First grow pics


Active Member
hey man thanks for the advice..just one more question..when do i need to start transferring them to bigger they are currently in tiny original pots i used for germination..the seedlings are probably about 4-5 inches in height..they have been growing for about 2 weeks now since germination..also wot fertilizer do u recommend and wen shall i start giving them fertilizer? thanks


Well-Known Member
wow checked the size of my plants last nigh sorry no pics but they are now 14" and 15" so they have grown reasonably quick
1 quick question is at roughley what flowering period/day would they show signs of budding ?


Well-Known Member
FLOWERING DAY 10. checked them this morning before they went to sleep and 1 of the 4 plants is showing signs of budding as there are loads of white pistals growing from the top of the plant.

I will post some pictures tonight


Well-Known Member
the last 3 posts were mine unless someone posts something i might as well stop myself as i`m wasteing my time

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
lol, no keep the post coming man- so far so good, cant really see the white hairs you describe in your pics, but your off to a good start- when did you start flowering, what height were the plants?


Well-Known Member
hi there cheers for the reply it get lonely in here when no one replys lol
i started flowers 11 days ago they were about 12" as i have a limited space now there nearly 16" high amazing how much they have grown in 11 days i will take some pics tonight of the hairs/bud as i think i have sorted my camera out
counted the bud sites on 1 plant last night and there are 8 bud sites
i probably wont get much yeild but still not bad for my first grow

cheers again

mr west

Well-Known Member
looking good dude. id say i was bout 10 days into 12/12 with my bubblelicious, lots of hairs but no pre buds just yet lol. good luck dude.

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
so far so good, i understand what you mean bout the lonley thread, my grow journals pretty lame at this point- but get some pics and post often anyway, its not for them- its so you can track your plants progress and see it from seed to weed- thats the goal man- and this place is great for getting feedback, even if its slow- read others threads and stuff man I have learned so much- never felt so much growth in understanding so quickly- plants are a passion for sure


Well-Known Member
well yeh i got my mother plant and didnt do owt with it untill i joined this site i have learnt everything off this site its great

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
very nice, some definite girls- what reflective surface do you have in the background, it looks like disco ball tile lol!


Well-Known Member
the reflective background well a freind who works for a lift company fetch me 2 rolls of a reflective tape the tape is about 5" wide i aint got a clue what its for but it works and it not 100 reflective so it dont burn my plants.
just asked him he says it cost £22 a roll but i got it free lol
its water proof and very strong as it has strands of string inside it too.
sorry for blabbering on

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
ohh thats sweet- it looks like good stuff, just never seen such a thing before- that makes sense now, and they dont look burned at all, they look healthy and female!


Well-Known Member
yeh they are very happy plants got to check them in about 2 hours as i am seeing them change alot each day happy females
i have 1 in my front room which i am growing as an orniment and its looking great small but great lol