First grow first journal. Northern lights feminized seeds from Nirvana lots of pics!

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Cant wait to see you grow those babies out . . . been wondering about all this OG hype and if its as good everyone says. But everyone love that stuff and it suppose to yield well.
Yeah I don't think the yeild is alot but the quality is supposed to be real good. The shitty part is that you really can't ask for more $ when moving it. It is just a game, sometimes you get good shit for $40 bucks an 1/8 and sometimes you get dirt weed. It is a toss up. I can't charge my MMJ guys more for Kush but I sure as hell wont be sitting on it for that long! ;) When I get this LST thing down maybe I will be pulling twice as much off my Kush plants so it wont matter. I would rather learn how to grow the Kush to get 2.5 oz off of it and I can get rid of it in a day or two, rather than grow NL and sit on it! An extra 40 bones isn't that much when you go from above average to shit that everyone wants!


Active Member
My bad I was under the impression that the OG crosses produced well.

I saw the journal WBW linked and that Kush looked dank as hell. Real nice plant for sure.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
My bad I was under the impression that the OG crosses produced well.

I saw the journal WBW linked and that Kush looked dank as hell. Real nice plant for sure.
Yeah I don't think they have a high yeild but the shit they do put out is supposed to be Dank! But of cours 80% of that depends on the grower so we will see. Of course I hope for the best on all of my grows, and for all my RIU friends. I would like to see some WW plans over there Cryp! And I am also looking fwd to seeing your Sunday pic's. Hope those lazy NL are going to give you some kind of bud to blaze up.


Active Member
I will most certainly be growing the WW and AK for the next grow. I've always wanted to grow those two. I wanted to grow the WW but decide it might be best to go with the NL due to being newb and the high heat.

I will post pics tomorrow. Bud site are coming along although i think they are bit small for two weeks. But I think thats the way these AF grow. I think after I harvest these plants, I'm going to save the main stock off the largest plant, get a ticket to Holland, and beat Nirvana's head growers ass with it lol. That would make me feel much better lol. I wish had some seeds left over, I'd shove them up his ass and tell him he cant take them out until they auto flower lol. And if he complains about how big they get, I'll tell him he should have thought of that before he afro-engineered those fucking pine trees lol.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Well Cryp those plants look like they are comming along! Slowly but shurely! I germinated my kush seeds one of each and both had a tap root and they are in the soil right now! So I am currently gowing Kush!!!! :) I germinated my last 4 NL Nirvana seeds also but I am going to sell them to a friend for a really good price. I wish I didn't tell him I would " I am a man of my word" cus I smoked some of the top buds off my harvested NL and it fucked me up! I was smoking the lower popcorn buds and I would take 4 hits. I smoked a little bit larger bud last night and I was fucking high as fuck! I haven't touched my colas cus those are for the paitients, but I am sure it is dank as all fuck! No worries though I am growing Kush now so I expect good results off that shit!

A friend harvested 80% of my second plant to come down today so I will have weight tomorrow. I am at 2.7 dry so far off of one. so we will see what this one weighs out at wet. I had lil over 200g off my first one.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Hey guys lil update in the harvesting. The branches hanging are off two of my plants. The one on the left was that real leafy plant. The one on the right is nice and sticky! I am three plants into harvest. I am balls deep in weed right now! LOL I have never seen this much weed nor did I ever think I would have this much weed of my own! :) I will update later with final weight but I know I will get at least two per plant for sure. I am thinking more in the 2.5-3.0 oz per and that aint bad for a first grow!



Active Member
That leafy plant turned out well. It didnt even look like it had bud on it, but after you trimmed, it looks as good as the others.

Good to hear the buds are smoking better for you. Now on to the Kush! lol Ppl are going to have alot fun watching those grow. Peace brother.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
That leafy plant turned out well. It didnt even look like it had bud on it, but after you trimmed, it looks as good as the others.

