first grow diesel ryder and blue cheese which nutes?


hey all, just joined up so thought id introduce myself. just got some diesel ryder:leaf: and blue cheese:leaf: on the go, 220w cfl, just ordered some solar powered fans aswell so will see how they go, also got bagseed aswell for a little extra, pics will be up soon, not decided on which nutes 2 use yet tho? tried miracle gro before on some bagseed but fried the leaves, any ideas which are the best for autos?
cheers guys


Active Member
hey all, just joined up so thought id introduce myself. just got some diesel ryder:leaf: and blue cheese:leaf: on the go, 220w cfl, just ordered some solar powered fans aswell so will see how they go, also got bagseed aswell for a little extra, pics will be up soon, not decided on which nutes 2 use yet tho? tried miracle gro before on some bagseed but fried the leaves, any ideas which are the best for autos?
cheers guys
deiselryders dont like alot of nutes..i grew them my first two grows..great smoke,btw!but anyways i used just foxfarm big bloom for the whole plants cycle..worked great..only got 18grams a plant tho under 400whps.if were want to use non oraganic nutes id go with ff cha ching..just give it 1/4 the rec.strenth!


Well-Known Member
you doing dirt,coco,hydro?
Yeah give us more info dude. U using dirt? Hydro? The general hydroponic brand FloraNova series works pretty good for both and it is easy for beginers. MG isnt really suited for weed in my experience. The FloraNova is a 2 part system, where you use one bottle for grow, and then one bottle for blooming, but you could just use the bloom one for the entire grow, it has enough Nitrogen in it. Then maybe try a sweetner if you want, just keep it very simple with maybe one or two additives and always go a little less on the nute strength then whats on the bottle label and see how the plants like it. Once you get a few grows under your belt then you can try more and more nutes. hope this helped


thanks for the info guys, sorry for late reply,internets been down for a bit,anyway im using regular organic soil its all i can get my hands on right now, ive managed to borrow a 400w hps though,so should turn out better than id hoped in the end,all are sprouted and doing well the temp is about 85f thought is this too much?i do have a fan in there but no venting,oh and my local shop only seems to stock canna products so i may go for those for now


Active Member
i've run the canna bio range on few grows in the past.. And i must say ive been rather impressed..
however this time round i'm running dutch pro grow and bloom for soil and they are the shit, the girls are loving them....
theres a vid in my journal if you wanna check it out..

Anyways good luck


dutch pro? ill check them out, i have to say changing from cfl to hps does make a huge difference, pretty amazing! anyway the autos look like there in full swing now, dont know whether they will be ready in the said 8-10 weeks though, will have to see, seemed to take a long while to get past the seeding stage but they are growing very fast now, blue cheese is starting to smell like heaven already i will take some pics later, in darkness at the moment so hang tight, thanks for the help guys, much appreciated.


as promised, bigger pots for the front 3 will be used soon, the leaves have started drooping a bit? too hot? what do you think? its 85 at in there with light on? cheers guys IMG_0066.jpg[/QUOTE]


Well-Known Member
Man, I'm sitting here blazed on some well cured dieselryder....a good daytime smoke with some "disorganization" to it. I grew mine in nuteless soil and started light nutes (biobizz) around 3 wk old. Grew them in a 4" pot under 550w hps....avgd bout 30g per plant (4)....85 is ok but IMO, that's pushing it a bit on seedlings...make sure you have some air movement.........
The DR will go through an explosive growth spurt at 3-4 wks if getting the right conditions, will stop at about 18" and begin filling in the stalk with buds and adding some smaller satelite buds on lower branches. Mine were chopped at 65-68 days....