First indoor grow help please


Ive recently decided to cultivate a nice plant (hopefully) in efforts to save a little cash, and harvest a more than decent smoke so here are the details.
CFL cupboard dresser box:

Made stainless steel hood at work
15 × 15 with 2 45 degree bends makin it 11 × 15
It hangs on hooks in which the chain links can be lowered or raised at 1/2" intervals.
It holds
2x 42w 6500k
4×13w 6500k ( 2 hanging off each side in order to surround planter)
1x26w 2700k

Air flow- 2x 4 inch desk fans from wal mart
The exhaust hole is cut and fan takes hot air out hangin from outside box good seal with computer fan cover on inside for space saving reasons. No intake yet but 3 inch cord hole will do the trick for now it is not air tight either but its not terrible. The other fan sits on the hood blowing air down and horizontal both cooling the hood and giving a light breeze to the plants.

Soil- year old miracle grow potting soil, was inside so no pests, mineralized and nitrogen-ized( haha) with fish tank water (sprayed when dry, then sat in sun every day for two weeks, coming in at night) learned this trick as I am an avid aquarium gardener and use soil under sand as a substrate) also a little fresh top soil no name nothing special, just wanted to even out the nutrient density a bit. The potting mix has tons of verm/perl
And have use the same mix on other house plants with great success.
I use a 1 gal pot with a strainer bottom for great drainage and a little aeration to the bottom when dry

Btw it is gloss white on the inside , had emergency banket up but got way to hot an toasted my plants

I have 3 3-4 week old plants from bagseed, I intend to get 1 female out of the deal , if I get a half ounce im happy, its a first grow and im no pro..yet. I live in canada and the laws are pretty lenienant

My plants were doing great after one feed of 1ml each a and b of dnf bloom formula started after week 3 ( sunday) , then I got stupid........ the next week I got trigger happy with the ol syringe and added 2.5 to almost 3 ml of each a and b when the suggusted dose is 5 ml . These are young plants and I probably shouldnt have fed them yet in the first place. Ive learned that and will put it in my back pocket for the next grow. Now my plants are both toasted from that stupid hot 2700 k (took it out) and nutrient burned from the steroid pumped feed . I did a flush with 3 gal of water that sat out 24h with airstone the ph is 7 in my area. The plants have new growth but I FIMd one for experimental reason before the burn and I think its a gonner. They were growing nice with tight nodes until this terrible incident, hopefully with some help from u farmers I can still recover this grow. Pics upon request, but still am unsure of the security of this site lol. PLEASE HELP THIS NEWBIE


I learned pretty much everything I know off this site and used to be a frequent guerrilla grower, but as they say quality over quantity


Active Member
Sorry to sorta threadjack but what's the worry with uploading pics? If they are stripped of the exif data, show nothing indentifiable and you upload via tor, is there anything to worry about? I ask because I've uploaded pics to the site now you got me worrying lol!

Holy Grail 888

Well-Known Member
Ive recently decided to cultivate a nice plant (hopefully) in efforts to save a little cash, and harvest a more than decent smoke so here are the details.
CFL cupboard dresser box:

Made stainless steel hood at work
15 × 15 with 2 45 degree bends makin it 11 × 15
It hangs on hooks in which the chain links can be lowered or raised at 1/2" intervals.
It holds
2x 42w 6500k
4×13w 6500k ( 2 hanging off each side in order to surround planter)
1x26w 2700k

Air flow- 2x 4 inch desk fans from wal mart
The exhaust hole is cut and fan takes hot air out hangin from outside box good seal with computer fan cover on inside for space saving reasons. No intake yet but 3 inch cord hole will do the trick for now it is not air tight either but its not terrible. The other fan sits on the hood blowing air down and horizontal both cooling the hood and giving a light breeze to the plants.

Soil- year old miracle grow potting soil, was inside so no pests, mineralized and nitrogen-ized( haha) with fish tank water (sprayed when dry, then sat in sun every day for two weeks, coming in at night) learned this trick as I am an avid aquarium gardener and use soil under sand as a substrate) also a little fresh top soil no name nothing special, just wanted to even out the nutrient density a bit. The potting mix has tons of verm/perl
And have use the same mix on other house plants with great success.
I use a 1 gal pot with a strainer bottom for great drainage and a little aeration to the bottom when dry

Btw it is gloss white on the inside , had emergency banket up but got way to hot an toasted my plants

I have 3 3-4 week old plants from bagseed, I intend to get 1 female out of the deal , if I get a half ounce im happy, its a first grow and im no pro..yet. I live in canada and the laws are pretty lenienant

My plants were doing great after one feed of 1ml each a and b of dnf bloom formula started after week 3 ( sunday) , then I got stupid........ the next week I got trigger happy with the ol syringe and added 2.5 to almost 3 ml of each a and b when the suggusted dose is 5 ml . These are young plants and I probably shouldnt have fed them yet in the first place. Ive learned that and will put it in my back pocket for the next grow. Now my plants are both toasted from that stupid hot 2700 k (took it out) and nutrient burned from the steroid pumped feed . I did a flush with 3 gal of water that sat out 24h with airstone the ph is 7 in my area. The plants have new growth but I FIMd one for experimental reason before the burn and I think its a gonner. They were growing nice with tight nodes until this terrible incident, hopefully with some help from u farmers I can still recover this grow. Pics upon request, but still am unsure of the security of this site lol. PLEASE HELP THIS NEWBIE
i love your project bro. sounds like a good plan so far.
id love to see pics !



