First grow - Scrog pc case, Turbo Diesel


Well-Known Member
i personally dont have experience with water curing, never really seen the point. BUT in no way am I bashing you, I would love to see how your buds come out water cured!


Well-Known Member
Yeah i know Crazytrain, but my circumstances dont warrant the smell when smoking or the smell while drying all that much. And as for weight, i dont care bout weight, you still use the same amount just less in weight, im not selling, never will.

Cheers simply, im looking foreward to trying it. Might not work, might, whatever, im saving my best colas for air drying and using all the rest for water curing. (also ive got a party coming up so some nice quickly cured smoke would be nice :) )


Active Member
Hey bro nice creative grow ... Looks good as far as chopping i would wait for at least 3 more weeks workin wit cfls u gotta add another week to any crop grown this will put the thc at the rite level an it will hardden up ur buds 3 weeks dudes no earlier i no u wana pull but just be patient trust me ull be very happen when ur tokken on some nice nuggs an as far as water curing goes rite befor u chop leave the plant in darkness for 2 days then chop it very early in the mornin while it was still in darkness an only leave the bud in the water for 4 days ... 5 days 5 days in the perfect amout ive done many water curin grows but ur bud may loose its greeness but hey ull bud will be smooth


Well-Known Member
Hey Zues, im not cropping the whole plant at once, just the top cola, the bottom buds need a while longer. The top cola looks almost there already so im imagining that in 2 weeks its going to be fully, mature, if not i will just leave it longer. :) thanks for the advice anyway.


Well-Known Member
Im using 3 23w cfls and 4 11w cfls.though im pretty sure that the 11w cfls are too far from the plant to be geting any effect. So realistically VERY little wattage for flowering. Im quite happy with what ive got for what ive put in. This is just my first grow so yeah.


Well-Known Member
Plants are really packing on the trichomes now, even the smaller buds are getting all sparkley. wont be long now before TRIMMING DAY :)


Active Member
I have to say im with zues, looks to me like those have long way to go. they will really bulk up a lot. there should be a whole seond and even third round of doubling in bulk. ive never used clfs so maybe im wrong. if your not getting new pistils I guess thats a different story, but give them a chance.


Well-Known Member
you guys sure? these look almost ripe to me, top ones that is, bottom ones are still cookin on. First lot of pictures got a fair few weeks left, those are from the pc case.



Well-Known Member
they are looking really good. Im sure ur anxious to harvest but patience is the key and im sure u heard this plenty of times. Waiting will turn out for the me


Well-Known Member
yo spliff.

lookin good. you still have a few weeks til she is ready. looks like she is getting a little heat stress. what are your temps looking like?



Well-Known Member
Cheers baked, i will, i might nip some a little early, for the bbq comin up ^_^, but im gonna do mah best to keep the best stuff to mature.

CT, yeah its FECKING hot in there, but i cant really get the temps down, because its just a vivarium with a mirror on the back and some mylar on the front, ive got one fan circulating the air, but its pretty much impossible to airtight it, loads of mesh and no real door :| do you think it would be beneficial to remove the 11w cfls and replace them with 1-2 23w bulbs, the 11ws seem to create as much if not MORE heat than the 23ws :\. Yea im gonna replace them with a coupla 23ws, btw to anyone in uk, 23w 2700k 2100lm in wilkinsons for a pound each, bonza.


Well-Known Member
yea i hear ya man. heat can be a huge issue with a pc grow. thats why i cut a hold in the top of my case and put a large fan up there lol. i would take the 11w outa there and stick with the 23w.



Well-Known Member
Actually the pc temps are silly low. Im having trouble keeping them high enough. Temperature in the bud canopy is 72f. Humidity is to shit too but oh well.


Well-Known Member
Yo guys, im renaming the turbodiesel Super Ham. That was all my friend could say. looked at a tin and said it looked like some kind of super ham, so perfect nickname. Its good, hits the spot.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, i just cut my 2 plants, they were ready. harvested 2 ounces wet weight, so im guessing half an ounce of good bud when its all dry. not a massive amount but enough to do me for a while. Smells gorgeous.