First Grow

Grow Express24

Well-Known Member
Some of plants have leaves that are still dying but gonna let them get all nutrients from those leaves before I get rid of them


Active Member
It's a clear magnesium deficiency, like i said eariler. if it gets worse they'll lock out the calcium and you'll be fucked. :S You really may want to get on it, buddy.


Well-Known Member
I would agree with David, can definitely tell that it is magnesium now...I found this in the plant problem section for you by Nick17gar.

Magnesium (Mg): this is a component of the chlorophyll molecule, it works with enzymes in the plant. Magnesium helps support healthy veins, and leaf production.

Abundance: Excessive levels will create a toxic amount of salts, that will inturn kill your leaves, and lock out calcium.

Deficiency: This is pretty easy to notice, green veins but fully yellow leaves. leaf tips can discolor and curl upwards. leaf edges can feel dry and crispy. the necrosis on the leaf will start at the edges, work all the way around the leaf. the tips will twist and turn, then the leaves will fall off without withering. *mag def is common with too acidic pH*
heres 3 pics of early-med-late deficiencies of magnesium:



Grow Express24

Well-Known Member
I would agree with David, can definitely tell that it is magnesium now...I found this in the plant problem section for you by Nick17gar.

Magnesium (Mg): this is a component of the chlorophyll molecule, it works with enzymes in the plant. Magnesium helps support healthy veins, and leaf production.

Abundance: Excessive levels will create a toxic amount of salts, that will inturn kill your leaves, and lock out calcium.

Deficiency: This is pretty easy to notice, green veins but fully yellow leaves. leaf tips can discolor and curl upwards. leaf edges can feel dry and crispy. the necrosis on the leaf will start at the edges, work all the way around the leaf. the tips will twist and turn, then the leaves will fall off without withering. *mag def is common with too acidic pH*
heres 3 pics of early-med-late deficiencies of magnesium:



Should I lay off of the nutes for a few feedings or do something else???


Well-Known Member
What nutes are you using? I know you probably said but I am lazy...doing school work and reading forums at same time. Do you know if the ferts you are using have micro nutrients?....If no, you can switch ferts or use an epsom salt mixture with your current ferts, which will get magnesium to your plants. Cal/mag can be used, but I know a lot of people use epsom salt just fine, and I believe it's pretty cheap at Wal-Mart. Use about 1 gram per gallon, and if you foliar spray it, you can get it to your plants right away. Do you know if the ferts you are using have any salts in them? It could be that you have a build-up in your soil that's causing magnesium to be locked out if your ferts do have micro nutrients in them. If that's the case, you need to flush, adjust your Ph to be mag friendly (have to jack it up for about a week) and then feed a supplement (epsom or cal/mag).


Active Member
Should I lay off of the nutes for a few feedings or do something else???
GIVE THEM MORE MAGNESIUM. As I said like 3 days ago, they are on a magnesium deficiency. Try to find CalMag supplements. They are currently locking out the calcium. You need to act now or your plants could get severely fucked, buddy :/.


Well-Known Member
O yea! LOL that is Mag... I'm dumb. I use a bit of calmag in my regular feedings... I use distilled water! But it can't hurt to use a bit anyway!


Well-Known Member
Go epsom! I tablespoon per gallon. If you use epsom, you probably won't even need cal/mag. Many people solve a magnesium problem with epsom alone. Google!