First Grow - Hydro/Organic/Stealth Hydro--> FEM "Snow White" & FEM "Venus"


Well-Known Member

I took some pics, but wasn't able to bend the plants and I have one that has cleared the light.

There are bud formations everywhere. Other than that not too much to report as they are still drinking 3 gallons of mixed up nutes every 2 days.

Here is what I'm putting per gallon in the 3 gallon jug I have (very handy, just the right size) of nutes:

PureBlendPro Flower: 45ml (3 Tbs) per gallon ... under their 'agressive flowering' schedule.

Liquid Karma: 10ml (2 tsp) per gallon ... under their 'flowering' schedule.

FloralNectar: 10ml (2 tsp) per gallon ... under their 'flowering' schedule.

Diamond Nectar: About 3ml per gallon (I have also been using it as a foilar spray, which they got today). I know people are sometimes against foliar spray during the flowering phase but I'm going for it regardless. One forum member thoroughly convinced me in an email of this incredible product. The phone I am using isn't great, (smartphone camera) so I'm working on it, but the shine and color are much more vibrant since I began using DiamondNectar.

Let me know if you likeeeey. :leaf:

Thank you.


Dr. Haze, MD

Well-Known Member
Nice, bigger then ever.

I think your plants would be perfect for an outdoor grow cause their so big.

Keep up the good work.


Well-Known Member
Nice, bigger then ever.

I think your plants would be perfect for an outdoor grow cause their so big.

Keep up the good work.

You know, I'm beginning to really start to agree with you. They state that they are indoor, but I'd have these suckers at least 5 feet high if they were outdoors. The stalks are pretty thick too.

And Thanks for the praise Dr. Haze! :bigjoint:

I'm telling you, it's the water down here... LOL.

PEACE & Hopefully I can get my hands on a decent camera. My wife just borrowed 'daddys' camera for a couple of weeks until we can figure out a decent replacement for the Sony. I like the Sony one we had, it was a DSC-T5... few years old but decent. I want something like that but one that I can change the bulb out when it blows. Sony wanted $250 to do it, are you fucking kidding me ? Sorry for the language kids, I do try to keep it mellow yellow on here. And I'd like to keep it Sony but I'm open to suggestions if anyone knows!!



Well-Known Member
Hey Nas whaaadup man.. Ur girls look good bro. Im curious how much LAMP u got on those girls? Smoked out and cant really see man.. Looks like it may be too close bro from signs of maybe a little heat stress on the pix of some of the leaves..
Either way man it looks good.


Well-Known Member
Hey Nas whaaadup man.. Ur girls look good bro. Im curious how much LAMP u got on those girls? Smoked out and cant really see man.. Looks like it may be too close bro from signs of maybe a little heat stress on the pix of some of the leaves..
Either way man it looks good.

They are curling a little bit but there's so many it hasn't seemed to slow it down.

I have a 400w HPS, and a couple of Ott-Lite CFL's, and 2 of those mini tube one's, don't know what size...

They are really starting to bud everywhere now. I have a better camera but no flash, it's killing me.

I'm running out of room so I'm going to try and move everything soon. We are hosting a party tomorrow night so I don't know if I'll have time. I have a separate room just for these that may give me some height.



Well-Known Member
OK bro i just looked back man and seen the culpret. Its the tall biotch man the one closest to the lamp dude. Im sure those are the pix i was seeing man.
If they have stopped stretching and are concentrating on bud site growth u can raise the lamp a bit to allow perspiration bro.. Looks like thats where they are too me..
Not much maybe about 8 inches from the tops bro. If u can get a small fan to blow across the tops of the plants between the lamp and tops and u can get the lamp closer.
Its the tall one really tho the rest look ok.. I just get a piece of string and pull it away a little. But ive been looking into supercropping in that instance..
Im gonna have a big bish myself coming up im sure im gonna have to figure out something.

Dr. Haze, MD

Well-Known Member
Ya I agree with onthedl0008. Supercropping is a really good way to increase yield and save space. Unfortunately, i think your plants are way to far into flowering to be bent. It would be to much stress on the plant and the buds would come out bad. The ideal time to do it is 3-4 weeks before flowering begins, but you can do it whenever.


Well-Known Member
Ya I agree with onthedl0008. Supercropping is a really good way to increase yield and save space. Unfortunately, i think your plants are way to far into flowering to be bent. It would be to much stress on the plant and the buds would come out bad. The ideal time to do it is 3-4 weeks before flowering begins, but you can do it whenever.

Yeah... too late in the game.

You're right, the one in the photographs was generally the one that's taller than the light. I was thinking of moving the whole setup, but I may only gain less than 12 inches.

The pics are misleading though. I just went in there and there are some mild curling events happening on the tallest plant, but the rest are perky & green.

The underbrush is getting out of hand. When I switch out the nutes, (which is supposed to be today btw, but I can't...) or water, I generally break a branch or two but the growth is ridiculous. I sprayed them down with some DiamondNectar as a foliar spray about 2 days ago and they've gone another inch or two today.

I'm definitely going to go with a 'low-ryder' type of strain... I didn't think these would grow like this. Live & learn... but hey, I'm a newbie, wtf do I know ? LOL...

Nute change tomorrow and I'm going to try and take some better pics once again.

Dr. Haze, MD

Well-Known Member
The size issue could be because you left them in veg for to long.

How big were day when you began flowering? how long had they been growing?


