First grow problems


New Member

First time grow and I have two plants. Chronic and U2. Both clones.
Growing in soil that had no nute's to start.
Was using Blue Moon Nute's. Currently using Dyna-gro Beyond Organic Bloom (3-12-6)
Water about every 4-5 days.
Indoor in tent.
Currently in 5gal. pots.
400 watt bulb for flowering running at 250.
Going into week 5 of flowering. If you start counting from first day of 12-12 lighting.
The pix ,if i can figure out how to post, are of the Chronic.

Ok so here is the problem. The Chronic is turning yellow again. so is the U2 but not as bad.
I say again because both of them were turning yellow before I transplanted them into the 5gal.
They started looking real good at first. But about a week ago the Chronic started yellowing again and now the U2 is starting to yellow. This started from the bottom at first. I last watered with cal-mag then ph'ed. before that was ph'ed water only and before that water with dyna-gro bloom and then ph'ed.

Anyway any help would be greatly appreciated.
The first 3 pix are of the Chronic and the last 2 are the U2



Well-Known Member
id say to flush them with ph balanced water till you get 1 gal of run off then give them your fertilizer or nutes looks like they are locked out! meaning they are not taking in the nutes.


Well-Known Member
veg plants need higher N, ur NPK is 3-12-6..... u need to buffer that, even if just sum raw N salts....

lol, nvm ur flowering.... still add some N, 3-12-6 is rough, esp. first few weeks...

the transplant healed them as the soil supplied nutes... but they r gone now....


Well-Known Member
if its just the lower leaves yellowing,, they may not be getting light, if the tops start to yellow they are not taking in the nutrients

jsa pimp

If it was lockout the plants would not be drinking typically. I would have to say its a deficiency and to support bud growth it has to rob what it needs from the leaves. The soil that its in is key, whatever it is must have some nutritional value, thats why they did better after transplant.


Well-Known Member
i always grew hydro, never soil, but it looks like a lack of nutes,, even in soil or coco, if u ad nutes to useless soil the plants take in the nutes u give them these plants are yellowing because there are not enough nutrients in the soil.

jsa pimp

With most soil less media such as promix with no nutritional value, I have found that a plant especially in heavy flower will need nutes every feeding.


Well-Known Member
. I last watered with cal-mag then ph'ed. before that was ph'ed water only and before that water with dyna-gro bloom and then ph'ed.

jsa pimp

far to much flush, not enough nutrients
I agree. When I switched from soil to soilless media I had the same problem, ever other feeding was water the plant would yellow. So I began to give them nutes every feeding and thought the worst that could happen is I get to find out what lockout looks like first hand. Never happened, plants loved it! Essentially growing in soilless is just like growing in hydro.


Well-Known Member
add some dynagro GROW (7-9-5)
or some other source of N?
This times 1000. The bloom doesn't have enough nitrogen. Now before you feed keep in mind you have been loading up on P. I would consider something like Dynagro Foliage pro 9-3-6 which has a higher N value.


Well-Known Member
if you can buy some General hydroponics, maxi gro n maxi bloom. both are cheap 1 part nutes that work very well plus they balance ur ph normally to around 5.7...seriously get some better nutes ur plants will thank u and gh maxi series is cheep and ive done lots of comparisons were it clearly produced better plants than some of the more expensive brands..