First grow first journal. Northern lights feminized seeds from Nirvana lots of pics!

Sounds good.Do you have any heat issues with that?alot of wattage in a small space but it is good.I bet your babies are loving it with sunglasses on.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
What I do is a little trailer trash, but when I built the box i put two doors on the front of it. Untill I can afford two smaler fans right now I have an 8 in house fan just blowing air in it with both of the doors open. It keeps them cool so that is all I am really worried about.


Active Member
Whats up Howard. Desert Rat did a very interesting study about lumens. Here the link and give it a read:

According to him, you indeed can over lumen/light you plant. He doesn't say what over light does to plant or why, but only that it can effect the plant. Not sure but by my calculation your putting about 20,000 initial lumens per sq. foot, and thats twice as much as the highest recommended. CFL's loose about 75 lumens for every sq. inch they travel. So for you not to be over lighting, your lights would have to be about 12 feet from the tops of your plants.

Question is: how does over lighting effect your plants? and why does it effect them? I'm not sure if its true (over lighting) but if it is true you may want to make some adjustments. Then again, if everything is going according to plan, maybe the proof is in the pudding. Just some knowledge I picked up and passing it along. Ill try to get to the bottom of it and get with you if can dig up any answers. Later.


Active Member
Ok did some googling a found a good clear, kinda easy description of how light effect a plant. Here's the link:

In short, over lighting can realy only have one effect on a plant: too much heat. If you keep it cool enough and leaves dont look droopy/wilted then its ok. Photosynethis process is kicked into high gear and the plant to transpire (eveaporate water) much faster and you will need to water much more. but all that seems to be academic. There is not real advantage to going over the 10k lumens per sq foot. Yes the plant will produce more food, but it will be more than the plant can use anyway. So basicly you make your plant piss alot of sugar water lol.

You could take out about half the lights and save some energy, 300 watts worth that might be about 10 bucks of savings a month.

No biggie is what I got from it. Later

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info Crypnotic, like you said the proof is in the pudding. All of my seedlings under that light have done quite well. Maybe they are the right distance away or maybe some other reason it is working but "if it aint broken don't fix it" If it is 10 bucks more a month I am cool with that. I really don't pay much attention to my seedling box anymore, I am in my grow room most of the time. I just mixed up some nutes for my plants and fed them. Fox farms big bloom and tiger bloom. I will have pictures in a few days for the update. I hope that I have some good hairs to show you guys. Once again thanks for the info Cryp I will look into it a lil bit.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Hey guys just a little update. They are 9 days into flowering and doing well!!! My biggest one is 28 inches, it was sixteen when I started so that is 12 inches in 9 days. my others are around 23 inches as of right now and they were around 14 in when I started them in flower. All look really good and 5 of the six are female. My runt isn't showing yet so I am keeping my fingers crossed. I didn't want to take picrures yet cus they look like the last pictures only taller and a lil bit more bushy. I will take pitures when they start showing some popcorn buds! Can't wait!


Active Member
hey dude, is this an autoflower? im not sure cause it didnt say it was, but im wondering cause i got some free seeds from attitude and one of them said it was femenized Norther Lights AUTO

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Hey guys here are some pictures, they are all growing some popcorn buds and got some white hairs on them. Checked them out and all six are female so far. Hope you guys enjoy, my biggest one is 30 1/2 inches so that is around 14 1/2 stretch in 11 days. as you can see in the fourth picture I put two 150w CFL's in the middle of the 6 plants so the lower leaves. So that is 900w total! What is funny is that the picture from the top you can't see them! LOL it's getting packed in there. But all are looking good and healthy.

11 Days into flowering.



Active Member
Man those plants look great. From wall to wall its like a canopy of a rain forest. Really like the cfl's ran down the middle. Great idea. Where did you get those "cages" that you use as buffers/protectors around the cfl bulbs? I need to get some of those. You buy that at your local hydro shop or did you make them. You should PM me the name of your shop so I can take a look online. If you built them, give me the specs/methods how you did it. My grow room has similar dimensions and when I run my HPS this ,I will want to run cfl just like that. Looking good my friend. Cheers.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Man those plants look great. From wall to wall its like a canopy of a rain forest. Really like the cfl's ran down the middle. Great idea. Where did you get those "cages" that you use as buffers/protectors around the cfl bulbs? I need to get some of those. You buy that at your local hydro shop or did you make them. You should PM me the name of your shop so I can take a look online. If you built them, give me the specs/methods how you did it. My grow room has similar dimensions and when I run my HPS this ,I will want to run cfl just like that. Looking good my friend. Cheers.
I made that little setup, it was easy. I just used two of those 3.00 extention cords. And I bought two lightbulb sockets that plug into a regular house plug. Then I zip tied them to a peice of plywood. As for the protectors I had that wire laying around from when I made my own Carbon filter that didn't work! LOL I just wrapped the wire around the bulb then used zip ties to hold them. It was quite eazy and cheap. Cheapest way to add 300w to a grow in my opinion.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Like ur set up ! I feel like a real noob my set up is real getto 4 the my frist time lol u from the uk ?
Hey as long as you can grow weed you are good! LOL Everyone has to start somewhere, just improve slowly. I live up in Wa state USA. I am probably a little over 7-800 dollars into my room so far. I am constantly buying shit for it! LOL When light bulbs cost $113.00 it is hard to keep the cost down!

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Hey guys any info on what this may be? I have been searching the net and can't find an answer. It is only on one plant none of the others.


Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Ok I read some shit and I think the light was too close, it has a fan on it and everything so I was trying to keep it as close as possible. It was about 8-10 inches away from the tops. Well I read that a 600w HPS should be about 1.5 feet away from the tops. So I moved it to a 18 in away from the tops. Hope this fixes the problem. I am also going to order some advanced nutes for my babys too!


Well-Known Member
Whats up Howard. Desert Rat did a very interesting study about lumens. Here the link and give it a read:

According to him, you indeed can over lumen/light you plant. He doesn't say what over light does to plant or why, but only that it can effect the plant. Not sure but by my calculation your putting about 20,000 initial lumens per sq. foot, and thats twice as much as the highest recommended. CFL's loose about 75 lumens for every sq. inch they travel. So for you not to be over lighting, your lights would have to be about 12 feet from the tops of your plants.

Question is: how does over lighting effect your plants? and why does it effect them? I'm not sure if its true (over lighting) but if it is true you may want to make some adjustments. Then again, if everything is going according to plan, maybe the proof is in the pudding. Just some knowledge I picked up and passing it along. Ill try to get to the bottom of it and get with you if can dig up any answers. Later.
Lumens do not add up upon each other. It would be impossible to over light with cfls. Looking great Howard. Keep up the good work.