Well-Known Member
Yea NAS the rest of the plants look great bro. Id keep things the way u been running um and just try to tie the big bish so she off the heat of the hood man.
Shit looks nice bro. Keep up the good work. If u check out my grow man..
I usually Veg until my plants are maybe 8 inches tall tops if im not sure what the final harvest size is..
For instance man.. One of my strains finishes at 4.5 ft. ive only got about 5 fT. to play with bro. And under my 400 wat lamp i try to keep um as tight as possible to utilize my cubic watts..
It all kinda works out in the end.
Good shit.


Well-Known Member
The size issue could be because you left them in veg for to long.

How big were day when you began flowering? how long had they been growing?

I think I switched them over to flower @ 5 weeks and 1 day. I think you're right !!


Active Member
Lookin good bro! I was doing about the same as you a few weeks ago, three gallons every 2 days. I'm about three gallons every 3-4 days now, slowed down.
I'm heading down right now to chop off the WW cola :) :) So excited! Cant wait to get her dried and cured. Never smoked the WW before. I figure the rest should be ready by next weekend. The Haze cola will probably go in the next 5-7 days also.
Can't wait to start my next round! Already shoppin for beans ;)


Well-Known Member
Lookin good bro! I was doing about the same as you a few weeks ago, three gallons every 2 days. I'm about three gallons every 3-4 days now, slowed down.
I'm heading down right now to chop off the WW cola :) :) So excited! Cant wait to get her dried and cured. Never smoked the WW before. I figure the rest should be ready by next weekend. The Haze cola will probably go in the next 5-7 days also.
Can't wait to start my next round! Already shoppin for beans ;)
Dude that is awesome. Which strain are you running again ?

Both my strains say '11 weeks or less' for floweing and I'm exactly at the 3 week mark. They are about the size of a quarter right now. I'll have to take pics but does that seem a good size for this stage in the game ?



Well-Known Member

They have decreased liquid consumption a tad... Instead of 3 gallons every 2 days, it's now every 3.

The leaves are fine except for some that have a dark green droopy look, but it's not that many. I'm attributing this to using toooooo much DiamondNectar. I added it to the reservoir as well as sprayed them, but I'm going to lay off that stuff completely for now. Plus I hear it's not a great idea to use a foliar spray during the flowering stage. Well, I think I learned my lesson.

The bud formations are multiple at the main center cola area. I have to get some pics, possibly tomorrow. I was in there today adding nutes and broke a couple of stems because they just keep growing and growing.


Well-Known Member
looking damn gooid nas!i keep track of my grow pretty much like u do.i just print out a calender and write the progress down daily with the stats,ec,ppm, etc..Looking very good though i have to say.Vert detailed,i like that!Good Work!


Well-Known Member
Looking good man. First time checking in a week, with my holiday and all. Amazing what a week does to a grow at this stage. Looking great.


Well-Known Member
Looking great Nasd. Dude you're going to yeild alot of bud with those monsters. I like your setup with the DWC. I'm running two different setups. I have a drip system for my veg. room and the Ebb and Flow system for flowering. It ok but I think I'm going to build a areoponics/NFT system for that dank grow that I was telling you that I wanted to grow. I'm going to see Mike at the hydro store this weekend about it. ( It's the same Mike that you use. Next door to Carraba's) I'm also going to change from Fox Farms nutes to the nutes you are using.
Your grow is looking amazing and I can't wait to see how that Snow White turns out.

If you need someone to smoke a bowl of SW with just let me know. LOL.... +rep.


Well-Known Member
looking damn gooid nas!i keep track of my grow pretty much like u do.i just print out a calender and write the progress down daily with the stats,ec,ppm, etc..Looking very good though i have to say.Vert detailed,i like that!Good Work!
Hey purpdaddy... Your legend lives strong on this board. I've read many of your posts. I appreciate you stopping by and for your praise. Seriously. Yeah, I was writing down everything precisely in the beginning because there was a lot to write, but now it's just smooth sailing until... hopefully... the mother load. :weed: Thanks again, and let me know if you get another grow going. Peace.

Looking good man. First time checking in a week, with my holiday and all. Amazing what a week does to a grow at this stage. Looking great.
Yo' Rocco... Thanks man, yeah they're popping now. Buds are bigger than a quarter now and all over the freakin' place!

Looking great Nasd. Dude you're going to yeild alot of bud with those monsters. I like your setup with the DWC. I'm running two different setups. I have a drip system for my veg. room and the Ebb and Flow system for flowering. It ok but I think I'm going to build a areoponics/NFT system for that dank grow that I was telling you that I wanted to grow. I'm going to see Mike at the hydro store this weekend about it. ( It's the same Mike that you use. Next door to Carraba's) I'm also going to change from Fox Farms nutes to the nutes you are using.
Your grow is looking amazing and I can't wait to see how that Snow White turns out.

If you need someone to smoke a bowl of SW with just let me know. LOL.... +rep.
Definitely man. I'd like to check out that setup at some point... and vice versa... lol. I forgot you're in T-Town too. Hmm... we may have to meet up. I'll PM you and we'll go from there. Yeah man, Mike is the shiznit... Be sure to tell him the dude with the Snow White's who comes in and bugs him says 'hey'... He'll know. I always call him about different questions and he's always willing to give advice. Killer dude. I'm inviting him to our next big party.. .which is going to be in possibly a month maybe more... we'll see how it goes. We just had a big engagement party so a small break is needed. I'll have to send you an invite. :leaf: Peace.

Nas buddy whats up man. Just checking in.
HEY MAN... Glad you came by. You and I are just cruising along right now and waiting for the green surprise!! haha... Soon man, soon!!

Peace & REP to all if I haven't given it to you recently. :weed: