**First Grow Hydroponics 14 OG Kush** one week into budding


Active Member
Hello all, this is my first grow so im looking for some good advice and opinions. Right now I got 14 OG Kush plants on there first week of budding. Vegged them for about 7 weeks. The room is ventilated out via carbon filter. The lights are ducted to outside of the room. Im still working on my ventilation!! Although the room goes from 75 at night to max 85 during the day at 55% humidity. As for the nutes im feeding them Sensibloom A+B and Big Bud. One issue I was having was the pH level. I am now having to adjust the pH before adding the nutes to the reservoir water (that I change weekly) because of the buffers that are in the Sensibloom. Sorry that I dont know the lighting power, maybe you will know from the picture. For the whole vegging stage I had the lighting at 50% and then I raised it to 75% when I changed the cycle to 12/12. Im going to be increasing the lighting to 100% next week. Also I cut about 30 clones that are now a week old. Still waiting to see their roots come through but they're lookin good. Another thing I just started doing today is foliar feeding. Im open to sugguestions and thanks for the help!:leaf:



Well-Known Member
Everything looks great! I recommednd PH Perfect. You can pick it up online. It was featured on a grow show called urban grower. Its on you tube. Watch all the mail bag and new stuff episodes their are lots of helpfull hints.


Active Member
You can now see the first pistils on each plant. I raised the lighting to 100%. Haloman420 I wasn't able to find it online can you send me a link?


Active Member
Hello viewers.. I took a couple pictures today because I have some questions as well. +rep for advice.

I took a picture of the canopy today because I noticed it is shading allot of the lower branches now. Most of the shade leaves are up by the colas that need trimmed. How high up should I trim?(if I even should)

Also I was wondering if its about time to raise the lights again? No buds or leaves are burning but there getting pretty close.

About have of my clones' roots have protruded through the rock wool by now. I dont have a place for them just yet we are putting in a veg room soon enough. My question is would it be safe to plant them in litre buckets for now under lowish lights?

Sorry if im a little confusing just hit the bong bongsmilie. One other question I have is its been really cold here the last couple days. The temp in the room now goes from around 75 and drops to about 60 at night when the lights are off. Now that its colder should I turn off my fans and vent when the lights go off? Thanks for the input +rep for advice.


Active Member
I wouldn't trim the large leaves. They are like solar panels closest to the source of light, producing energy for the whole plant. Buds don't have much to photosynthesize with, that's what the leaves are for.

Those temps are OK, but borderline. You don't really want to go lower than 60 at night. I have my ventilation off at night, but I do get really high humidity by morning time. I was thinking of setting up the fan to be on a timer, maybe 15 minutes on every 2 hours at night.

And for those clones, go ahead and transplant and put under low light. Keep the light close to reduce stretching, but the intensity doesn't have to be too high, just enough to keep them close to a suspended animation state. Just make sure you keep the light schedule consistent by using a timer as to not confuse the little ladies.


Active Member
Thanks allot I wont trim them then. Im changing the ventilation to go from the carbon filter to the lighting to the fan out soon. And ill turn off my fans at night so it doesnt get to cold.


Active Member
I see your can style carbon filter, what is the other one,a HEPA? I only run one fan, and it goes filter -> fan -> hood -> exhaust. It doesn't really help too much with the smell, but I recently found some air leaks in the fan case that I haven't sealed.

I use a temp controlled fan speed controller that has separate settings for day and night. I just realized maybe I should lower the night setting, but the only problem is when the fan is barely running it makes a resonating noise that is pretty annoying if you are trying to sleep. Here's a link to more info if you are interested:



Active Member
Right now I got a couple fans. The intake for air outside the house. 2 osculating fans that I keep high 24/7 (I feel it help grow stronger branches). This portable humidifier thing that I dont think does much of anything. And the Carbon filter outake fan that is now only on when the lights go on.


Active Member
Moved the plants to the left side of the room so they have a little more room and I can raise the light higher if I wanted. I think they will really like the change and more space between plants. Should I be picking off the dying leaves toward the bottom of the plant? Anyways after hours I finally got the pH right and reservoirs changed. Right now they are feeding off Sensibloom A+B and Big Bud. The new growth is coming in real nicely!



Active Member
What dying leaves at the bottom, those are looking great! But yeah, when a leaf starts getting all shriveled, I give it a slight tug. If it pops off, it was meant to be, but if not I leave it on longer under the assumption that the plant is drawing nutrients off it still.


Active Member
What dying leaves at the bottom, those are looking great! But yeah, when a leaf starts getting all shriveled, I give it a slight tug. If it pops off, it was meant to be, but if not I leave it on longer under the assumption that the plant is drawing nutrients off it still.
haha it doesnt look like it but there is some dying leaves. And yeah I basically do the same thing i was just making sure. :)


Active Member
I was checking the reservoirs today and the pH has gone up about .5 in the last 3-4 days. I was wondering if it is not recommended to add alittle pH down to get it back at to the desired level about halfway through the week? Right now my pH is at 6.65 and the water is at 60 degrees with ppm of about 1450.

We are soon getting a vegroom added to this room. It will basically be just another layer. Time to double the progress!:weed:



Active Member
Looking really good, good job man. Congrats on being able to start a veg space, I can't wait to do that. Right now I have clones that have rooted in my bathroom, but I'm wondering what to do now because I have another 5 weeks of flower before my cabinet is empty.

I'm not a hydro guy, but I do a lot of reading and I think it is best to constantly check pH and adjust as necessary. I have heard about nutrient solutions that react with each other and/or the grow medium and cause wild pH fluctuations, so it is important to check/adjust regularly. That being said, take my advice or leave it because your plants look better than mine.


thanks spark.

anyone else have anything to say? ha...
the way your plants are looking, they seem to be doing great as they are. i would say keep at what you are doing already and dont deviate too much. the pH should be adjusted but its not exactly in dire need of it.

amazing girls. keep it up.


Active Member
the way your plants are looking, they seem to be doing great as they are. i would say keep at what you are doing already and dont deviate too much. the pH should be adjusted but its not exactly in dire need of it.

amazing girls. keep it up.
Thanks much.