First Grow: Diary of a "Growing" Obsession


Well-Known Member
Hey borbor,

I am trying to size how large ur pot is. If it is close to 7"x7"x5" u might not need to transplant. i know even 1" in pot size can make a difference. My soil in my pot is only 4" deep with 1" of rocks at the bottom. It seems like she has no problem growing either. Also it wont hurt to much to transplant it on a 12/12 cycle but would prob be better to keep vegging a few days after transplanting to help the roots set in. Also keep in mind the larger the pot will mostly equal a larger plant if u are worried about the height.

I am still a newb, so if someone has more information about it shoot, will not hurt my feelings xD xD.

1 thing, with my pot size vs my plant size she sucks down the water FAST! i mostly have to water every day.

P.S. Seeing how good of a job u are doing so far i am sure either way you go with it will turn out fine :D


Well-Known Member
8 inch diameter at the top, 7.5 high, 6 inch diameter at the bottom, about to transfer into one foot diameter at the top, 11.5 high, 8.5 diameter at the bottom. Thanks for the response! I decided I'm going to transplant it now, and that I'm too impatient and I should veg for a couple more days. Flowering on the 21st, as I originally planned. height is not a real issue, not really trying to hide it, since my mom knows and all, I guess I'm just too much of a lazy stoner and didn't want to have to make another new setup haha. I'll do it.

Pics in a minute, I'm about to transplant and get my mom to take photos of the roots during for you guys


Well-Known Member
:D awesome. My mom is claiming part of my plant -_-.. waiting to check out pics :D

I cant remember where but i read that a 6x6x6 pot is a good size for an indoor grow. Just hope my pot size wont limit my bud growth. Ill be ok. First grow worry worry worry but has always turn out ok so far :D.


Well-Known Member
Here's some pics, some of how I re-did my setup for the bigger pot as well.

another question-how cloudy does it need to be for my CFLs to be better than putting her outside?



Well-Known Member
Thanks man, I put her in the furnace room that I promised I wouldn't put her in last night, for the last time, since she had a couple of bites when I took her out 10 minutes ago. Despite the bites, she's looking amazing after her first 12 hour nap! I'll have some pics in a bit


Well-Known Member
Just woke her up, on day 2 of 12/12 she's almost touching that light directly above her, damnit, gotta make a new setup today, I figured I had at least a week in flowering before I had to do it, nevermind.


Well-Known Member
Enjoy! the one brown burnt leaf was from the plant getting too close to the light a week or two ago, it hasn't shown up in a lot of pics



Well-Known Member
Found it :D. Im just high -_-. How tall is it now? It will hopefully grow a lot so u'll get lots of bud.She is loving that new pot i bet. Looking healthier than mine ;p.


Well-Known Member
sunny day, looks like she grew a lot last night! kinda thinking about trimming some fan leaves that are on top of new growth so that could push through. Thoughts?

just read some threads on here, not trimming fan leaves



Well-Known Member
Looks great! If some of the fan leaves are getting in the way of lower colas i would just tuck them back. Wait a week and see how much she stretches out.

Looks really good. Keep on keeping on bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I should have kept LSTing, I say next to my 16 inch plant. Needs new setup
I will be lsting from now on with all my plants, unless it is an auto or seeds from a seedbank, all bagseeds are getting topped and tied down :D. Going to try to have more smaller vs less larger plants.
ahh see the sig ;p


hey congrats on the growth. I am following your progress man and myself have a plant for the first time i dont have my camera so i cant updater any pics but it is so much fun isn't it? anyway great job and keep up the good work. what kind of strain is she??


Well-Known Member
Thanks! It's sooooo fun! she's supposed to be "magic merlin" but I dunno if it was pollinated by a different strain or went hermie, bagseed surprise I guess

Just made a new setup since she's too big for my window now.

thought I'd let you all know as well because I'm just so so so happy, I just became employed in my dream job. Delivery driver!