First Grow - Hydro/Organic/Stealth Hydro--> FEM "Snow White" & FEM "Venus"


Active Member
I'm on or about my 8th day of flowering and nothing yet ..... But I've read you entire journal and the only thing I did differently is pruned consistantly and kept four plants in on six gal rez. I check the PH every other day and add a little PH down. I change all the nutes every 5-7 days ....
Great advice!


Well-Known Member
I'm on or about my 8th day of flowering and nothing yet ..... But I've read you entire journal and the only thing I did differently is pruned consistantly and kept four plants in on six gal rez. I check the PH every other day and add a little PH down. I change all the nutes every 5-7 days ....
Great advice!
do your roots even have any more room? unless you flowered really early thats a pretty tiny grow area for them. you barely have a gallon per plant.


Well-Known Member
Hey I was just checking out your grow because I'm growing Snow White as well. I was just gonna say it looks like you vegged the living shit out of those plants! But you knew that already lol. You should get some ridiculous yields for sure. I am planning on vegging mine out for maybe 3-3 1/2 weeks before flowering. Good job though, keep up the good work!

Hey man, sorry for taking so long to reply... We've had a death in my 'in-law' family, so to speak... so I have my hands full with getting the house ready in time for other 'in-laws' to take shelter.

In any case, yeah, they vegged out pretty good. I'm going to stop by your journal in a sec. I vegged mine for 5 weeks. If I had the room I would have gone 6.

I am going to post an update shortly... hopefully later today with pics but I went in the grow room last night right about lights off time and drenched them in DiamondNectar.

It's funny, there are 2 times I think, well 3, but I'm not on the 3rd yet... when you 'know it is for real'... The first is germinating the seeds, the second is starting buds... and the 3rd I think is harvesting buds. I finally saw some buds forming last night and it was truly an incredible moment. Can everyone think back to their first grow ?

Peace & more to come.:weed:


Well-Known Member
I'm on or about my 8th day of flowering and nothing yet ..... But I've read you entire journal and the only thing I did differently is pruned consistantly and kept four plants in on six gal rez. I check the PH every other day and add a little PH down. I change all the nutes every 5-7 days ....
Great advice!

Yeah, I didn't prune so much and I have 4 in the 6 gallon res and one in struggling. The other 3 are doing fine, and then there are 2 FAT one's... :-P

Do you have a grow journal up ?


Well-Known Member
DAY 14 of FLOWER: (total days since germination: 49 or 50)

I had to change out the res a couple of days early because I flushed them with water for 24 hours and then I added the nutes directly to the res without cleaning that water out... Let's just say the water wasn't to my liking.

So, day 14 and seeing some buds. I PROMISE to take pictures tonight during lights out. The snow white's I have growing are starting to resemble the pictures I've seen with the 'white' tops... Truly surreal. I can't believe I've gotten this far with pretty decent results for a newbie.

Thank you for stopping by and please come back tonight for pics!!!



Well-Known Member
lol im wondering whats up for flowering. are you going to seperate the root systems and put in seperate buckets, or let them fight for food by keeping them all in the one containr. lol these are going to get monsterious. lol its going to be interesting


New Member
Looking forward to the pics Nas. I too had an almost out of body experince when on my first grow I saw them germinate (they were so cute), bud ( shit this really is pot and I'm growing it) and then the cut and harvest. Sorry to see them go but I grew them for a reason. You forgot one part but may have groupped in into the harvest dream. Smoking your first cured bud that you grew. I'll check in tonight but no pressure! LOL!


Well-Known Member
Thank you both for stopping by.

Yeah, they are getting even bushier... I think even if I put them each in a 5 gallon bucket, they are still going to need room because the space I have them in is about 4 x 6 x 5. I'm running out of room height-wise too. I don't know what to do about that at the moment because I can't put the light any higher without putting it on a support beam then it will be non-stealth-like, so to speak.

In any case, I used the good camera but the flash is out, so I had to take them with the HPS in the background which made the color uneven. In reality they are nice & green... I am getting some minor leaf burn because they are too close to the light...

Can I bend the tops at this stage of flower ?

I think they are starting to bud, which you can see from the pics... and you can also see the swamp of stems intertwining themselves... it's nuts.

Peace & again, my apologies for the crappy pics. I shot them 3 separate times today and these were the best of the lot on time 3. :wall:



Well-Known Member
lol there still going to grow up wards and outwards until id say about day 28 flower. so tie them back evry day or trim like a mad man and let it heal. i knew they wer going to get to big man. the roots get way bigger too dude, and they need optimum conditions right around now dude. you can have a monster tree but if its not getting its dose of nutes cuz 4 other plants are taking what it needs weither its n,p, or k its going to be deficiant id say any day now if that burn isnt from that already. but yeah the lights man either have to raise it or bend ur babies.

just noticed your only using a 400w hps for 5 big plants.... around day 21 , if you could id get another 1000w hps on those too, because your losing alot og light not having it closed in dude. and with insufficiant light = airy buds dude


Well-Known Member
ah man, they are beautiful, woulnd mind gettin some of that smoke when theyre ready!
theyre looking gorgeous!
id just tie em down, like proin said, and trim them if worse comes to worse...


New Member
Nas. Do you know the strain? Those look Sative dominant to me and might get big, big as some sativas are like the energier bunny when it comes to growth in flower. I'd start tying some tops now but I'm not a big fan of the topping plants in flower. I unbend a large plastic coated paper clip and attach one end to the top and the other end farther down on the plant under a fan leaf. I've even attached the top of one plant to a node futher down on another plant. If I need to span a little distance as to not break the top ofj to attach it to a good spot I link the paperclips together. Fishing weights tied to tomato ties ( or bread wrapper wire thingy) or sting lets gravity work for you. Might also cut back on the nitrogen if you are using any. Go get 'em!


Well-Known Member
Nas. Do you know the strain? Those look Sative dominant to me and might get big, big as some sativas are like the energier bunny when it comes to growth in flower. I'd start tying some tops now but I'm not a big fan of the topping plants in flower. I unbend a large plastic coated paper clip and attach one end to the top and the other end farther down on the plant under a fan leaf. I've even attached the top of one plant to a node futher down on another plant. If I need to span a little distance as to not break the top ofj to attach it to a good spot I link the paperclips together. Fishing weights tied to tomato ties ( or bread wrapper wire thingy) or sting lets gravity work for you. Might also cut back on the nitrogen if you are using any. Go get 'em!

The strain grown is in the title of this thread.


Well-Known Member
ah man, they are beautiful, woulnd mind gettin some of that smoke when theyre ready!
theyre looking gorgeous!
id just tie em down, like proin said, and trim them if worse comes to worse...

Thank you for the praise!


Well-Known Member
Those plants are monsters man. A forest of green.

Sorry about the death in the family. RIP
It's cool man, it was my 'in-laws' but still, he was a cool 93 year old cat. The only one in the family who could talk computers with me. Peace.


Well-Known Member
lol there still going to grow up wards and outwards until id say about day 28 flower. so tie them back evry day or trim like a mad man and let it heal. i knew they wer going to get to big man. the roots get way bigger too dude, and they need optimum conditions right around now dude. you can have a monster tree but if its not getting its dose of nutes cuz 4 other plants are taking what it needs weither its n,p, or k its going to be deficiant id say any day now if that burn isnt from that already. but yeah the lights man either have to raise it or bend ur babies.

just noticed your only using a 400w hps for 5 big plants.... around day 21 , if you could id get another 1000w hps on those too, because your losing alot og light not having it closed in dude. and with insufficiant light = airy buds dude

Hey man, I'm glad you came by.

Yeah, the burn on the leaf, is only on one leaf that's closest to the light. The others are fine.
And I changed out the nutes since flower at 5 day, then 5 days, then 3 days, and they've been in there about 3 days and all is well. Still drinking up a storm.

I think I'm going to start bending them, I hate to prune. It is pretty much closed in, I just took the closet door that is the main entrance off to access.

Well, I actually wrote the above yesterday but didn't get to reply. I just went in there and put 3 gallons of nutes in, they're still thirsty as all hell.

Yeah, I'm going to try and bend them I think, it's a freakin' jungle.

And to make matters worse I still have not gotten a replacement camera. I'm taking them with my phone and they're junk, but I took them out and put them on my 'stands' where they sit while I change/add nutes.

Peace. I'm off to your journal ! :bigjoint:


Dr. Haze, MD

Well-Known Member
Wow nasd this grow is looking good.

I was thinking about buying some snow white seeds and if i had seen this journal a week ago i probably would have.

Seems like you've done your homework and the plants are coming out great.

Did you keep track off which plant is which strain?


Well-Known Member
Wow nasd this grow is looking good.

I was thinking about buying some snow white seeds and if i had seen this journal a week ago i probably would have.

Seems like you've done your homework and the plants are coming out great.

Did you keep track off which plant is which strain?

Why thank you Dr. Haze, I appreciate the kind words. Yeah, these babies are drinking like made still and growing out of control. I'm going to get in there and bend them tomorrow, but I don't know where I'm going to bend them to. After this grow I'm going to convert more space and dedicate it to the MJ's...

In any case... back to your question, and a good one. I believe I wrote the answer somewhere towards the beginning of the post but no worry here's my dilemma.

When I started the grow, I had no idea how big these suckers would get, or if they'd grow at all. Being a 1st time grower, we never know. So, I germinated 3 Venus and 3 Snow White. When I placed the seeds in each individual rockwool cube I wrote a 'V' on 3 of them to signify Venus and left the other one's blank to signify Snow White. Well, they grew, and grew and I couldn't really see through the hydroton rocks, which one was which, except for 1 that I was able to read.

So, I will either get lucky and be able to read the other one's... or the V's may have washed off because one thing I did at the beginning of the grow was shut off my water pump the second the roots hit the water. I then, and have been since that day, been using a turkey baster to suck up some nute juice and squirt the rockwool cubes about once a day. It's been more infrequent, but no less than once every two days in the past month or so. I was warned not to do it, but that freakin' water pump that comes with the SH Bubbleponics kit is too big, bulky and interfered with the root system. I can't see how people leave the water pumps in for longer than I did, or even the whole grow I've read some folks do.

Worked for me... so far. Fingers still crossed.

We have family staying with us right now and I'm keeping it secret so I don't know if I'll have time to go in there and check but ever since they've started budding, it's been driving me crazy. And I'm glad you brought it up because now it gives me some more motivation to find out which plant is which.

But, then again... I think I can tell which one's are Snow White's when I go out there when it's dark and turn on the regular wall light. The buds are pretty white... I can't be sure.

So, thank you again for coming by and I'm going to pass out before I keep rambling on.
