First Legal Grow


Well-Known Member
Nice grow so far bud.

I went straight in to 12-12 after a 36 hour dark period.

I started adding Molasses as soon as i went into flower but have since read it should be the 2nd week of flower you introduce it, might be worth having a search.

Looking good.


Well-Known Member
huh oh well i've been in flower for 4 days, whats the 36 hours of dark supposed to do? really tell the girls that it's time to start flowering i guess, and i added aboult a tablespoon to 2 gallons i gave the girls the day i put em into flower, i'll look into it for the next grow, but can't have hurt em i riiight??

anyways here are a couple pics, the babies are resting right now



Well-Known Member
huh oh well i've been in flower for 4 days, whats the 36 hours of dark supposed to do? really tell the girls that it's time to start flowering i guess, and i added aboult a tablespoon to 2 gallons i gave the girls the day i put em into flower, i'll look into it for the next grow, but can't have hurt em i riiight??

anyways here are a couple pics, the babies are resting right now

Yeah it just makes sure they go into flower, worked great for me and the amount of new growth i got in that period was significant.

I've carried on feeding molasses don't know if it hurt them or not but it didn't kill them that's for sure (i am doing 1 tbs per gallon of water)


Active Member
I'm trying to give them everything they would get if they were outdoors. Light, fresh air, and darkness. I would hate it if the lights were on all the time. So I turn my lights off for 6 hours at night. Cool thing is whenever I check on them in the morning they look as if they explode with growth. ITs crazy watchin my babies grow!


Well-Known Member
yea i like leaving my babies 4 to 6 hours of light a night but i bought 2 timers from this wack website and neither of them work. i feel Retarded waiting to flower 4 more days cause of timers that didn't even work when they got here. so for now (i'm REAL low on funds) i'm using my cheapass timer for the flower room 12/12 and leaving the babies on 24 hours a day, i might give them an hour or two off during the day if i'm around, but hopefully i can pick up another timer soon...

bout to call the assholes who sold me broken gear and let em have it


Active Member
Whats the molasses supposed to do for the plant. I keep reading about this
and still have no idea.


Well-Known Member
so i watered yesterday, still giving em a little 8-7-6 fert really weak strength, i've been watching some other grows where the leaves turned yellow early cause of not enough N later in the flowering stage

Plants took off! stretching a lil bit, they grew an inch since yesterday!! lovin the growth, i'll post pics in a bit


Well-Known Member
also, wondering when they should start to show in flower? cause its been 7 days and they've got major growth but i haven't seen anything, i was just reading somebody whose strain started to show after 2 days in flower...


Active Member
also, wondering when they should start to show in flower? cause its been 7 days and they've got major growth but i haven't seen anything, i was just reading somebody whose strain started to show after 2 days in flower...
It all depends on the strain. At least that what I've read. Do you have any pistols or anything?


Well-Known Member
yea i think so....

just got back from the store with yeast and sugar. bout to make my own co2


Well-Known Member
Mine took 6-7 days but sure yours will be a matter of days now.

I'm not familiar with the strains your growing are they Indica and Sativa, if they're Satvia which i think they are then they look good to mebongsmilie


Well-Known Member
yea ok guys thanks for the words of encouragement. the og diesel's started showing pretty clearly today, doesn't look like the blueberry or choc. diesel are far behind

csd to tell you the truth i'm not sure. og is a sativa i think, other two are indica? or might it be the other way around haha.

i'm using the yeast/sugar mix with two gallon jugs in my grow room. thing is its starting to stink pretty bad, this is a closet grow in my room. havent been home in 24 hours and i'm not sure if i'm going to be able to tolerate the smell. its been 24 hours since i put em in i'll let em it for another 24 see if i can't get used to the smell or something.


Well-Known Member
do you mean the co2 bomb smells or the bomb smoke in the closet? if its the ladies i would love to smell :D
but foreal, read threw the journal and im loving the set up. same thing i hope to have in a few months. your gonna love that blueberry plant :)