Well-Known Member
The 250w would never be noticed. You're using 150 watts right now, with the lighting you're using.

OR at the least you could go with a 150watt hps, which gives you a much stronger light from a single source, making it very intense. In fact if you could remove the hood of the 150, run a bare bulb inside the entire tent..


Sorry to sorta threadjack but what's the worry with uploading pics? If they are stripped of the exif data, show nothing indentifiable and you upload via tor, is there anything to worry about? I ask because I've uploaded pics to the site now you got me worrying lol!
Honestly im just a sketchbag, i posted pics what the hell right ?


The 250w would never be noticed. You're using 150 watts right now, with the lighting you're using.

OR at the least you could go with a 150watt hps, which gives you a much stronger light from a single source, making it very intense. In fact if you could remove the hood of the 150, run a bare bulb inside the entire tent..
The two main issues with hps price and heat are big for me my plants are frying under cfls with losts of airflow, my guess low humidity


When sould I feed again? Regular weekly so this sunday? There is new growth and the flush probably murked the nutes out


Well-Known Member
If you pay your bills why would he be suspicious?
Personally I'd tell him to fuck off, that is if I paid my bills on time and have no past issues with him or anyone in the community.

He has no right to ask why you're using extra power, unless you and him share the same power source and his lights flicker or get surged when he turns on his iron because of your lights.

Pay your bill, keep your mouth shut, take care of odor, keep it hidden, and you'll never have a problem.

On a side note, get a PPM/EC meter, you won't regret it, I know I don't.
The best way to tell if you flushed your medium properly is to drain to waste with water for a while, then check run off, if its high thats a good sign most of it is coming out, after another flush, if its low, flushed!


If you pay your bills why would he be suspicious?
Personally I'd tell him to fuck off, that is if I paid my bills on time and have no past issues with him or anyone in the community.

He has no right to ask why you're using extra power, unless you and him share the same power source and his lights flicker or get surged when he turns on his iron because of your lights.

Pay your bill, keep your mouth shut, take care of odor, keep it hidden, and you'll never have a problem.

On a side note, get a PPM/EC meter, you won't regret it, I know I don't.
The best way to tell if you flushed your medium properly is to drain to waste with water for a while, then check run off, if its high thats a good sign most of it is coming out, after another flush, if its low, flushed!
Thanks for the help and no, hes super chill and knows I blaze but my rent is inclusive which means he pays the bills, I rent half a house, he doesn't live here and im friends with the people upstairs who also burn ( for obv reasons they dont know about this) an hps light seems like overkill when i only want one plant at a time, I dont maybe im just not ready to take that dedicated leap yet lol


They look heat stressed, what kind of temps are you running?
I put fish tank thermomin there and it read 90 plus , from the 2700 bulb and emergency blankey combo I hadnt cut the vent holes yet so it was basically two fans circulating hot air. Now the temps are 77-80 max as I have added 50% ( exhaust only so far) of the correct ventilation


Well what did the miracle grow bag say feeds for three months or what?
No it was a basic bag for indoor plants, but i def over did the mineralizing/fish water combo even though I evened out with top soil , which comes to think of it comes with tons of manure in it. Inreally think i smoke to muchnpot some times * face palm*


They look heat stressed, what kind of temps are you running?
They look heat stressed, what kind of temps are you running?
started in 90 plus with no ventilation and emergency blanket, dumb of me I know jus two fans blowin hot air. Slowly improved when I tookmdown blanket as the walls are white any ways removed 2700 k bulb as it was also hot as hell, cheapy one 2 bucks at dollar store. Made 5 inch hole for exhaust and nowmpulls hot air out I have fan inplan tonuse for intake circulatingnin the boxnuntil inhave time time to cut another hole. Temps now ramge 75-80 max. Sorry for bad typing, I blame this damn tablet!
They look heat stressed, what kind of temps are you running?


Lol I dont grt this forum thing, sorry for replying twice.. im a google searcher not a forum lurker :$


Well-Known Member
Oh, good. That should help. Not sure about growing 3 in one pot but I'm not a cabinet grower. Does that ever work out? Hard to imagine them producing well so crowded.