First grow, Cheese and Quicksilver


Hi all,

This is my very first indoor grow. I have been trying to grow forever but I never had the time for it.

Seed wise, I got 1 cheese seed from a friend, I am not sure which cheese it is yet.

Then I got 5 fem BBC seeds, I had some bad luck with them, and only 2 survived.

Also I got 1 Quicksilver auto flowering seed.

I am also getting 13 Cheese clones in a weeks time if all goes well.

Now for my grow room

I am using a small room in the back of my house.

Its about 2.5 meters by 3.5 meters.

Basically I devided the room in two , one section slightly smaller.

The smaller section I built a frame in and covered the frame with black on the outside and white on the inside plastic.

In there I have a 80 watt CFL. ( I plan to buy another one of these for this room when I can afford it )

This is my vegetative room, it has an oscilating fan, a heating mat for my young ones and to keep the temp up, because it is winter here now.

Then in the other section of the room I have a 600 watt HPS, I will still get an oscilating fan for my flowering room.

I also have a small extractor far in the wall, I might still need to get an intake fan, but at this point I just open the door.

In the future I want to invest in a Co2 tank.

Also before I forget, I am using the Flora range of Nutrients,

I have not fed my newly germinated seedlings anything, but the bigger guy has received a weaker dosage.

Thats everything I tink,

any questions or help would be nice


ps, the room is a bit messy..


Well-Known Member
thanks Browntown777,

I forgot to say in my flowering room I am planning to get another 600 watt HPS, I really want to get the best space wise.

Oh I forgot to say, I am growing in a sterilised soiless mix.
I wish I had the space to do all that
good luck
i will keep watching how it goes


Hey Leminator what is sterilized soilless mix, What dose it consist of ive never come across it before is it dear to buy or can you make it your self? sounds good.:peace:
my growing medium consists mostly of Peat moss and Perlite.

They say it is sterilised, so it is free from diseases and other problems. I dont know to much about this.

And yes Well Grow you can make it yourself, although it is not very expensive to buy.

well grow

Active Member
Thanks Leminator sounds good, I think i will try this with a clone knowing that your grow medium is sterilized and deseas free before you start is an advantage in my book thanks mate.


So I have done some reading and it seems the best PH for my kind of soil would be 5.8,

Now at the moment my PH is about 7.

I have 1 big plant, that one I will flush, but I have 3 small ones, which are about a week old

any idea when I should correct their PH?

thanks in advance

well grow

Active Member
Hi Leminator i havent ever cheached my soil ph i just make sure that my nutes are at the right ph and when i flush i do it with chlorine free ph ballanced water well the same ph as my nutes and this stops your plants from getting stressed by too much ph variation until you have a problem id say dont do anything because by trying to fix something that is alright you could cause your plants to freak out on you. How are you getting on any new pics?. Happy growing my friend :peace: out.