i appreciate the feedback from you guys, yeah im as noob as you can get, but im feeling pretty confident to be honest.
the leaves i burnt was awhile ago now, and since then nothing else has burnt. i've been spraying my leafs to keep the heat off of them abit, and i have a few fans blowing in-between the lights and the leaves.
i take everything for consideration, the only thing i cant stress enough over is how big the plant will actually reach.
my grow area is exactly 64cm in height, and the type of plant im growing has a maximum height of 50cm - 60cm.
the only thing im worried about is if the plant will grow over the 60cm mark, and its the whole reason why i've put netting mesh.
i've still got afair bit of room and i've got the netting to help balance it out.
from soil to the top of my plant measures 34cm (i just measured it than), fuck.
its a challenge, and unfortunately i've got to stick to this grow box.
is the maximum height measured from soil to the top? or the bottom of the pot to the top?