First Grow Log - Problems already

Looks like you have a nitrogen deficiency. My leaves were turning yellow and I bought Fox Farm that was high in Nitrogen and they were cured in 2 days. Get the blue Fox Farm that has 6.0% N and youll notice and immediate difference!


Yea already got that and I'm doing another 1/4 feed next watering. She's much better than a few weeks ago lol


They've been switched to 12/12, have them on a timer now. In my haste I forgot to switch out the bulbs for 2500k cfl's, but I will be picking them up today so no worries.


Been about a week since I last updated, but I still have not switched out the bulbs. I keep forgetting to run to the store and pick up some 2500k cfl's, but I keep working 8-7pm so time has been an issue.

Today is my day off so I will pick them up. However, she has been running 12/12 for like 8-9 days now, and has definitely grown a bit more. Also is definitely a female. I fim'd, or at least did what I thought would be fimming lol. Currently I am using 2 5000k 23w cfl's and 1 6500k 43w (I believe). Going to swap out for 4 2500k cfl's tonight.

About how long does it take to see some bud growth, 2-3 weeks? I'm not talking about any huge volume, just the beginning of it.



I got some bugs in my grow box, keep breaking up spider webs, although I have not seen an actual spider as of yet. Any natural things to do to ward them off? I do not want to use any pesticides.


My plant may be a hermie... it has the female hairs, but at the top on some of the newest growth my uncle pointed out what may be sacs growing.. will take pictures later for someone to hopefully clarify for me


Would appreciate someone taking a look at these pics for me to confirmplantsac1.jpgplantsac2.jpg

This is my only plant going in this box, so would it be worth it keep it going and try to remove the sacs as I see them or something? I'd like to still try to cultivate this plant before I leave in the fall.