First grow R.c.c.


Well-Known Member
Now I have six fee's growin. The 3 babies grew up and have shown there sex. I'm doing this all on 12/12.

My biggest plant, she's almost 3ft.

The light fell on this one about a week ago. The top is gone but its still growing nice.

Girl #3

The babiez

The tallest baby

I turned my AG hood and small fish tank to a veg spot.

Last but not least
I just started some church from attitude.


Well-Known Member
Impressive! I hope to at least get 1 female let alone all 6!
Thanks. The six girls r all bagseed. Once I ordered fem seeds from attitude I knew what one actually looked like. From then on I had no problem pic'n out fem seeds from a bag of bud.


Well-Known Member
There all close to the light. It might have look like they were far away 4 the pic, but there az close az they can be without burnin the leaves.

Any closer and the tops would all look like this.

Thanks 4 reading my shit. 4real.



New Member
What exactly does a female seed look like? How can you distinguish it from a male seed?

Please post a pic of a "female" seed and a pic of a "male" seed. thanks.

No tric. I look at the seed if it looks like most female seeds I've seen b4 then I plant it. I havent miss yet. Not a tric, just EYES.


Well-Known Member
What exactly does a female seed look like? How can you distinguish it from a male seed?

Please post a pic of a "female" seed and a pic of a "male" seed. thanks.
I mite be wrong but like i said It works 4 me. 6 out of 6 fem, all pic out of a few bags of bud.



My cam is HDD camcorder so the pics arent that good.


Well-Known Member
dude if youre right about being able to tell male and female from seed then that is AWESOME.


Well-Known Member
anyone?? is it true you can really tell from seed? ive heard this is not true but i'm open to any possibilities