First grow, learned a lot, but need some confirmation, please!


Active Member
Hey all!

This is my very first closet grow ( I built an awesome cabinet) and after many months of research, reading, and studying these are my results! I learned a ton in the act, but now I am at a point of needing some advice.

I have two plants Alessandra and Carley. Alessandra is the larger of the two. Carley is a little thinner and stretched slightly. Originally I thought they both grew as female, but now I am not sure. Alessandra seems to have sacks and hairs. She possibly a hermi? I did some reading on that before and how it is not uncommon to find. They're in their 2nd week of flowering. I need to know if Alessandra poses a threat to Carley or not. If you need clearer (or close up) shots, please let me know! So far things seem to be going great. For my next grow, I'll be creating a full journal. This is my first attempt at this, so any tips would be appreciated.

Please review the pics and spit some opinions that would help me determine what I need to do. Thank you!:weed:




Well-Known Member
The big one is a male and the little one looks female, but only you can be sure but get rid of Alessandra she's a he


Well-Known Member
ow sorry man, my first grow too, and of 2 plants one was a female and was a male. So i pollinated the femae with the male and she is still flowering. Trust me on this. You will shit a brick when u see how much plooen comes out that male. I mean JESUS CHRIST! What i wud do differently is not pollinate and just do cutting. I did clones of the female and they are working way better than i thot possible! good luck


Active Member
Damn I had a feeling she might be a male. Oh well. Best way to disspose of him??? *sigh* Well at least I can try cloning. Should be interesting.