First Grow Ever with CFL's and T5's

dabumps, what would you define a 'limp'? I water every other day my seedlings, about a dozen or so squirts from my little water bottle and they usually seem a bit down by the end of the second day but up when I water them.
Before you know it, you have a perpetual grow going, That's what I have plants spread two weeks a part, I use regular seed. I do 12/12 seed, you can sex them in 3 to 5 weeks, rather then veg. 2 month and flower for 3 weeks and then pull it because it's male or hermi.The crying that comes with something like that is embarassing, lol With the indicas I try to grow one cola, the sativa I end up super cropping because they get to tall.
Did you spray you plants? I don't care for the stuff on your plants, I went and looked at my little plants( mine are two weeks old) they don't look that way. One thing I know is if have too high RH all the time, it could cause mold. Where I live one day The rh is 30, a day later 80 and then it will rain and then the wind will blow and it's 6. There is no practical way to control it. I live at 5,000ft. Keep an eye on them, like I have to tell you There stuff to deal with it, I can't remember right now, I will go find
Also it could be nothing.

Thank you Rw, you just gave me an idea ;) I'll wait till 2 weeks are up and I'll plant another auto in there, and then I can order more seed and get it going :) I'm might just grow autos lol will see how it go's, Rw nope didnt spray the plants at all yet just misting once a day around the plant if the top of the soil gets to dry. Just watered with 500ml of water on the forth day cuz the soils was drying out and when I stuck my finger in the soil about 2.5in down it was kind a dry so I gave them some water no watering till weekend..and the box it stays dry the RH wont go above 30% and go below 20% so I dont think theres place for mold in such a dry place. Yeah it might be nothing or it might be something like u said I'll keep an eye on it ;) and Rw thank you for stoping by.
dabumps, what would you define a 'limp'? I water every other day my seedlings, about a dozen or so squirts from my little water bottle and they usually seem a bit down by the end of the second day but up when I water them.

you should hold of on the spraying, only spray when the top soil is getting crusty, I'm no expert at all but I think u might be overwatering your seedlings.
It's nothing. 99% of your problems are going to be nothing lol. Just don't over feed. Don't overwater and don't forget to water.... Lol I did that once. I was like why the Fuck is my whole ducking plant going limp. I'm such a nub.

yeah I've read that autos dont need and dont like lots of nutes.
Well I had just started my 12/12 cycle and I waited 2 days to feed them and the stems seemed to be made of noodles. They were leaning over real hard and when I would stand them up they would fall back down again. You have to learn to read your plants that's how I learned lol. When they are super thirsty the stems will get super sort. A little droop in the leaves just means "water me". If its laying down it means ing I'm dying!!
Yup. When they are babies just stick your pinky in the dirt and if its dry 1inch down you will need to water. If right below the surface it is moist hours good. If you overwater your leaves will droop but the stems stay fairly strong. After watering is the best time to lst because their stems get a bit more plyable.... But not soft like when they are dying lol. As far as nutes go I'm still learning that and I'm just slowly pushing my boundries with that. I'm adding more and more every time to find out if I will burn em. Haven't yet so wish me luck. I'm trying to maxamize the nutes without hurting the plant.
So just a lil update, it has been 6 days since the girls broke the ground, so far they look ok (I think) I'm including two pics so you guys can see the progress of the girls in pest 3 days ;) so here we go first is G13 NL Auto DSC04900.jpg and here we have Lowryder diesel ryder aka Ms. Mercedes ;)DSC04902.jpg

Have a nice and "sunny" day! and Happy Easter! ;)
Those look real good, no stretching. Auto are a good, easy way to learn. I never grew any, mostly I do reg. seed. Yes spread them out, give you more thing to Keep me from loving my plants to death.
He was born on the on 4-3, my grand son. See I have another perpetual grow I am still buzzing..your
Lil update for those who stop by ;) so it has been 9 days since they broke the ground on day 14 I think I'll start off with a lil dosage of ff big bloom and see how they like it ;) here are the pictures that I took today before. G13 Labs NL AutoIMAG0071.jpg Lowryder Diesel RyderIMAG0073.jpg Thank you for stoping by.
Came back to check on this thread, I'll sub this time. Sadly to say, I'm not doing too well. I lost 2/5 plants and the other ones aren't growing. I found another seed and replaced one so I'm at 4 plants. Stop by my thread when you get the chance.
I would go super light man! They are still pretty small!

dab sure will, I wont even use 1/4 of what they say lol it's gonna be more like 1/8 bcuz they still so lil, so no need to rush ;) 1st I got to see how will they react to the nutes and then will go from there..and brotha you got some nice grow there going on shit looks so damn good. YummY.
Came back to check on this thread, I'll sub this time. Sadly to say, I'm not doing too well. I lost 2/5 plants and the other ones aren't growing. I found another seed and replaced one so I'm at 4 plants. Stop by my thread when you get the chance.

Damn that kinda sucks, but I see your other girls are still kicking so will see what near future brings, I'll keep an eye on your grow..and thx for stopping by.
dab sure will, I wont even use 1/4 of what they say lol it's gonna be more like 1/8 bcuz they still so lil, so no need to rush ;) 1st I got to see how will they react to the nutes and then will go from there..and brotha you got some nice grow there going on shit looks so damn good. YummY.

Yea man I'm proud of my girls! I'm tryin to keep a good eye on em!! I keep having to close shop a bit late. My wife always wants to do something around closing time. At least shes always there when they wake up...
So I was moving a fan inside the box and I noticed this um blueish color on one of my girls and it starts on a new shot growth like inside out I took a pic and if you guys can see and tell me if this is something I should be worried about? Thx. IMAG00884.jpg
Nice picture!! Probably something with the flower. They turn many different colors, as usual watch it. The plants look good... rw