First Grow in Colorado!


So I've been holding onto some bag seeds for a while now. I successfully germinated 3 out of the 5 and here are my babies. They are about 3.5 weeks since seed so I think they're doing pretty well. I have nothing to compare to, so any input is much appreciated.

On week 3 i moved them from about 120w CFL's to a 400w Apollo MH light and transferred to larger pots. I also replanted closer to the cotyledons.

I began to notice the cotyledons yellowing which I read is normal. However, now i am noticing the bottom leaves turning very faintly yellow. I am using a miracle grow soil. I am pretty sure there is nutrients in the soil and earlier a user commented on my stretching and suggest i add a little bit of "food" so i added a very small amount of fert. I think i am experiencing nute burn or a nitrogen deficiency.

First 2 pics are from a week ago. The new pics are from earlier today.




IMO they might be a little hungry. I don't see any nute burn. If you do feed just use a little they are delicate.


IMO they might be a little hungry. I don't see any nute burn. If you do feed just use a little they are delicate.
ok I see pics are separate. I would wait till they dry out. I would use straight water. If they yellow anymore they need some food. The 5th pic may be showing signs of nute overload


Just to confirm. Food = nutes? This may be better asked in the newb central, but regardless, I appreciate any advice!

Anyone else have thoughts/advice?


Active Member
Yes . Food = Nutrients
less is more when they're at this stage so go easy when you do feed and use fertilizer high in Nitrogen .


Any recommendations for fertilizer? I used a very small amount of some MG shake and feed, but i just read this is high in sulfur which raises the pH levels.



Plants are looking good. I'd like everyone's opinion. I am 5 weeks since i started the seeds in paper towels. You can see the 1 on the left is smaller and slightly yellow. I've added some more nutes and will wait to see the results.

I am curious as to how early you can flip plants to flower... the two tallest are 8 inches. If they double while flowering, I don't want plants growing over 3 feet. I imagine in another week they'll be nearly foot and as wide as the pot their in.
