first grow

learing the ways

Well-Known Member
i really dont know to be honest wid i will be happ if i get 2 ounces, i mean its my first grow so im not expecting nethnk amazing lol


Well-Known Member
i cant wait for my new seed to arrive =D Ak-48, Top 44, Shiva, and Travelling Thai anyone grow any of those?


Well-Known Member
haha lmao yah the pics of shiva loooked nice, and i liked it, so i cant wait to see it grow and of course smoke it lmao =D reap my rewards, think its time to smoke a bowl come to think of it lol


Well-Known Member
Nice, this is the first ive checked out your journal and i decided to stay close by and watch, good luck and keep me updated =]


Well-Known Member
would my babies grow any faster if maybe i stuck them under my 400W HPS light?
I would beleive so, i wish i could afford one lol, i just have alot of cfls.

People say with all the cfls i got i coulda got a 4 watt hps but what they dont know is that i got the cfls free =]


Well-Known Member
I would beleive so, i wish i could afford one lol, i just have alot of cfls.

People say with all the cfls i got i coulda got a 4 watt hps but what they dont know is that i got the cfls free =]

lmao nice how many cfls? haha n lucky you got them for free eh lmao :P hhah n i figured you ment 400W lmao


Well-Known Member
I love the tent I have. I wish it was bigger (of course). I have mine in my walk-in closet and it may cause some heat problems if not vented well.