First Grow Ever...using Aerogarden


Active Member
Not a bad idea...from now on im just using the aerogarden to do clones only so itll b a short time in a hydro setup but for mother etc. There going in soil...its the simplest way to grow

keep it simple stupid =) haha


Well-Known Member
The AG is great for clones. You really dont even need cloning compound for them. But with rooting compound your clones will root in 2 or 3 days. My AG sprung a leak so thats all Im going to use it for.


Active Member
I just bought 98 count of rockwool cubes for like 13$ at my hydro store..they work PERFECT for the aerogarden just shave a lil off the sides to get em to fit but there great and u cant go wrong with a 98 count =)


Well-Known Member
Do you stack them in the plastic pods?

I just bought 98 count of rockwool cubes for like 13$ at my hydro store..they work PERFECT for the aerogarden just shave a lil off the sides to get em to fit but there great and u cant go wrong with a 98 count =)


Active Member
No if u cut a little off all 4 corners of the cubes they fit perfect...i used a razor blade took me only a couple seconds to do each one...i figure clones will root all the way thru in maybe a weekish depending

i think im gonna be fuckin pissed in a couple biggest plant has about 12 good branches to make clones...i think it gonna be a fuckin male..idk if theres a ball or lil node near the green white ones =(


Active Member
Well i dont have much experience in autos but i think at least using cloning even as a last resort

Its worth a shot instead of throwing it least take one clone now if it works great if ur mother dies more.. then u may not have a second chance to save anything


Active Member
You can't clone an auto as it will be the same age as the mother and will not yield enough to even bother with it....either she pulls through or she doesn' is my own fault for all I have put her through.


Active Member
Haha thats the spirit trust me i feel the pain one of my girls got some rot in the bottom of her stem...if i was to push her a lil she would break in half =(


Active Member
Haha thats the spirit trust me i feel the pain one of my girls got some rot in the bottom of her stem...if i was to push her a lil she would break in half =(
Thanks next grow will go a lot more smoothly.....I hope!!!! lol


Active Member
I have used the aerogarden in 5 grows or so ..i have alot of experience with it..the aero sucks balls if u Keep plants in them for more than a couple weeks...its very suseptable to causing root rot on plants as well as it can form ALOT of algae

soil in my opinion is the best medium i wont do anything but soil...5 gallon buckets do wonderss for roots =)


This sucks....but you will nail it next time....and the next time...and the next. And at least you still got your other plant! Isn't she supposed to be ready soon?


Active Member
She is getting chopped on the 17th.....she is still going strong!!!! Thanks richy for your words of encouragement!!!!


Well-Known Member
You cant really use autoflowers as mothers because there is no way to stop them from flowering. I would say take a clone and put it in a party cup and and see what happens.


Active Member
Well took a look at my small girl today and her trichs were 20% clear and 80% cloudy so down she came!!!! (I am looking for a heady high) Not a huge yield but for my first time I am happy with it.

I will be really happy if my Big Girls pulls through!


Active Member
Very nice ...those little plants make for some fluffy budssss itll probly weigh 7 or 8 grams when dried

looks like some smooth smokin buds =) good work