First grow ever!! Indoor hydro continous drip, Serious AK-47 & Sensi NL#1


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Found the mom out of the pack. It's the biggest, heaviest yielder of the bunch. It looks identical to what Serious has featured on their seed packets... definitely the best all-around representation in my opinion. Only negative is that it's not the strongest, but certainly not weak or a dud by any means. Clones far and away the best out of the bunch. The most potent plant yielded like shit and cloned just as bad too.

On a side note, all of my medicine is now gone though. Had the mason jar full a couple of weeks ago, screwed up my arm/elbow somehow and used all the shit up to relieve the pain. It helped though, lol! Being blazed every minute of every day sure gets one's tolerance through the roof. Can't wait for the next harvest and untilthen I might as well pop a pack of Mosca's C99 BX-1.


Well-Known Member
Had a little heat wave roll through the area and noticed the temps shot up inside the cab ten degrees along with the humidity, so it looked like the passive exhaust isn't going to cut it once summer rolls around, plus there's no central AC where I'm at. Ended up taking two of the Rodale axial fans from my BCNL project and added those to the cab. It's weird because originally the intake in this cab is up where the exhaust should be. Had to flip that around and correct it. Fully active ventilation ftw!




The plants on the left are #4 clones from my AK pack and they're all doing pretty shitty. Must be a bad plant or something. I'll let them go for another couple of days and see if there's any more improvement, otherwise I'll just put em in soil and plant them discreetly at the park or something.


The #1 & 2 moms are doing real well.


Well-Known Member
Been monitoring the temp and humidity. Both the veg and flower cabinet have remained rock steady all day at 66 degrees Fahrenheit with 80% humidity. Temp outside according to the local TV station is 62 with 75% humidity. In case you're wondering the window is open and is right next to the cab's exhaust outlets. Humidity has remained the same despite the addition of active exhaust, but the temp has dropped a whole ten degrees.


Well-Known Member
ten degrees is pretty significant! Good job JJ. In hindsight, a BCNL box with florescent lighting would have been ideal! Nice purchase!


Well-Known Member
ten degrees is pretty significant! Good job JJ. In hindsight, a BCNL box with florescent lighting would have been ideal!
Only problem with flouros is the nugs ain't gonna be ROCK hard, though they actually weren't as airy as I'd expected. But half the utility bill, dual SOG setup, and no heat issues are most definitely a plus!


Well-Known Member
Can't believe I'm already 43 days into this latest batch. Sure as hell won't be taking clones so late in flower (or in flower at all for that matter) anymore, that's for sure! If I were to, I'd either ramp up the nutes to full strength a lot earlier on in the process and/or take a week or two more's time to re-veg them.



Well-Known Member
Looking to initiate the approximately week long flushing process beginning on Friday the 13th, which will be 49 days into flowering. Looking at a 4/20 harvest (56 days this round vs. 65 on the last). This should be the peak of the buds' fattening up, yet before the first sign of any ambering on the trichs.


Well-Known Member
Going balls to the wall with the nutes until this Friday when the flushing process starts. PPM needle has been buried at 1200 +/- 10 for the last two weeks, with pH holding rock steady at 6. Once flushing begins it's gonna be an immediate drop to 400 for three days, and then straight down to about 180 or so for the remainder until the ppms begin to fall off.


Well-Known Member
Decided to start the flushing process this evening a little bit ahead of schedule. Noticed one or two amber trichs here and there and just something about the plants said to me it's pretty much time to start wrapping things up. I've figured on a ten day flush(max), so that should still put the final tally at 56 days when finished.
Reservoir has been emptied and 10ml/gal FloraKleen and tap water is currently being short cycled at the moment. Gonna do that for about an hour, re-empty the rez, and then low strength nutes for three days.


Well-Known Member
a couple pics...





veg chamber's all ready to flower!


and 19 clones, all of which have sprouted roots, ready to be thrown into veg!



Well-Known Member
Just something about them overall told me that today was the day to start choppin...



On day 49 the reservoir full of 400 ppm nutes had been emptied and filled with plain 6.0 pH'd water and 10ml/gal FloraKleen solution. The following day the rez was emptied yet again and replaced with plain 6.0 pH'd water and 5ml/gal FloraKleen. That brings the total to 5 days for the flushing regimen. I'm being very careful not to lose out on yield while also not letting the trichs turn amber.


Well-Known Member
WOW, spent a whole eight hours yesterday trimming the crop. That was the most painstaking, arduous task I have ever done!! Note to self: Never take another clone that late into flower ever again! The yield wasn't as big as I'd expected and it may have been rushed by a couple of days, but I had a bunch of clones that had been vegged out for a grip and needed to be transferred into the flowering cab. They'd already been cropped multiple times and were constantly touching the bulbs. Plus, my clones had rooted in the aero cloner and needed to be transferred to the veg cabinet as well. Timing worked out great - like the perfect storm, but between all of that trimming and cleaning out the tables, hydroton, net pots, mixing nutes, etc, it was a full twelve hours of work when all was said and done.



Now I need a long nap, lol! :-P


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[video=youtube;VkgFNTdrHzE] index=101&feature=plpp_video[/video]


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Not sure as I haven't weighed it yet. It won't be too much... I'm pretty sure of that.

But it was either getting a few more grams off the last grow or making all those clones. The flowering clones, although super branchy and lower yielding, is much better to me than nothing!


Well-Known Member
Harvest is drying out in the newly converted "drying closet", lol. Got a fan running on low in there, circulating the air 24/7. No direct wind on the crop, but air is constantly being exchanged. Temp is 65 degrees Fahrenheit with a humidity level of 72%.



Well-Known Member
Man, ended up hitting the nail right right on the head with this one! Here we go - a full 84 hours since first being but in the drying closet...



^Right where I want the numbers to be at! Dry, though not spongy, yet sticky. I'll be burping the jar briefly once a day over the next few days, and once the Caliber III reads somewhere between 55-60% RH, the jar will go into long term cure. Why long term? Because I need to pass a fucking drug test, that's why dammit!! :grrr:


Well-Known Member
Producer is mostly finished at this point (just need to install the doors and seal up the light leaks). About to go from ounces to pounds my friends! :-P :-P :-P :-P

