-First Indoor 1000 Watt Tent grow-

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
the tying down looks fine.

your cab should have some premade holes for exhaust and intake, atleast 4. get a fan that will fit and try to get it over above your air cooled hood to take out all the hot air that is just lingering up there. you can exhaust into your own room as long as you dont mind the smell. you should always have more exhaust than intake. intake can be completely passive through holes, no fans are needed. so basically the exhaust fans creat all the circulation it will work and it work best exhausting on the top and intake on bottom


New Member
the tying down looks fine.

your cab should have some premade holes for exhaust and intake, atleast 4. get a fan that will fit and try to get it over above your air cooled hood to take out all the hot air that is just lingering up there. you can exhaust into your own room as long as you dont mind the smell. you should always have more exhaust than intake. intake can be completely passive through holes, no fans are needed. so basically the exhaust fans creat all the circulation it will work and it work best exhausting on the top and intake on bottom

ya i think i have 6 premade holes! 2 of them 6 inch and 4 of them 4 inch! and i have premade long rectangle holes at the bottom of the tent with screening on it that is a intake too then correct? i got the tent of ebay if you wanna check it out! anyway so i need another exhaust? are you talking about putting another inline fan on another hole and just route ducting to my window like my other exhasut cuz i dont want to be exhasuting hot air into my bedroom! heres a drawing i made is this wat your talking about? i left the oscilating fans out of the pic lol


Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
yea that works, you can exhaust out your window but that is gonna stink sooner or later and im not sure if you want that, you can fix that with silver but yea u got the right idea man

Bean 420

Well-Known Member
If you have another window get a small a/c that runs 120 volts (normal outlet) if you have to get an extension cord and plug it into a outlet powered off a different breaker then your grow tent. 1000w divided by 120 volts gives you amps your tent is using = 8.3 amps (not including the fans) the box should tell you how many amps it pulls. add them up you don't want to exceed more than around 12 amps ( most outlets are fed off a 15 amp breaker) or you risk tripping the circuit.

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
If you have another window get a small a/c that runs 120 volts (normal outlet) if you have to get an extension cord and plug it into a outlet powered off a different breaker then your grow tent. 1000w divided by 120 volts gives you amps your tent is using = 8.3 amps (not including the fans) the box should tell you how many amps it pulls. add them up you don't want to exceed more than around 12 amps ( most outlets are fed off a 15 amp breaker) or you risk tripping the circuit.

some good quality info right here, you an electrician? +rep bro


New Member
im gonna eventually build a diy carbon filter and use that to filter smells, theres a thread on here on how to do it!

well most common breakers are 15 amps except your washer dryer which are 30(mine is) get past 10 or so and your outlet is gonna get really hot and it will trip if other accesories are used when the amps are that high! um i one have one window in my room right now! im thinking of getting a 8,000 btu portable ac but its amps are around 9.0 so i would have to run it on a different breaker like you said the problem is it says on the box to not use a extension cord with the ac so i dont know wat to do i dont want to wire up a new breaker and outlet :?

also the ac's are about $400 for a decent one but im considering it


Well-Known Member
I was having the same heat problem you are havin, wut I did is close a few AC outlets on the other rooms and bathrooms, that forces more air into the outlets that are open. Then from the outlet in the room where my tent in is, I connected a ductin into the tent. My temps went from 89 to 79, only thing is that my AC now runs 24/7 since the ac thermostat is in the livin' room and the outlet there in closed also. But at least took care of my problem until I can get a portable ac. I unscrewed the outlet vents, cut thick cardboard paper to close the outlets and screw the vents back. I have a few pics of wut I did in my journal, check it out.

Good luck and let us know wut happens.

Bean 420

Well-Known Member
Mr. bitti you called it i'm an electrician.
Dank A heavy gauge extension would be fine just make sure its no longer than you need, and higher temperature ambient(room temps) will actually increase the chance of the circuit tripping

Bean 420

Well-Known Member
:hump:Mr. bitti you called it i'm an electrician.
Dank A heavy gauge extension would be fine just make sure its no longer than you need, and higher temperature ambient(room temps) will actually increase the chance of the circuit tripping


New Member
:hump:Mr. bitti you called it i'm an electrician.
Dank A heavy gauge extension would be fine just make sure its no longer than you need, and higher temperature ambient(room temps) will actually increase the chance of the circuit tripping

ok i might have to do that soon from the looks of everything! its gets real hot here in cali, anyway heres some pics of them as there just waking up tonight:hump:

i wish i would of flowered these a long time ago, there all getting too big and tall even with them tied down, i guess we all learn the first time huh lol


Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
you can still super crop them to control height. basically what you do is pick a spot on the stem and start squeezing it with your fingers all around and really just crush it in. then wiggle the plant a bit and the weight of the top will bend the stem all the way to a side, or you can push her to the side you want her to go. heres some pics to give you a visual example



New Member
you can still super crop them to control height. basically what you do is pick a spot on the stem and start squeezing it with your fingers all around and really just crush it in. then wiggle the plant a bit and the weight of the top will bend the stem all the way to a side, or you can push her to the side you want her to go. heres some pics to give you a visual example

im definatly gonna have to try it! heres some pics i just took (day 14)

i have some clones that all just rooted and there still in my dome, how should i go about transplanting them into soil so i can veg them! i transplanted 2 of them and they died! they wilted then shrivaled up!!! i know how to transplant, wat else can be wrong??? they all have roots!!! is it because of the humidifying dome??? wat should i do??? thanks guys i jsut dont want all these freshly rooted clones to die! im good at killing things lol


Well-Known Member
i didnt realize you still had the dome over the transplanted cuttings... that is the problem.. to much humidty can choke out the plant but no letting it transpire and it will die... to much moisture in the air and the plants can't breath through their leaves... this would more than likely cause your problem....


New Member
i didnt realize you still had the dome over the transplanted cuttings... that is the problem.. to much humidty can choke out the plant but no letting it transpire and it will die... to much moisture in the air and the plants can't breath through their leaves... this would more than likely cause your problem....
well the ones i transplanted into dixie cups arnt in the dome, i took those out and transplanted them watered them and put it right next to the dome under the flo light maybe too hot next to the dome, that wouldnt matter though cuz its HOT in the dome right??? idk wat happened im stumped! i thought the roots were gonna be the hard part lol! so im on day 24 for the clones and they all have roots that are out dangling, should i just take the dome off now or leave it on there??? heres a couple pics i took this morning



Well-Known Member
hmm... well a couple things.. first your clones are sorta rough looking.. you want to take strong cuttings for clones for sure... this could be the cause of all the problems... secondly, yea you definatly want to remove the dome.. you only need the dome the first couple days after taking the cutting... and there still is a chance the humidity is what killed you clones... if they were choked out before you transplanted them and dieing it wouldnt show for a few days.. could just be a coincedence that it happened right after you transplanted...


Well-Known Member
Yeah 24 days and you still have the dome on, that suffocated your clones,3-7 days with the dome on so humidity levels can be about 100% after that you should start taking the dome off more frequently until it's completely off.Leafs will start yellowing once they start rooting and eventually you'll notice new growth on top that looks light green that's when I usually transplant.I leave two sets of fan leafs if they are huge fan leafs I cut the leafs in half and start cutting any yellowing or crisp leaf tips.You still having heat issues??That's why I stop using my grow tents.I just split a room in half with black plastic,it still kinda was getting warm so I set up a swamp cooler outside the window and ran 6 inch ducting inside.Now my room is definitely cooler highs of 83 at the canopy.I run Co2 so my temps can be a little higher.Good Luck hope you resolve your heat issues


New Member
ya that was my problem then iv had that dome on there since day one and i took it off 2 times a day for a minute! k well the domes off now! i woke up this morning and now 2 more are hella wilty! Oh i almost forgot i squeezed the clone that died and the one that is wilty right above the rockwool and it seemed like the stem was full of water! is that the start of mold or rot from it sittin on the water for so long? anyway i transplanted all of them but six! when i get home ill let you guys know how they look after a day, thanxs everyone, ya my tent gets hot on hot days i need to get a ac! ill end up getting one sooner or later!


Well-Known Member
i definatly believe humidty has been the problem... that your plants have essentially been absorbing water but not transpiring it... so they are super soggy from chillin in the water plus the humidity... i hope they make it for you.. would suck if they all wilted up... just keep them in a cool place with relatively low humidity if you can... i am pretty sure they will spring back...