First Grow Log - Problems already


Didn't really read much, but it looks like overwatering mixed with Nitrogen. Let her dry out and get a humidity dome on her. Use 1/4 strength nutes on the next watering and see how she responds.
Thank you for the reply.

Will not be able to get her the nitrogen for the next three days, but I will be switching her soil Friday, and hopefully will be able to pick up some nutrient formula as well. Any ideas for a homemade humidity dome that'll fit this?


Well-Known Member
Thank you for the reply.

Will not be able to get her the nitrogen for the next three days, but I will be switching her soil Friday, and hopefully will be able to pick up some nutrient formula as well. Any ideas for a homemade humidity dome that'll fit this?
She might be too big for a plastic cup. Just careful transplanting her too much. Also the container shouldn't be clear. Wrap something around it so that light cannot pass through.


Its like a 1.5-2gallon plastic container, not a cup though. Gonna go tape it up now, thank you.

/e Just covered the container with duct tape


Well-Known Member
if everything else fails, just leave her under lights and eff off for a few days. dont water, or even look at her. Sometimes caring too much kills em, and a little neglect goes a long way. Happens a lot on first grows. I killed my first two grows years ago by over watering and giving too much a shit. lol. rule number one, dont over water. there weeds at the end of the day, and grow in horrible conditions and there used to it.

in my honest opinion, people who have a successful first grow, have researched enough to piss off on the watering, and any little bit that looks off, dont get too crazed by it and try to correct dramatically, you can kill them with too much unwanted "help".

remember, the longer you care enough to learn, the longer this site, other sites like it, and your plants will teach you... a master you will become, padawan, to padawan, we will someday be masters, but no matter how much you read, you need the trial and error to really learn the craft i have come to know. be patient. before to long, you will be like the old grow masters anywhere, and these plants will practically speak to you, hell some of these guys can look at a bent leaf and be like "badabing, badaboo" and its almost as if the plant told them what was up, that shit only comes with experience. its like anything else in life worth knowing, it takes time... good luck.


Well-Known Member
I second the transparent container, get it into something light blocking, and 1-3 gallons of "GOOD" fresh soil of proper PH, or pre tested between 6-7... then PH your water to mid 6-7 "WITH and WITHOUT nutes, you can do this with ph up/down from hydroponic stores the easy way" or home remmedies the more difficult way. I heard of lemon juice and baking soda before to raise or lower. I just bough ph up and down at a local hydro store and it works good, although i will tell you now, if you are mixing nutes before soil which most soil growers are, adding to the water, if i was you i would get a digital pen or something better than color coded strips, i mean, im a man, my eyes are good, and im not color blind, as per the color blind test in the army, but the colors on the ph test, mixed with funky colors of your nutes in the water, is quite confusing for me to detect pigment, ive only been doing it a few days, and need a digital read out bad. i need to have my girlfriend tell me what color or ph SHE "thinks" it is, before feeding to the ladies, in all reality, it is a bad thing to have this be a guessing game...


Well-Known Member
I mean it about a bigger container, light blocking... hell even a black trash bag or white doubled up will work get it out of the clear small container. you get it into new container, ph your shit, get it correct. 6.5 ph for soil, and put some Nitrogen in that shit, and you will 99.9% chance see a huge improvement.


Thanks a lot guys, really helping me out here. I've stopped watering them already, and just from over night it looks like she is doing a little better. Leaves have 'perked' up a little. I plan on buying a new, bigger container on Friday since I'm going out of town for 2 days. Will also be picking up new soil, hopefully they carry fox field farms, a ph tester, and some good nutes.

Any suggestions on nutes would be nice. I think I read that 20-5-5 would be best for veg, or something that is high N and lower in phosphorus and potassium


Well-Known Member
Overwatered, Nitrogen, Phosphorus. Get some Canna - Mononutrient. and watch out not to overfeed with the fertilizers you found. And don't water it so often, the bigger the plant gets the more water it needs.

Good luck on your grow.


Should I order my nutes online?

Damn like $15 per ltr for those. I'm sure it is worth it though, gonna try and find somewhere to order them from.


Well-Known Member


Damn, just got home, and my girl isn't looking all that great..

The top leaves are looking better, but the ones at the very bottom have died again.. more of the stem is turning purple. I need a quick nitrogen fix I think while I wait for my nutes/new soil.


Alright, so I am ordering a few bags of ffof, along with their grow big and big bloom formulas for nutes, unless anyone has any other suggestions for nutes?

Also gotta find a soil ph tester

/e confused on the nutrients needed for veg here. The one sticky says find something that is 20-5-5 but I can't find anything that high. Or is it saying I need to mix my own and just buy mono nutrients of N-P-K



Damn.. really sucks not having local stores with good products. I guess this is really the cheapest I can get this? I want to use ffof, but I don't know if I want to spend basically $200 to ship it lol.

Anyway, does that order look alright? I only have 1 plant going now, plan on starting two more.


New Member
i think you might save a few bucks if you find a bigger bag of soil instead of 5 smaller ones. just my 2 cents.


^^ I shopped around and saved $130 after I went through a few websites. Hopefully those nutes are g2g.


Alright, so I am ordering a few bags of ffof, along with their grow big and big bloom formulas for nutes, unless anyone has any other suggestions for nutes?

Also gotta find a soil ph tester

/e confused on the nutrients needed for veg here. The one sticky says find something that is 20-5-5 but I can't find anything that high. Or is it saying I need to mix my own and just buy mono nutrients of N-P-K
Bump for reply.

Also, I have switched out two of the 5000k cfl's for two 43w 6500k.

My ffof soil and nutes should be coming in mid next week hopefully, along with a soil ph tester.


Well-Known Member
Get the mononutrient, at this point Phosphorus is the most needed nutrient you need. There must be some hydro shop near you?


Get the mononutrient, at this point Phosphorus is the most needed nutrient you need. There must be some hydro shop near you?
I think there is one like 15 miles from me, I'll go check it out. Will get mono N and P, already ordered the other nutes cause I needed new, good soil as soon as possible.