First Grow…So Don’t Harsh my Stoke


Active Member
Havn't seen the setup but all the results I see from cfl's makes me wish I never fucked with this stupid hps. I wouldn't have the electical worries I have now. I'm poor all the time too, but a few bucks spent on preventative measures can mean a whole lot saved down the line. I'm not saying go buy whatever expensive new thing the hydro shop guy tells you to, but you gotta do something for your plants when they're indoors cause they don't have the natural defenses they have outside. They depend fully on you to keep bad stuff out.


Active Member
Outdoor Green Crack and Super Silver Haze are doing well, but I'm battling spider mites fairly successfully. The GC is at 55 days of prob 90 or more days. It looks and smells and feels real juicy. The SSH is still stressin from the heat but doing better and showing more signs of flowers all the time. The indoor SSH (17 Days) is really stretching and I'm worried about space, but the flowers are looking nice at 12 days on 12/12 light. Nuff Yappin. Here's the photos.



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Active Member
If you get a tank and a regulator with a solenoid you can figure out the volume of your room and use a five dollar timer to get pretty close to 1200 to 1500 ppm. Figure out the air volume in the room. Figure out the flow rate of your regulator. Assume the ambient Co2 lvl in your room is about 380 ppm. Ya know what just click this link
Cool link, but I didn't ask anything about CO2. Or did I? I don't remember it. I only use my closet, not the whole room, so a whole co2 setup isn't really practical for me. But thanks for stoppin by.



Active Member
Outdoor Green Crack
She's not liking the recent heat wave, which is getting worse. But after that it should be getting much cooler. She doesn't seem to have put on any bulk since I hit her with nutes 3 days ago. And there's a lot of yellowing. I found some mold on some buds, picked it off, sprayed serenade, picked some more off. I'm keeping an eye on it but the regular neem, Zero Toleranc, and Serenade is keeping me pretty worry free. I'm sure I'll harvest a nice little smoke off my first ever plant. Cool.

Outdoor Super Silver Haze
They popped some buds finally. They had been slowly showing a few pistals, but they got a nice spurt recently and are showing the early flower stretch as well. They've adjuted to the heat nicely.

[The outdoor plants actually belong to another patient and are on his property, but I started them, and continue to do most of the care for them because he doesn't have the time or knowledge and I like to help people.]

Indoor Super Silver Haze
The stretch is slowing, thank god. I put some bondage rigs on to keep them down and it's working, but I need more of them. I need a better fan because mine's not penetrating the foliage and it just doesn't get the right angle. I'm not sure I can find the one I want, but I'm goin out tomorrow for both those things.

Yup, thats right, picked up two more to fill out my limit. I had a couple bagseeds growing, but decided I didn't wanna fool with them when I have so little space. This will be an experimental scrog grow project consiting of:

- One black plastic file box I found in my mom's garage. Drains drilled, divider placed in center.
- One much larger black plastic box to act as dark room. Inside lined in panda plastic to block light, strategic holes drilled where exhaust fan from other dark room will blow in and out.
- One T5 high output setup with two blue and two red bulbs.
- One piece of wood chopped up to make a scrog frame, and twine for the screen.
- One bag of FFOF and some extra pearlite

I spent 60 dollars on this project. I had the T5. Just needed the red bulbs, the wood, the twine, the box, and of course, the clones. Cheap, plus it's a waste to not utilize your whole grow limit. And I don't have any space in my hps flower closet.

The idea is to see how much I can grow in a small space with one low wattage light, and one fan. My living arrangement might be shitty next year, but if I can figure a way to keep a small grow going it'll keep my soul at peace. I know the yeild with T5's will be less than amazing, but I don't care if it smokes well. A scrog should allow me to utilize as much of the light as possible. I'll be able to keep it right on top of everything throughout, and it's not hot. So there's some ups and some downs. But I'm stoked cause it's my first scrog and I've wanted to do one and I'm having fun already.

All that's left to do is screw the screen together and drill a few holes. Pics tomorrow when it's all done.


Active Member
Outdoor GC
either decaying mold or decaying bugs ad bug damage in the aftermath of some sprays. I pulled most of it off, sprayed more neem. Flowers are growing, but slowly. It's hot.

Outdoor SSH
Showing some great growth in the added heat actually. Internodal gaps are getting breached all over the place. Titties!

Indoor SSH
Awesome growth on most bud spots but the lower ones near where the AC hits have pistals that are turning brown at the tips and shriveling. It's troubling. I'm gonna check ph and prob flush.

Indoor Blackberry Scrog
Growing nicely. I'm glad I grabbed em before they sat for too long. I can see that I'm gonna be able to train these just the way I want them. Built the screen tonight. Fits like a glove. Gonna place it at 7 inches. I know it's low but I'm flowering under a T5 setup only. 2 red bulbs and 2 blue ones.




Active Member
Indoor SSH
Packin on bulk daily. The buds are so dense, much denser than the almost fully matured Green Crack. Day 25 of 70.

Outdoor Green Crack
Surprised me today. She's closer to done than I thought. Titties! Lookin real mature. Should pack on some more bulk in the next couple weeks before I chop her down.

Outdoor SSH
Took a while to start, but now just poppin buds everywhere, and they look nice!

Indoor BB
Not very conducive to heat. Leaves are cupping toward light and yellowing a bit, burning on the tips. As they grow out of the box, heat should become less of an issue.

