First low budget closet grow///how am i doing???

Hey bro, considering you started out with an incandescent light bulb until you learned some they look pretty damn good. In most other cases they would be dead by now, but you took the time to straighten things out and get this far.
As far as time/yield... I would not expect them to be done for a bit yet
hopefully they will fill out more.
Everyone else is absolutely correct you need more CFLs in there if you want to get any kind of a yield.
Have you figured out what you are going to do for light on the next grow?
You can get a good 400W HPS for about 200-300 dollars.
But I realize you have limits.
even a 4 bulb fluoro would be better than what you have.
Go to home depot and look at how cheap shop lights are.
Look at the HO ones (high output) like T8 or T5 models.
They grow plants way better than what you have.
Buds are looking like some sweet smoke. I would just love to see you get a ton more of it.
I will do some looking and post a few links here for you about fluros later.
keep up what your doing and you will get some smoke for your troubles
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once again its not about the hairs... the trichomes. . about your pics? could always use more light. .


that one dont even seem to be gettin light. or you got another light that comes on??

yeah i had a light over it but it was getting in the way of the light from the 2 cfl's i have because it just had an incadecent bulb on it so i thought it would get more from the 2 cfl's which are only an inch firther away then the old light was from it
Hey bro, considering you started out with an incandescent light bulb until you learned some they look pretty damn good. In most other cases they would be dead by now, but you took the time to straighten things out and get this far.
As far as time/yield... I would not expect them to be done for a bit yet
hopefully they will fill out more.
Everyone else is absolutely correct you need more CFLs in there if you want to get any kind of a yield.
Have you figured out what you are going to do for light on the next grow?
You can get a good 400W HPS for about 200-300 dollars.
But I realize you have limits.
even a 4 bulb fluoro would be better than what you have.
Go to home depot and look at how cheap shop lights are.
Look at the HO ones (high output) like T8 or T5 models.
They grow plants way better than what you have.
Buds are looking like some sweet smoke. I would just love to see you get a ton more of it.
I will do some looking and post a few links here for you about fluros later.
keep up what your doing and you will get some smoke for your troubles

thanks bro im gonna get 2 more cfl's so i have thje full 4 but 2 for now seems ok yeah i think im gonna have to go the full 12 weeks mabey to get a decent yeild but mabey not im gonna try and get the last 2 cfl's this week but from what i can see 5 weeks 2 days of flower there looks to be about 5 grams of bud if it was dried out so hopefully i can get more in the end even if not im gonna have a next go and ill have 2 400 watt hps and 4 cfl's for the bottoms of the plants ( more light cant hurt ) so
am i seeing this correctly? are those branches taped to the wall?
LOL no!!!!
He has to tape the door to the OP when its light out because of light leaks
Thats scrap light leak tape.
I does look like they are taped to each other for support 'tho.
I would use string or twist ties or cloth strips or zip ties or anything else myself, but Heh whatever works some times.
haha i got bamboo sticks now i bought em yesterday .... the one was tapped to the wall because of falling over all the time but now the tallest 3 have bamboo sticks and the smaller one chop sticks haha but its working ive now tapped tin foil down around the cfl's so the light reflects a bit better

and the tape on the wall used to hold the lights in place when the plants were smaller haha its not taping the plants up its just old tape haha im gona take it off today but havent wanted to because i might knock into the plants
well today is 5 weeks 5 days of flower and i must say 2 of the plants are starting to fill out nicley now, i watered the biggest with a little bit of fertz this morning and the plant is doing ok the rest still have a day or 2 left tell watering

more pistils gainging everyday, bud sites developing well and growing larger ( still small on plants 3 and 4 .... plants 1 and 2 are filling out more ( mainly number 1 )

hoping all goes well shooting for 10-12 weeks im probly gonna go 12 if i can but might not be able to because the person where im growing it is moving soon and might cut the time short so mabey loooking at between 8-10 weeks this is horrible i can only hope the buds will still be nice they have a nice skunk smell to them already hoping there skunk seeds
Most "filling in" happens during the last few weeks so I hope you are able to hang in there till they are ready.
haha thanks guys .... so alto at what about 6-8 weeks they start to fill out more or 8-10 or 10-12 weeks which weeks will i see the biggest improvements?
are you growing indica or sativa? and what strain or is it bagseed?
bagseed if I remember right and looks so very sativa
It may take a while to finish and the best stuff always happens right before its ripe.
Think about it as an apple
It takes a while to grow the apple, but once it starts turning red all the good sweetness happens.
thanks alto ill keep that in mind and yes itd bag seed and yes its sativa very much and im loving the smell coming off my biggest one more pics soon
quick update - - - -

the plants are all coming along nicley i now have a 42 watt cfl in a fixture at the bottom of plants 1, 3 and 4 im hoping to have the bottom buds fill out within the next 5-6 weeks before the plants are done. this light is also the only light on the small plant and is giving it alot of light, well its giving alot of light in the entire closet.

the buds are still growing more hairs and the older ones are turning red and the ones that were red are getting a dark amber.

the biggest plant and most matured plant 1 is the only one with a skinky smell the others just have a very strong plant smell so far hoping within the next 2 weeks they start to smell.

i would guess that theres about 3/4 to an ounce of wet weed so far on all 4 plants and cant wait tell they fill out more.

all is going well and all 4 plants are mooking pretty good considering my horrible start with the incadecent lights im going to try and get my boy to bring the camera over today so i can take more pics and post em
also the plants are gaining tons of crystals on the buds and leafs surrounding the buds also some of the bigger fan leaves aswell

the plants are 6 weeks and 4 days of flower so 4-5 1/2 weeks left
thanks alto ... sorry for the lack in posts ive been working 7 days a week latley works gettin busy but im back up now

update - - - - -

plant 1 is getting some big buds on her, she has a nice skunky smell and i love opening the door everyday to smell that dank ... shes looking like im gonna get an ounce off of this plant alone.. shes really starting to fill out now on the bottom because of the 150 watt equiv cfl its making the bottom buds look bigger

plant 2, 3, and 4 are also coming along but allot slower, there gaining bud mass but at a much slower pace, they still dont have alot of red hairs and they still dont have a weed smell yet there still planty smelling. (is this normal)

its 7 weeks and 4 days of flower today so 4 - 4 1/2 weeks left i cant wait to hang these bitches up and dry em and smoke em the wait is killing me

im gonna post pics up really soon and again sorry for the delay on pics and posts
oh and thanks in advance for the help

also all the leaves on plant 1 the tips are going brown and i havent been ferting, is this normal or does anyone know what this could be from.....thanks