First grow - Scrog pc case, Turbo Diesel


Well-Known Member
Cheers matey, first picture is of the non scrogged turbo diesel that growing in an improv cab. Bud production seems very fast. Any guesses on how long to flower? I mean they are already getting trichromes on the leaves at 2 weeks.


Well-Known Member
yo spliff,

dont trim off any leaves or branches. the plant will need these to produce o2. looks good man. check out my old pc grow in my sig.

later man


Well-Known Member
What up Spliff.......Yea I woud'nt touch em.....They need em...I only trim the ones that yellow, which is usually at the bottom.....I moved the journal....Come check out the rest of the grow.....:bigjoint:


New Member
Your buds will fill out. You have lots of time to go until flowering is done, just be patient. And on your other question referring to pruning, don't do it. The plants need their leaves to make food and produce more foliage and ultimately buds. Think of the leaves as solar panels : photosynthesis needs light for it to work , so the surface area of leafy foliage directly affects the amount of light the plants can absorb that they need to produce more fuel for growth, and eventually production of buds. Hope this was helpful. Stop by and ask questions

happy toking JS


Well-Known Member
Im running 103w 1" from buds on the scrog, and ive got 90w over my straight up plant, but im thinking of putting a 100w hps over the straight up.


New Member
ive read that before...word for word
This is not neccessarily a bad thing, there are lots of people that know this information. Hell, you might have heard it in your 4th grade science classroom, as it is general knowledge about any plant with leaves...I don't know about word for word however. Those weren't copied, just an easy paraphrase of what i was trying to explain.


Well-Known Member
Hai guys, wassup? plants havent changed much. still pottering on. I just bought myself a 250w hps and a coupla bits for doing a dwc. im also in the market for a growtent but if i cant find one il just convert a cupboard :). Does anyone know of any organic dwc nutrients?


Well-Known Member
Will do Mr Baked Sir. :P you know best. I cant wait to give a smoke report. Im thinking about air drying the top cola and saving i for a party or a bbq or somethin, and water curing the lower buds for dailey smoking. Looking foreward :D.


Well-Known Member
lookin good dude. simply deff knows his shit. keep in mind you will loose a little more weight if you water cure.
