First grow, purely home-made, CFL.


New Member
Thanks guys i apreciate that. I have just been taking it real easy the past week or so. I am planning on getting an envirolite pretty soon, i want it to grow faster. But yeah ill keep you up to date with how everything is going.


Well-Known Member
Hey man just read the journal now, was kinda scared for you 2 pages back when it got all droopy! Glad to see that it is looking good though! Good luck man!


New Member
OTO: Roger roger victor vaker. Thats good news, so it should be plenty for just the one plant then.

caddy & ski: Thanks guys i spreciate the good wishes. I feel you on the scary phase it went through, its looking remakable now. I am going to post some pics up soon.


New Member

Well today i decided to trim even more leaves, as it seems to increase the plants health substantially.
I took off mostly bad ones, and ones weither blocking light from penetrating the plant, and some minor timming at the base of the stems.
I am also still watering with molassas. thought i would throw that out there.

^ that leaf was victim to a light bulb falling on it.



New Member
Coddy: I know man, i went in there and started saying oh no haha. It was a sad sight to see a cooked leaf like that.

Ski: Yeah man, its definatly on a good path. I cant wait until i start flowering this.

My plant is about 10 inches tall now, so i wonder if there should be a height when i start the flower period, other than that i was going to give it a week or so more. Then switch to 12-12.


New Member
Update on the topping/fimming.

Well, im pretty excited to see this progress.
The indoor plant was the one i wanted to top, just split into two branches, well it is growing 3 branches, and i noticed this was a trait the entire plant has, three sets of leaves, not two opposite.
Anyways, its doing great, the outdoor that was supposed to be fimmed turned out to be just topped.
which is fine.
Its doing great i guess for an oudoor, like i said in the beginning i dont care for it as much as i do the indoor.
Ill post some pics of it later. Peace.


Well-Known Member
i heard trying to fim is a pain, i tried it once and it did'nt work out....still checkin the old pics(damn it's a fine plant!).....can't wait to check out the new ones


New Member
I know man, im so happy it came back to life. For a good while there i was wondering if i could even keep it alive. Now i understand the plant lol.


New Member
So i noticed erlyer today that the topping on the indoor plant that turned out to grow three branches actually regenerated its main stem, thus giving me the three branches. This strain is a trip. There are lives with 14 segments, like two leaves in one. And like i said earlyer three leaves opposite instead of two. Things like this, i asked my freinds dad if these were traits he noticed, he said no, my plant is a keeper lol. Anyways ill post pics up in the morning. Later.