fat bud to a friend for "later" down the road. Crackheads get a good deal. Wait a few days and they show clean. Boneheads get fucked. Good luck budski and stay strong. Don't have any weak moments.