Should be studying, but I really don't care. RIU makes me understand the rampant facebook addiction out there lol.



Active Member
haha nice man! Thanks! I got this digi camera hand-me-down as a gift and it works like one of the new 500 dollar+ ones! Thats why the pics are so good. I just took a quick break from studying to rest my head, so I'm out till tomorrow night prob. Feel better!


Active Member
My first! Plant chopped, buds manicured, cherry popped. :mrgreen:

Holdon, lemme take a BT with some scissor hash on it. bongsmilie

Oh that's nice.

Most of it is drying on a screen in a cardboard box. Nothin fancy, no pic of that. I pulled a branch a week before that, when caterpillars started to storm it (pics show one they didn't get to, and one they did. Harvest pics are after the Indoor ones). I wanted something without any safer spray on it. It's cured 4 days now and it got an enthusiastic thumbs up from a snooty grower today. Snooty's the wrong word, he's cool, just very particular. Yeild is low, which I expected. But not this low. Wet weight was about 70% more than an ounce. Oh well, there's more on the way! >>

Indoor Super Silver Haze
It's turnin orange! Lookin so pretty. I dunno if this strain is always like this, but there's almost no leaf material and the buds are hard as rocks. Opposite of the Green Crack, which grew outside and took me about five hours to trim. I can't imagine this stuff will take longer than a few minutes. One is clearly maturing much faster than the others (last pics, you can see the yellowing already), and another is just a bit faster. Supposed to be 27 days till harvest today. 70 total. Judging trichomes with a microscope is not as simple as people make it seem. I might have let the GC go too long and I feel like I'm wasting time even looking through the stupid little thing. I think I may just pick when I can barely find white pistals.

The outdoor super silver is getting very little sun now and really not producing much, but it's something (no pics). The caterpillars havn't gone back to it since I picked them off and sprayed it with safer. The denser nugs are less attractive to them I've noticed. Not like the GC.

The Blackberry Scrog is filling in (no pics). I flipped it on the 5th, eight days ago. No hairs yet. I have a serious problem with flipping plants late. I can't bring myself to flip a plant till the growth looks robust. Even though I don't have the room.

Designing a box/tent for my next grow. I got my engineer roommate to make a sketch on his blueprint program. It's dope, but I can't upload it on my computer so you don't get to see it, ha!

The packed bowl is my first of my own grown, shared with friends of course.




Well-Known Member
Damn son, Lookin real good, Except for the infiltration of caterpillars.
Not bad for your first plant I might add.


groputillor what a fantastic journal mate, nice grow too…

I'm going to be setting up my first grow in a couple of weeks, I think journals are the way forward.


Active Member
Damn son, Lookin real good, Except for the infiltration of caterpillars.
Not bad for your first plant I might add.
Thanks dude! I don't get to talk about growing much, so any validation from anyone really means a lot. Thanks!

groputillor what a fantastic journal mate, nice grow too…

I'm going to be setting up my first grow in a couple of weeks, I think journals are the way forward.
They are. Helps to keep track of things, and others can follow along and check your work for mistakes. I'm happy to help with any questions you might have. The most important thing to do before you plant anything is to make sure that wherever they will be put for darkness is fully built and completely dark. A lot of people (like me) think they can build/finish that while their plants are vegging. The problem is that you can run out of vertical space very quickly, and then you're pretty much fucked. Plants will double or triple in size in the first few weeks after you switch to 12/12 light (induce flowering). My Super Silver Haze did more than that. Almost 4 times growth for one plant. Plan your strain around your space, or your space around your strain if you can. Or if it's bag seed just make sure you'll have enough room for them to triple, and still be far enough from the light to not burn.

I dunno how much of that made sense to you. It would've sounded like Greek to me a few short months ago.

Def research and prepare extensively, but there is only so much you learn without actually doing. There is so much you will learn in the first few weeks. It's a really exciting time. Just make sure to stay prepared and aware. You will run into lots of problems, but it can be really fun solving them. I'm stoked for you. Keep me updated with plans and stuff. A lot of people like to make sketches with computer programs like MS paint. Then they upload them and ask for opinions. I didn't, but should have. It would've helped me anticipate airflow, heat, and humidity issues.

What is your plan for space? closet, box, whole bedroom?


After reading your comments, maybe I've not thought this through enough LOL. I was thinking of building my room with my seeds in veg (you must have read my mind) I take it thats not a good idea then? LOL Better get to work then on my build as my seeds are in germination already....

The whole sit seems Greek to me at the mo, but I'm hoping it will fall into place as I go. I've got a whole room, just got 30 seeds on the go. Its a very exciting time for me at the moment. As I said I'm going to write my own journal in the next week or two, think they are great!

The only thing thats getting me to at the moment is the Co2 issue, cant really afford it at the moment, that will have to come with the second grow. No way back now, spent about £600 so far so its all systems go. I'll have to wait and see.


Active Member
Haha cool, that's what I did too: bought some stuff right away so I'd be forced to follow through. If you have a whole room, then you're kinda out of my league of expertise, and in much better shape than if it was a closet or tent. But I would still get to building immediately. I like your optimism, things will fall into place. Just make sure you're there to catch them. CO2 isn't a must, and there are ways to do it yourself (DIY, that's a term you should always click on if you don't have a bunch of money to throw at this). Look up DIY CO2. Most prob won't be enough for your space, though. Look into how people use thier CO2 tanks from their Paintball guns. That's cheap too. peace