Good to hear the buds are smoking better for you. Now on to the Kush! lol Ppl are going to have alot fun watching those grow. Peace brother.
Yeah that one palnt I thought was hopeless and it still may be. I will not put out shit that is sub standard to my paitents! :) But it did come out nice. We will see what happens. The guy that trims with me wants to leave to many leaves on there and I want to take to many off. I pay him with bud to help me, he is the guy that made me his provider. What is funny is that I am getting about 2.5-2.7 oz per plant and I havn't gotten to my two monsters yet! My mind is spinning right now because I think I am going to have close to a pound dry off of my first grow!!! If that happens and this Kush doesn't go as well for yield it is back to Nirvana for seeds, maybe the WW seeds. To say the least I am fucking happy as fuck with my grow right now! I will keep you guys updated on what the total final weight is. If I can do one gram per watt I will be stoked. I don't think I will but I will be close!


Active Member
Wow, one gram per watt would be great. Sounds like your close to hitting that now.

Here's an idea. For your hired help, offer him the leaves as payment. You dont want them, and he could make killer honey oil and hash out of it. Since its part of his payment, it would motivate him to get all that leafy material out of the bud lol.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Wow, one gram per watt would be great. Sounds like your close to hitting that now.

Here's an idea. For your hired help, offer him the leaves as payment. You dont want them, and he could make killer honey oil and hash out of it. Since its part of his payment, it would motivate him to get all that leafy material out of the bud lol.
Yeah I wouldn't do that to my boy over here. He made me his provider so I can't sit there and tell him to work for leaves! He put me as his provider so now I can grow 30 plants instead of 15 and I can have 3 lbs instead of 1.5 lbs on me at a time! So I am not too worried about kicking him down some weed! I am also going to dedicate one spot in my grow rooms for one plant for him! I will grow a plant all the way through for him and him alone. Also he will be able to get hella weed from me all the time so I am not too worried about it. Don't know if I am going to get a gram per watt but I am close. I am drying and burping the jars so we will see what I end up with. Like I said before if I get 2 per plant I am good, anyhing over that is gravy! Oh and sorry I haven't been on here lately I was shitting and pukeing today! Good fun! It was some bug my son gave me, gotta love kids! :)

Hey one question I thought of today, if you have the stomach flu will smoking weed make you stop pukeing? Or will you just be high when throwing up?


Well-Known Member
Hey dude smoking weed for me is a cure all, i need to poop - smoke some weed, pooping to much - smoke some weed, works for everything, lol. Just though i would share some examples!!


Active Member
Weed is suppose to be good for nausia, but IDK, weed can make me puke sometimes (drinking and weed dont mix well for me.)
Weed is suppose to be good for nausia, but IDK, weed can make me puke sometimes (drinking and weed dont mix well for me.)
Lmao.I usually smoke more when i drink.
But i know when im sick weed does nothing for me i try to stay away from it even the smell could trigger me to puke.The worst is trying to smoke weed with a chest cold its like you are smoking nothing.


Well-Known Member
ya its worse when u have hernia surgey and u smoke weed to ease pain than you cough your lungs out and feel like your intestines are going to blow out your stomach!! Now that sucks!!

For nausia i usually smoke a small toke incase it makes me feel like vomiting than wait for that little to kick in and usually settles stomach than i smoke more until its numb lol

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Yeah I just didn't wan't to be high throwing up! I think that would ruin smoking weed for me forever. What I do now is drink beer till 10 and the kids/wife goes to bed and I smoke then. I don't want to do it around the kids of course and the wife is in the military so I can't be doing it around her. She says she doesn't mind but I dion't want to be all high around her when she is stone cold sober.

Man that hurnia shit sounds bad! Maybe get a smoother weed so you don't caugh as much. Or make/buy some edibles.


Well-Known Member
Oh ya it was a doozie, lol. But all better now all healed up and yes bought some real smooth stuff to help me out!!

Totally understand about the kids dude, dont have any myself but i would do the same thing!!!

Trying to figure out once i move in a year or so and start makin a family, how to build a shed or something in my backyard with a secret grow room like 007 shit!! still drawing out the specs and such lol