First Grow EVER. (CFL)


Well-Known Member
looking good bro cant wait to see em grow lol

are you staring lst on that one plant with the red tie?
if so id undo that for a lil like 3rd node or so and let a fan blow em alil so that stem will thicken up less of a chance of breaking it


Well-Known Member
Yeah i got about 2 weeks im just prepin myself ;) I start VEG MODE tomorrow. 18/6. Also i decided to cut out the inline fan and carbon filter. im going to try some of this GEL for smell, and just order my light tomorrow. If things go the way i plan i am hoping for at least 5 females (i have 10 total, 11 but i dont think one of the babies is gunna make it). also my girl wants to keep a male and she said we could use her closet. so im gunna set up the CFLS in there. its in another room in a closet so it should be ok. I also heard, if you let it go 24hrs of dark before flowering it speeds up the process, you should give it a try. Ill post some pics when i get the light installed. ;) (and ill keep a close eye on my ladies getting all hairy , heheh) WISH MY BABYS LUCK


Well-Known Member
lol yeah ive heard that too but ive never done it i had a super weird circumstance this time so lol im gonna be experimenting in the next few months with a few seprate grows jus for fun

you can always make a carbon filter check the diy section


Well-Known Member
So I did some FAN upgrading today due to the fact my HPS system will be here this thursday! Ill take some pictures to show what i have done. This works super well and I am very happy about it coming out so well. Ill try to get some pictures tonight (if the lady lets me!)


Well-Known Member
sweet bro ill be lookin for those pics man haha which one did you make the tube or panel?


Well-Known Member
well i made the bags so far (filled w/ carbon). Im not even sure if i will use them but it would go in a tube, (extra exhaust hose from my dryer ;) Lemme take some pics check back


Well-Known Member
I took all my ties off for LST. I figured i would let them go . Im not worried for space because im only expecting a 5-6 female turnout. Hope for the best ill take some pictures when the new light is up. ;) Plants are looking GREAT.


Well-Known Member
sweet man ,, ( you jus couldnt stand seein em tied up huh) lol i kno what you mean but i woulda left one youd be surprised what they grow in to lol


Well-Known Member
well i can still do one if i want too. no biggy. I have some time ;) They are getting bigger by the day. One of them has a 5 leaf pattern ;) I hope i can get a early lead on sexing! I still got a while for that.


Well-Known Member
yep yep a lil bit before that 5 leafs are cool lookin huh wait til you get 9 and 11 fingered leaves youll be holy shit thats cool


Well-Known Member
Cant wait for them to sex! Im sad to say my light wont be coming untill monday , unless it magically lands on my door step tomorrow. So they will have to suffer through the weekend with the CFL's


Well-Known Member
they have kno idea whats comin their gonna be like oh shit the gods brought a ufo to watch us ahhh


Well-Known Member
I went to walmart, and got the sweetest fan. Its a Blower fan by Stanley. It rotates 360 degrees if i need be, but it shoots air perfectly under my door. The i took my old fan and put it on the otherside of the door to shoot it up when it enters. (its great) Then i will have a small fan on the HPS. With all that wind, it also makes my plants move just enough to help stiffen there stems. I also said I un-did all of the LST. I felt like i was hurting my babies :) When this HPS goes in i really expect these ladies to take off.


Well-Known Member
lol u wasnt hurtin em haha i did the same thing when i first tried it like u look at it all tied down and your oh shit im sorry and untie the beast lol in flower your gonna be damn i shoulda left it haha but oh well first grows are good to jus watch the plant go

and yeah the hps is gonna make the difference then put the cfls round the bottom youll get lots of growth that way, they grow slow well kinda compared to in flower its like the drank some toxic waste and become the hulk lol

and yeah those blowers are sweet shit huh lots of air


Well-Known Member
Yeah im gunan keep the CFL's in there, im just gunna mount it low, i was thinking of going to get anther setup so i can hang 6 on each setup and put them in front and back almost on the floor. We will see how much that HPS puts out ;)


Well-Known Member
the power strip with the socket adaptors would work great for that hell it wont hurt to mak your lower (usually popcorn nugz) fatter lmao


Well-Known Member
I noticed 1 picture with your female and her hair. I was wondering about more pictures you possibly have of that. I still havent seen it in real life and waiting for my girls to pop. I just wanna be sure when i see em.


Well-Known Member
i think theres two pics in my album and i mite have another one or two on the other computer and ill check in the mornin if i cant find one to take a good pic of for ya